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johnathan buck

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Posts posted by johnathan buck

  1. [quote name='greco' timestamp='1346016501' post='3025472']
    Wow dude how could my name have slipped your mind ......



    Sorry RR....it had slipped my mind. I'll send you my new number so that you have it, I can text the US and that, so it'll be a good thing.

    Anyways I haven't logged in for a bit, for those who want to fully stay in contact pm me and I'll get you my info for contacting me since a few do.

    As I said mate (Directed at RR) a few people did slip my mind.

    For my full reasoning of leaving CN.

    My grandma has Alzheimer's, I'm at college...my grandfather just about died due to a infection he got. So I think it's time to leave the game fully, and well it sucks but I'll stay in. If the mods/admin could keep my account open for at least 15 days after the nation is deleted so that people can pm me contact info so I may stay in contact with them, it would be highly appreciated.

    o/ to all former and current NAAC

    o/ to all of those in the NpO that I know

    o/ to TDO for being great sports when I did log in to my nation

    o/ to the CN community for the respect I have received from you guys, I know I screwed up in the past, but I am glad that those who have had past grudges can forgive.

    o/ to the admin for keeping the game fully alive while we argue amongst each other.

  2. Well since the multi quote decided to not work...

    D34th, with school I'll be to busy...two projects a week and then working in photo editing on my off time pretty well. As well my english course being taught by a PHD teacher..who I've talked with already and been told we'll have at least a small test in that class as well.. >.<

    Daj, I'll keep in contact over the polaris forums, but other than that I dont know how much time I'll truly have going into a busy program

    [quote name='EmperorFrederick' timestamp='1345818475' post='3024889']
    You'll be back. I did CN from 2006-2008 and now i'm back! It's magnetic.

    I've come back multiple times....I just don't feel at home anymore in the community, which is why I think it's time to move on and go forth with RL.

    @Kurdank Auf Wiedersehen, my friend.

    @Pickle, you'll have to ask James and Celtic. I'm not sure...


    Also TDO's chancellor has attacked me. :D time for fun.

  3. Well, to those who know me. Know in the land of RL, that I'll be going to school here in less than a week for my photography courses.

    So this is the last time I will ever log onto the CN forums most likely, since while I'm at school I'm on residence.

    To those who helped with NAAC thank you, over the past few months we've gone silent due to real life issues.

    I will not be returning to the game after this, I plan on leaving completely since I see no point in staying when I'm logging in every 5 to 15 days.

    My shoutouts, well everyone knows who I talk to.

    Celtic- Sorry that I couldn't stay longer mate.

    James- Was glad to see ya again mate, and good workin with ya again.

    To all those who's names escape me at the moment, thank you for well making me feel home, when I came back. I really appreciated it.

    I will be going out the same as everyone else pretty well, battling it out. TDO is my target, and those who say the neutrals are easy, haven't faced a TDO nation normally, I give respect to them since I've fought against some of their alliance members in the past.

    So with that, I bid the CN community farewell, and hope that the community does recover at some point.

    For the last time.


  4. I see it as a defensive.

    Alliance A attacks Alliance B = offensive campaign

    Alliance B's allies attacking Alliance A = counter attack/Defensive campaign

    Alliance C being Alliance A's allie and thus attacking Alliance B's allies = Defensive campaign.

    Now in saying that.

    Say you have NPO for example since they stand out in my mind, they had allies on both sides of the war this time. In my opinion if I was in the NPO leadership, I would have voted to stay out of it due to conflicts of interest, since you could have possible Blue on Blue (OCC: Friendly fire).

    That's probably who this thread was made about though.

  5. [quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1340577973' post='2994772']
    If you don't want someone pissed at you, perhaps you shouldn't tell them "$%&@ you in the ass".

    To hold hate, defeats the point of a peaceful resolution.

    You sir, are the only IRON member I've seen holding hate.

    Taking one persons actions for the representation of the entire alliance is wrong, and you should reconsider your tone with some of LSF's members. I don't get along with all of them either, the ones I do get along with I have a good friendship with, we can discussion OCC issues like they're nothing.

    But you, all I see from you is a snake spewing venom, I also see a uncontrollable temper. Be good to get that in check.

  6. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1340341443' post='2992460']
    I appreciate that and understand. Let it be known that those things you have told me remain with me and will stay that way. I'm not the type of person to reveal all of your personal information simply to "Get back" at you.

    This is why, I do not judge, and I still hold respect for you not spewing what I said all over the world.

    Thank you, and same to the stuff you have told me since I do suspect some of it to be true.

  7. Well for me, a hate does breed inside me for the fact I told you some MAJOR OCC things due to you gaining my trust quick/me being open about parts of my past, and for that trust factor just went to hell.

    While I did suspect it, I put my suspicions to the back of my mind to ignore them since I'd rather take a person at times for who they present themselves to be as will most humans since we feel "comfortable" talking to that person. But I've also learned I have no place to judge, and in this situation that applies.

  8. [quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1339819983' post='2985559']
    Now now, let's not distort the past. River Rats and JRF is where it (and me) was at.

    I just wish that stuff was still alive.

    Now to stay on topic, I think Kzopp did put it quite plainly and honestly. Kudos to him.

    Who won in 2008? :P

    Kzop made a nice post? Wait what?

    Anyway just came to grapple with ted xD

  9. [quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1339810669' post='2985424']
    everyone that bansky views as not worth the prestige that comes with him being able to see their posts is blocked. i think he has conversations with himself

    Teddy you suxz

    Regalia > Vets

    Also Bye, wish ya the best in the land of Real life.

  10. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1339655353' post='2983089']
    They have to. It's their excuse for starting this to get out of the LSF/NoR conflict. I wouldn't take it too personally.

    Why do we keep agreeing....

    I don't agree with this war, I find it funny how the LSF/NoR conflict starts and then this one does.

    To be honest this puts CnG in a bad position, they now have two wars that they are involved in via treaties.

    I wouldn't be surprised if INT does declare on NoR, then CnG would be split. Thus stretching to a breaking point.


    Oh well, people don't seem to think CB's or wars through anymore <_<

  11. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1338944571' post='2977979']
    To be fair alliances aren't responsible for their members tech deals, the exception being when alliance want to protect the nations who don't fulfill their tech deal obligations.

    Again if you read the second post, you will see I agreed with what Ro said.

    D34th you've been in an alliance with me before, you know how I am.


    USMC blamed me for the last one let's not do this again. It's not wise on your part nor will I play the repetitive little game with you back and forth, to the point where you just start insulting randomly.

  12. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1338943319' post='2977968']
    Typically, an absorption doesn't mean the tech deals of the members of the alliance that is absorbed are wiped clean. If they move over and are masked members on the forums, then yes, they'll be completed but we're not going to take responsibility for people who don't move or sign up.

    That is fine, but if one of the people that moves to your AA doesn't deliver I will be in contact.

    As for the others. Let me worry about them, you don't have to.

  13. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1338723820' post='2976488']
    I know the treaty debate is a bit old, but please remember that due to the Moldavi Doctrine the NSO recognizes an ODOAP with every alliance in the game, and therefore will always have the maximum number of treaties. :smug:

    /me looks at Dilber and smacks him


  14. YAY less useless threads

    [quote name='LOLman789789' timestamp='1335909771' post='2961799']
    One of your diplomats wants me to kill myself in real life. Is that really needed? Do you really want me to die in Real Life?

    Just going to say...that's not a good thing to kid about...and if it did happen some action does need to be taken that's a bit unreasonable I will say myself.


  15. [center][img]http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa260/mishken/Epilogue.png[/img][/center]

    [center][img] http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l30/Ravage100/NAAC/Flag.gif [/img][/center]

    Hello, and Greetings.

    I am Johnathan buck of the NAAC.

    We are a small tight nit group, that has a lot to offer. We are more like a family than an alliance, we fight, and we get along and agree.

    For being a small group, we are also strong. Currently we are sitting around 431,988 NS, with a Average Nation strength of 26,999, for being only 16 nations we are pretty strong.

    Currently, we have re-evaluated the "nation building program" and we have started a small one, but you must be active within the alliance to receive it. Within this "nation building program" we attempt to get you up to 999.99 infrastructure as this will put you in range of more of our nations to help with defense. We also do tech deals with the smaller nations, what is a tech deal you might ask?

    A tech deal is where one nation sends three million dollars to another nation. 10 days later 50 tech is sent to the nation that sent the money, another 10 days passes and another 50 tech is sent to the paying nation. Or it can be done with 50 which is only one shipment of tech.

    [center][size="4"][u][b]Some of the many things we have to offer.[/b][/u][/size]
    An extensive library within our forums, on topics ranging from starting out as a nation to running an alliance.

    Experience within our small group of members, we have three newer members the rest of us are players who have had our current nations for over a few years, or have had past nations and have re-rolled.

    Protection from raiders, and protection from attackers due to our Protectorate treaty from TLR.[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110326"]Protectorate treaty NAAC[/url]

    We also have war experience, this is one thing that is crucial to have within the cyber-verse today and something a lot of alliances don't talk about.

    [center][size="4"][u][b]Some quick links for our alliance.[/b][/u][/size][/center]

    [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110325&st=0"]NAAC Declaration of Existence/Reformation[/url]

    [url="http://z4.invisionfree.com/NAAC/index.php"]NAAC Forums[/url]

    [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/National_Alliance_of_Arctic_Countries_(2nd)"]NAAC (2nd) Wiki[/url]

    [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=National%20Alliance%20of%20Arctic%20Countries"]NAAC Alliance statistics[/url]

    We hope to see you on our forums applying.

    Also for diplomats, the NAAC forums are open to you as well. Just put in a diplomatic application and we will process it within 24 hours.

  16. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1335154056' post='2957604']
    I mean I became a nation ruler in early 2008 (a few months before I made my forum account) and my first alliance's raid rules were AA's under 5 or unaligned nations. Considering the world came to be in 2006, and it is now 2012, it seems like we've had relatively lax raiding rules for a lot longer than we ever had the strict ones. I would be interested to see the population alongside a graph of the years to see if raiding coincided with a decline in nations.

    Hereno, we have finally found something we can agree on.

    I remember when I was in an alliance that allowed raiding, it was the same rules as Hereno's first one, for unaligned we had that we couldn't raid them if they were in tech deals (out of kind) and that we couldn't use Air strikes, or Cruise missiles to attack with.

    Over the time I've been on the game, I have noticed a drastic change in the raiding rules. I've also joined alliances that don't allow any form of raiding.

    At one point, if I saw a nation being raided I actually had a big enough war chest back when they were really harped on that you needed them. I would go to war with the raider and help the other guy get peace by hitting the raider hard enough that they would back off. Of course this got me attacked and ZI'd by \m/, but fighting \m/ was fun, and it taught me quite a bit.

    So, as Hereno said a chart with the raiding stats, and the decline in nations would be interesting to see.

    Another thing I'd like to see done, is alliances tighten their raiding rules so that we can see if that helps with the population of the game. Just an experiment for us to run.

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