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Draco Malfoy

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Posts posted by Draco Malfoy

  1. To me, a moralist is someone who believes in right and wrong in this game and lives to a supposed "moral code." I personally consider myself a moralist and always try to do what I perceive as the right thing. I do believe that there is a place for tech raiding in this world under certain conditions.

    In this war people are using the term moralist to describe the Polar side but I don't see it that way. How do you see it?

    Moral relativism is a good thing in my opinion.

  2. When he's accusing Grub of spurious bullcrap, which never happened, it's not exactly a matter of hearsay for Grub to call him a liar.

    Once Grub is shown to be a liar, then you can call him a hypocrite, until then, keep your baseless namecalling to yourself.

    Actually I never called him a name, that was you that insinuated that I called AlmightyGrub something. I stated that I believe his words were hypocritical on the basis that it was ludicrous for someone to be called a liar because another individual merely says so. It is precisely hearsay because one doesn't have to be proven a liar first. As a matter of fact, if one was proven to be a liar then the answer would be quite evident one way or the other. As it stands, the water remains murky and it still remains hearsay because neither side to my knowledge has revealed wexactly what happened in the diplomatic back channels.

    Also, I would like to hear your logic at how one must be proven a liar first in order for it to be hearsay. To my knowledge hearsay is related to accusations, not the results of being found guilty of something.

  3. Hi

    You are a bare faced liar, I honestly do not know how you can come on these forums and sprout total rubbish like that... oh wait I do, it suits your agenda.

    Polaris has made an offer, it is final, it is current and it is not going to be debated any further. Fight if you want to fight, burn if you want to burn, but do not try to spin this around on me. Also lol, liar.

    Your posts smack of total and absolute hypocrisy. Not because of what the poster you're replying to has stated, but that you accuse him of spinning this against you. Both sides are actively courting the international scene on who is at fault and who is on the "right side" of things. Saying someone is a liar, while not providing proof of what they say is wrong is simply hearsay. Your word versus his, and frankly that doesn't mean that you're right or he is.

    Perhaps if you provided a little more than the usual bellicose language, we might be able to get somewhere.

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