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Posts posted by Kurtz12

  1. T everyone replying to this topic I owe you an apology. I feel like a douchebag but I was approached to fill an already completed trade circle. I wasn't looking for it, I just recieved a message about it. Sorry.

    I am going to remove my name but I will leave the post up for everyone who is still interested, with my removal it is half way completed. I will keep updating it until someone else reposts the pertinent information in a new thread. I will also be contacting all the posters personally via ingame message. Again my apologies, totally a jerk move on my part.

  2. [quote]TPF has always been honorable. That some funny !@#$! Keep thinking that.

    In my dealings with TPF I have only found them to be honorable and good allies. I don't think MHA is a bad alliance (I was MHA for two rounds) and while you are no Thai you have done a good job leading MHA, but you are wrong about this Hisk.

    I also understand why MHA would feel it was necessary to defend Fark as Fark has been a pretty constant ally of MHA but TPF is acting just as honorably in their defense of OLC. TPF has definitely fought their share of wars and I appreciate them once again taking up arms in our defense.

    TPF you guys are awesome, kick some $@!.
    MHA and Fark, you're allright too but for once I'll be rooting against you. May your nations crumble.

  3. [quote name='Dr Don' date='16 February 2010 - 06:58 AM' timestamp='1266332303' post='2185565']
    Drex540 may have beaten me but I have:


    and would love to join this circle (already orange)
    Sorry Drex beat you with his offer of rubber. Sorry, if he drops out you are definitely in. I would like to put you in since you are orange but he did reply first and is willing to switch colors.

  4. [quote]Bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww still all I see here [/quote]

    Glad to see you have something to contribute Hisk. How many wars has MHA been in this round again?

    I still like you Hisk. :)

    Just saw you declare on TPF so I mostly take my comment back. I just expect MHA to fight like a gazillion wars.

  5. Thanks for the Props Wiz. Diablofan I appreciate you correcting your previous oversight. Melancholy SSR I remeber putting you in anarchy too. Locke you are entertaining. It's been a good war and I think all of us Cobra's have appreciated the test. I am looking forward to my imminent destruction, Anarchy should be just around the corner. Casualties aren't as high as last round but I'm still working on that. Go Cobra's!!!

  6. Just wanted to say SOS and Fark are both great alliances and OLC is enjoying the opportunity to get to know them better. Good luck to our opponents and thanks to our friends RD and TPF for coming to our aid.

    Also my nation is running low on supplies of cheesybacon and farkistani beer.

  7. We at OLC welcome Fark to the battle. I'm pretty sure we offered peace to SOS several times but this should be fun. We're a little dinged up but never war weary. And hey TE is all about going all out. We'll give you our best shot Fark.

  8. Orange 8 BR Trade Circle + Uranium

    Starting an Orange 8 BR Trade Circle with Uranium

    Iron: Proud Soldier
    Lead: Munki
    Marble: Velocity
    Lumber: Proud Soldier
    Aluminum: Munki
    Rubber: Dr. Don
    Wheat: Velocity
    Water: Czechinthepipes
    Coal: Vorhit
    Uranium: Vorhit
    Gold: Dr. Don
    Oil: Czechinthepipes

    Bonus Resources are:
    Radiation Clean-up

    If you are interested please post your resources and your nation link and I will update the circle.
    Long term trades only please and be on Orange or willing to switch to Orange as this is an Orange Trade Circle.

    My nation link is:http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=338203

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