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Posts posted by Taliburn

  1. [quote name='Canik' timestamp='1331751980' post='2938056']
    Why is Gibsonian12 curiously similar to your name? What happened to SCY? This is all very suspect!
    They are brothers, and SCY had RL issues..... Or maybe he didn't :P

    Congrats to our friends GOD and glad this is finalized



  2. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1329099407' post='2919315']
    Lol, you brought in MCXA?

    Grats on peace.

    Only like 5 nations, and it wasn't that they needed it, We were just tech raiding too :)

    [quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1329158441' post='2919594']
    MCXA, beaten by everyone and anyone.
    You forgot to add, (all at the same time) But your forgiving

    Congrats on peace BTA and Mogols, hopefully these things can get worked out before it escalates in the future..

  3. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1324761842' post='2885807']
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. You are merely perpetuating the pathetic cycle that alliances like yours are trapped in. The more you flail around here like a fish out of water, the more sealed the world's perception is of your alliance is. I'd say you should leave the talking to your betters in MCXA but by all accounts, you don't have any. Congratulations.

    You probably shouldn't bait Umbrella either, for that matter.

    My point is, i didn't say nothing wrong for someone to come out and tell me to stop posting. They feel it's their duty to put there two cents in when they don't have a right commenting to begin with. But like they always been doing, they try and make a post about them, instead of leaving it about the topic it was meant for. but i guess when you been kissing @#$ all these years , some people feel it's there right to say what they please.

  4. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1324755838' post='2885737']
    But the difference is that Lusi is a well-known OWF speaker and established alliance leader. Nobody is mad that they got called out other than you. You need to learn to lurk before posting as often. You're embarrassing your entire alliance.
    Please , i read some of his comments. And what am i saying bad that's embarrassing my alliance? Please elaborate. What because i'm disagreeing with someone who is telling me they don't like what i'm saying. Well too bad for them Opinions are like a-holes, everyones got one, and i will be dammed if i will take crap from anybody on here and tell me i can't give mt opinion. Maybe you should learn what type of person i am before running off on your mouth about me. Again if you don't like what i say, move on to the next post. Because i will always express myself.

  5. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1324742118' post='2885617']
    That's up to you really, I wasn't saying you should shut up because your posts hold any sort of relevance I was actually saying it because it is easier for people to respect you better next time you get rolled if you're not running your loud mouth around the forum. If you don't see the benefits on shutting up, then, by all means, carry on.
    you should take your own advice. Think i care if i get rolled? I'm not a pixle hugger, and nothing i said in any of my comments was derogatory towards anyone. I have an opinion and i expressed it. What you are the only one who can comment and think you sound cool. Are you mad someone is calling you out? Go play OWF police with someone else. If you don't like what i say, then move on to the next post. Have a good day <_<

  6. [quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1324690597' post='2885250']
    Read what you were referring to, saw what you wrote, decided it didn't sound like it came from someone surrendering, and was just wondering if you were taking back your surrender.

    If our GOV says we surrender, then that's just what it is. I make no excuses for what our GOV thinks is best and never said once that we didn't get a beaten. But also have to add that we also gave some knocks too. It was a good war and let's not undermine what it really was. If having me say i surrendered makes you and your alliance feel better, then i surrendered. Glad to make your day. :P

  7. [quote name='Parandiac' timestamp='1324687483' post='2885205']

    i was actually waiting for two more of you guys to counter my attack on jrkee but it never came.

    I'm not going to lie, i was watching your NS and was hoping you got beat down just a little more. But it never happened :( Kinda sad, but knew i would have gotten beating down so kinda GLAD :) We did build our nations to according to your plan.

  8. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1324684934' post='2885156']
    Didn't declare victory there

    Not here either.

    Nor here.

    Oh look, he didn't declare victory in this sentence either.

    Surprise, no declaration of victory

    Still waiting for this declaration of victory :unsure:

    Still waiting...

    Still no declaration of victory.

    You have to stop doing that when i'm drinking, laughing so hard it came through my nose. :lol1: also i don't take into people trying to spin someones words around, i would be the first one to admit defeat, but an honorable defeat it was. Like i said in my earlier post, MOST people we were at war with were classy, and then you have the ones who were nuked and are bitter. That's the ones who do the most bad mouthing.

    Great show by us and great wars all around, i had fun and can't wait to do it again. we did what we had to do and we were well prepared, even if we did take a beating.

    It's sad that people are still hung up on MCXA and can't seem to give credit for anything we do. But it don't matter if it's 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 10 we will do whatever we can to help our friends. And i think these last 3 wars proves that, even if people don't want to admit it.

    Happy Holidays everyone

  9. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1324663036' post='2884946']
    By now, you probably should have figured already it's better for you when you shut up.
    And who are you? And why is that. Now i'll be on the boards commenting more thanks for the encouragement.

    [quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1324670776' post='2885021']
    you know, if you keep declaring victory like this, I'm going to start thinking your surrender wasn't very heartfelt.
    Did you actually read what i was referring too? Or just seen what i wrote and figured you would put your two cents in.

    [quote name='Parandiac' timestamp='1324676412' post='2885071']
    you're in my range but i am in nucelar anarchy and unable to declare on you. if i were able, i'd set you up for a nuke at 2359 hours on christmas eve just so you understand what a real war is.

    you aren't in anarchy because you pick fights with people that are easy targets. i pick fights with people that are bigger than me and have nukes. i don't seek out fights with people i know i will beat handily- that was foisted on me by my alliance in it's war declarations. but you know, sometimes you just have to roll the little guy, right?

    i changed you to DEFCON 4 since i can't declare open war on you. i'm saddened by the fact that i won't get to attack you since your alliance has taken peace, but hopefully the people that are attacking you will enjoy your diminished state of readiness.

    moral of the story: don't pat yourself on the back when you really haven't accomplished anything at all.

    as for the peace, i welcome itfor my old alliance. i've had a wonderful time fighting my old friend jrkee and he is by far the classiest opponent i have ever faced. it hurt me a little inside to have to attack a friend and former alliance-mate, but i got over that pretty quick. out of the nine people i've fought, he and one other person have actually given me a decent fight. i guess the only way this round of wars could have been any better is if i had gotten to fight AndrewHG as well.

    good job, BFF and allies. not much else to add. we know what's going down. chax on my mom, probably. love you, dad.

    Parandiac .......... We were placing bets on who would face you..As you see Jrkee won :)
    Good luck and Happy holidays.


  10. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1324657301' post='2884900']
    You accomplished your goal of not surrendering until your ally got peace, no reason to be bash you there MCXA.
    thanks, At least one person gets it. Now if only you can school these haters on the concept of going into war and then leaving war. I'll try again

    We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves.

    Maybe saying it more then once, you will understand. If not i teach the uneducated at a discount rate, because of the holidays. :popcorn:

  11. [quote name='Max Power' timestamp='1324653295' post='2884860']
    What gets to me is that MCXA openly claims to not care about Polar all that much, yet this is the second straight war MCXA has come in to defend an ally that was defending Polar directly. (Counting Sentinel as a bloc in this war.) You'd think if MCXA really didn't want to defend Polar, it'd explain to said allies that it wouldn't support a Polar defence on their parts. The "first ally attacked" thing kind of auto-treaties MCXA to its allies' allies...
    Oh i didn't know we should be dictating who our allies are treatied too. Ok to all our allies you can't have friends unless we see if we like them. Really? :huh:

  12. [quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1324650686' post='2884839']
    Speaking for myself, I appreciate MCXA's unerring ability to find the wrong side of every war. It makes you a very useful "south" for my moral compass.

    Someone has to stick up for the smaller guys :)

  13. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1324635436' post='2884757']
    You do realize MCXA could have just chosen the winning side if they really wanted too or neutrality even, right? They've gotten leveled and get leveled practically every year.

    I think that's why they are upset. They rather had us wait till one of our allies was in on the winning side rather then defend the first ally who got attacked. We are a bunch of meeny peopl. Bad MCXA...bad MCXA

    On a serious note, glad to come in and fight for our friends in GDA and glad to have allies like NADC who also came in knowing the situation and to help out all they can


  14. [quote name='Scorn' timestamp='1324616536' post='2884582']
    I am almost surprised that the no-reentry clause is there and so all encompassing. It prevents MCXA from jumping in to help their allies caught on the other side of the war.
    hahaha i am sure the other side doesn't need the help considering they now have ten alliances free of war and who can declared on someone because someone farted 3 yrs ago

  15. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1324613879' post='2884542']
    I'm disappointed you guys would make him pay reps, this terms are unjust, etc.

    Congrats on peace though.
    It's ok, we are actually starting a collection between our members to come up with these harsh rep request :P

    Even though we were outnumbered Again 8-1, i like to say there are a lot of respectable fighters on all fronts of this war, even if they are buttholes on here.


  16. [quote name='Sang Amurwabhumi' timestamp='1323888708' post='2877919']
    Wow that's serious accusation
    lol So declare on us...Oh wait that already happened :)

    [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1323898850' post='2878021']
    All bickering aside, I do indeed enjoy fighting MCXA (far more than I enjoyed making our target list <_< )

    MCXA is taking a massive beating. I would personally like to see a surrender soon just for their sake, but the fact that they haven't surrendered yet under the weight of all of us is a testament to how much they've matured since our last war imo.
    We enjoy a good fight, and i think that's what it is about, but it would be nice to win once in a while :P

    [quote name='JonathanB' timestamp='1323899214' post='2878025']
    or their determination to not look like a joke again

    I agree our last war was pathetic and i would hope to never go through that again. But this war we are more prepared and knowledgeable. Lets see how far that takes us :lol1:

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