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Posts posted by phate408

  1. We should meet up some time, Phate408. Well done on getting your problem fixed!

    Thanks to Admin for the quick response and the fix!

    And Franz, I suspect we'll be meeting again right near the next update, haha.
  2. So this afternoon (Around 11/29/2014 3:19PM) I went to nuke one of my war partners, http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=496822 , and got this screen as expected: XmKqcpT.png

    However, after clicking Launch Attack, I get an error that that nation has already been nuked today. He can't have been nuked, as I'm the only nation at war with him, I hadn't nuked him yet, and he's not in anarchy. This also consumed a nuke each time I tried, losing two of my nukes.

  3. Yes, I understand what's going wrong, and how to avoid it. That's not my concern, I can get around the issue just fine. I was just reporting the bug in case Admin didn't know about it. But if it's a longstanding bug as Locke says, then he probably already does and this thread can be ignored. Thanks for the input though.

  4. Actually, if you log out of CN, and click the first link in my original post, refreshing the page doesn't fix it. At least in FF 11.0.

    And, assuming that refreshing the page does fix it, it's still a bug.

  5. I've found on more then one occasion that when given a link on IRC to a search wars page, either for a specific nation's wars, or wars for an alliance, that if I click it when not logged into CN, it asks me to login, and when I do, directs me to the search wars page but with no results. If I then re-click the link, it shows up with all the wars.

    Example link: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=Regnum
    Redirected to: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=Regnum

    Browser: Firefox 11.0 on Windows 7

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