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Arynar Ventys

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Posts posted by Arynar Ventys

  1. (Dictionary.com ---> Treason 3.) the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.)

    The above post and this Dictionary reference deserves a story, if I do say so myself!

    "There once was a boy named johnny-"

    Ah, wait, wrong storybook... Lemme, just- ah! Here we go!

    I found myself peering into a beautiful mosiac, put together by true friends and trusted fellows that I held dear to my heart.
    We had just come out of one heck of a battlefield, and we decided to show the world what we could do! We created something that I felt was absolutely perfect. Truly, there was nothing better than the creation of a masterpiece? I took a look at it and I marveled in it's colors... The forest green, the sky blue, the wonderful pieces that fit together so well. It was truly the masterpiece I believed it-

    I heard a small voice in the back of my head state something to me... "Why do you say it's green? It's obviously brown. And that blue is most definitely red. Those pieces, where do you think they got them from?"

    My vision blurred for a moment, my feelings of peace faltered for a feeling of guilt and depression- why that was, however, I couldn't understand.
    But then it became clear again. The blues and greens returned; the perfectly positioned pieces became less messy and more profound once more.

    And then the voice returned, saying, "But the pieces don't fit together. The story is all messed up... You're not seeing it, you're not-"
    I silenced the voice in my head. I was happy here, why should I have to sacrifice that? Why should I take the hard road when the easy road was so much-


    I heard it somewhere, I couldn't tell from which direction- or perhaps it was the voice in my head.
    My vision faltered again; the browns and reds returned, the room became dimmer, and I could see my friends holding things behind their backs.

    Then it returned to normal.

    I began to think I was crazy... So I returned to gaze at the mosiac, to behold it's grandeur and-

    It wasn't-
    It couldn't-

    I must be going crazy. This mosiac in front of me was made up of carved out pieces of back-skin, still bloodied and fresh, each one identifiable in some way from a previous person that I had considered to be an obstacle in the path of this wonderful- no, this barbaric creation. Each person that I had once considered a friend, and had abandoned because...

    "It was too easy. I just had to do something so simple... I just had to do my part, and place my part of the skin on this mosiac- I didn't even have to know what I was doing, just do it was all I need accomplish."

    The lights to the room dimmed. I looked around again, and I could see my friends standing there, hands behind their backs, blood on their shirts...

    "I'm a traitor... We're all traitors..." I said quietly, for fear of being heard.
    Some of them looked at me funnily. I backed away a bit.

    I turned around and saw the voice in my head take form...
    It was another friend of my past. One whom I had so deftly taken a chunk of back out of with-

    I looked into my hand and saw a dagger. All I could do was drop it, looking forlornly at the person I still considered a friend, ever guiltful of what I had done.
    I looked around, and I walked up to a long-time friend whom I trusted without question; "We're traitors, don't you see! I can't even begin to mention in how many ways we've gone wrong, how many times- I can't even begin to comprehend that we've stabbed friends we've held dear! Don't you see?!"

    He looked so puzzled, and he looked in a way fearful. Then he said back to me... "We're traitors, don't you see! I can't even begin to mention in how many ways we've gone wrong, how many times- I can't even begin to comprehend that we've stabbed friends we've held dear! Don't you see?!"

    I took it for face value, it didn't even occur to me what he had done. I didn't even see that he still held his knife.

    I got him to start walking around to each friend, but before I even finished with the third I grew weary of it. I couldn't make them see... It occured to me that the first person I talked to was just parroting what I said, so that he could-

    "It's so easy just to take the easy way out... Just to walk down the path of least resistance, getting rid of anything in your path..."

    It was so clear to me now, as I walked back up to that voice... Not one voice, but many voices now.
    They had tried to make me see many times. I blocked them out for far too long.

    I looked at our new leader, the creator of the Mosiac. I saw and beheld the wicked dagger she held in her hand. It was right next to her. She didn't even hide it.
    I looked at one who had hurt the voice more than any other. He held his dagger to his chest. I wondered if he would even think twice about using it.
    I saw the long-time friend. He claimed to have dropped the dagger, but I seriously questioned that...
    I saw the friend of another, whom at that moment looked at the dagger and didn't even care that he was holding it... Didn't even care that he still held on to it.
    I saw the others around me, and I saw how easily they could've been led on.

    Even if they weren't, there were just too many coincidences that led up to this creation- this culmination- of treachery.
    And I asked myself... Now that I can see the insanity...

    can I ever trust these people again?






    "I think not."

    I disappeared for a moment. And then I reappeared, cleansed.

    Why should I have to think about trust? You either trust, or you do not, and if you doubt your trust in someone you may as well not trust them at all.

    "I believed in these people..."

    And yet they founded their group on treachery... There was no trust to base this mosiac off of, it was simply a grouping of like-minded individuals who agreed that
    stabbing others in the back was better than stabbing eachother in the back.

    "And there are still the others..."

    I can only hope that they see the bigger picture. It's not one that you can just build up an understanding of; it's a concept that you either grasp, or you do not.

    "Ah well..."

    I turned to the others, the voices-no-more.

    "Leave them to rot."

    And the voices in my head faded, as I walked from a dim and bleak world,

    Back into the home I should never have left.


  2. I'd like to have a wonderful clarification of something;

    When the original discussions of annoyance at the Brigade Chief Arrnea's leadership started, on occasion, the term 'coup' and 'impeachment' were used in an interchangeable sense. Thus, some of the people who used said words were idiots, because such words are -not- interchangeable. When the word got back to Arrnea, it came in the form of just 'coup.' Impeachment was left out. This coupled with when the members had been confronted and denying everything, not the good or the bad but -everything- and essentially handing in their resignations on the spot (thus proving their idiocy) made the Brigade Chief lose his trust in the members in question, and therefore he removed them from government. Admittedly Tohru was ousted before being consulted about it, and that would've made things a lot better if it had been explained that it was an impeachment attempt and not a coup.

    tl;dr - idiots used 'coup' and 'impeach' interchangeably, got ousted because of it. Not everyone was consulted, leading to drama.

    edit - and before anyone shouts 'coup and impeach are -not the same-!' that's why I used the term 'idiot.'

  3. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1287652291' post='2489628']
    Then you guys should clear up this AA thing with NSO and find out if they don't mind, but either way I don't think trying to revive an April Fools joke is the best way to start an alliance and you guys might want to consider a name change before you get overly attached to something.

    Or, two things could happen that would benefit everyone; 1.) NsO and NSO being recognized as two different acronyms. Companies and Products do this all the time. Some even share acronyms. NsO and NSO are not the AA's, New Sakura Order and New Sith Order are the AA's, that'd be another thing to recognize.

    2.) You could realize that this was a viable consideration before it was ever an april fools joke, and that just because it was used as such doesn't negate it being a viable option.

  4. The flowers are blooming...

    In a garden of tranquility and peace,

    We see the Sakura Flower.

    It blooms late this year,

    But here it is, nonetheless.

    It is far from it's origins, yet near to the heart,

    And it is strong, growing.

    It is willing to do more;

    And ready to show it's beauty.

    For it is drawing ever near to blossoming.

    This Sakura Flower is not alone:

    There are many like it,

    And they see each other with delight.

    Their petals open wide,

    Radiant beauty shines.

    Ready to do more,

    Ready to grow,

    To be Unified,

    To be Strong,

    And to Bloom.

    Today marks the day that the Sakura Flowers bloom,

    In a garden of tranquility and peace.

    Where they shall not die,

    For one thing is certain;

    In this Garden,

    The Sakura is Eternal.

  5. Here's to a brand new year, and a continued existence!


    Especially to our allies, close friends, protectors, and yes, even our enemies, both near and far, hated and disliked. Without you guys we definitely wouldn't have made it this far.

    o/ Arrnea, Diablofan, Katsumi, Elrich von Richt, and me!
    And especially all the SOS-dan members, both previous, returned, and within.


    Listen to the wise words of our Emperor! As his son, and as a prince, I must say that he speaks only that which is true.

    Do not be fooled, only those who take and grasp what is truly theirs will become anything in this world. The Britannian Empires' Glorious Cause is a just one, one that will further ALL of humanity!

    Equality is stagnation, Inequality is progress...


    ~~~~ Clovis la Britannia

  7. Oh my, just look at the time! (of death) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Mays <--- reference to OP time.

    Honestly, hasn't this [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoIndoorVoice"]No Indoor Voice Fest[/url] gone on long enough. <--- Oh look, reference to Billy Mays here too!

    I mean, seriously... Seriously? This went from amusing to annoying, fast. Just like the commercials. In all honesty, it'd be perfectly fine as an alliance, without the excessive caps.

  8. [quote name='Kenji Fujimoto' date='16 March 2010 - 10:35 PM' timestamp='1268804419' post='2228035']
    I would like to join. My nation has Uranium and Wine

    >< Gimme a sec to fix the thing and I'll add you as well.

    Edit: Fix'd and added.

  9. First attempt at using the forums to create a Trade Circle, so bear with me here. The way this'll work out is simple; I'll post some beginner details about the TC that we happen to be working on at the time, and then you sigh up for it if you happen to be interested!

    First up!

    3 BR Trade Circle -
    Fast Food, Fine Jewelry, Affluent Population + URANIUM = NOOKS (or money, your choice.)

    Color Sphere: Blue

    Silver - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=169556]Imperator Honorius[/url]

    Sugar - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=169556]Imperator Honorius[/url]

    Uranium - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=387982]Kenji_Fujimoto[/url]

    Fish - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=379175]Tohru[/url]

    Fur -

    Cattle -

    Coal -

    Gems -

    Gold -

    Pigs -

    Spices - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=379175]Tohru[/url]

    Wine - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=387982]Kenji_Fujimoto[/url]

    The bonuses you'll see are:


    Population increase: 25.9%

    Citizen income increase: $10 (+6.00 more with Nukes)

    Natural growth increase: x3

    Population happiness increase: 15.5

    Purchase land area increase: 24.2%[/quote]


    Infrastructure upkeep: -3%[/quote]


    Initial infrastructure cost: -4%

    Technology cost decrease: -5%

    Initial land cost: -14.5%[/quote]


    Soldier increase: 24.2%

    Submarine purchase cost decrease: -5%

    Submarine upkeep cost decrease: -5%

    Aircraft carrier purchase cost decrease: -5%

    Aircraft Carrier upkeep cost decrease: -5%

    Nuclear Weapons upkeep decrease: -50%

    Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5[/quote]

    Thank you ahead of time for signing up, and for those that even took the time to read it, A HEARTY THANKS TO YOU TOO!

  10. If Aluminum and Gold are still open for TC 6, I'll take it.


    I'm orange right now, but I'm willing to switch to Red.

    Ignore the 4 trades I have currently, If this is successful I'm going to cancel them, but notify them first.

  11. Team: Orange
    Nation Name: Regnum Sapentiae
    National Leader: Arynar Ventys
    Link to Nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=374268
    Your Resources: Gold and Aluminum
    Needed Resources: I'm actually looking for an 8BR Trade Circle. I will switch colors if need be, as I would prefer to have the happiness bonuses from trades.

    I have 4 active trades already, but don't mind that. As soon as I get my notice of placement in a Trade Circle, I'll notify the others that I will be canceling the trades.

  12. Arynar grabbed the constitution lightly from her hand, reveling in the smile he had gained from her. Truly a wonderous sight to see, one that not many ever saw. He felt blessed, really. But more than that, there was a sense of his own happiness brought about from the smile, as if he had fulfilled some secret wish-

    Okay, those thoughts were not allowed. Really, he truly was letting Terra's eccentric ideals get to him.

    "I am pleased to hear that, Haruhi...*cough* -sama." He caught himself off-guard on that. Again another slip of the tongue, yet he let out a cough in between, additionally saying, "Sorry, something caught in my throat." It wasn't quite a smooth recovery, but hopefully it sufficed. "Or rather, I should still say Empress Haruhi, should I not?"

    He also added in another question into the mix, hopefully to further along past mixed feelings he had just created in himself. "Also, what may I ask were you thinking about?"


    Meanwhile, Terra Syndar was conferring with the newest member of the Imperium Government; High Peacekeeper Yara Hana. Terra was highly confident that the constitution would be accepted, and it was still a nice idea to at least have things ready behind the scenes.

    "So, Yara. Tell me, you've now got a position in the government, just as you originally wanted. You're stuck in the High Peacekeeper position, at least until we find someone better or you're dead. Such is the way of a semi-meritocracy I'm afraid. Are you willing to be the guiding hand of peace within the Imperial Republic?"

    "More so than you might realize." Yara said rather bluntly.

    "Oho~! A strong spirit this one has! What luck. Well then, first things first; I want you to oversee the High Imperialist's movements, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I mean, trust me, he's a great guy, he puts on the most friendly face in the world, but... sometimes I worry about the guy; he's not all to honest with himself."

    "Wait- you want me to spy on the High Imperialist- spy on Arynar Ventys?" She gaped at Terra Syndar.

    "No no no, not spy... merely be his voice of reason. Encourage him to confide in you, and give him the advice he needs. It's all part of keeping the peace, I assure you!" He smiled at her, and offered up a glass. "Care for a drink?"

    "I don't drink, sir."

    "Ah, what a shame. More for me, then!"

  13. Arynar Ventys had made the short trip back to the capital, sending word ahead of time of his request to see the Empress. He took a deep breath, and then realized he wasn't quite as nervous as the time before last. Nothing could quite prepare him, still, but a lot of reflection on whom the Empress really was had stilled his beating heart.

    He blushed at his choice of words in his thought. He certainly was letting Terra's persistent pestering get to him. Ever since that one little slip of the lack of formal mention of the Empresses name... It was still aggravating to think about. Even as he climbed the steps of the Palace to meet the Empress, the thought of that man made his blood boil.

    Surely, they were indeed great friends, but that man, Terra Syndar. Truly an aggravating person once he got started. In a good way, though. Life was certainly a lot livelier with him around. Yet it was specifically that reason that he decided to leave Terra at home, instead of letting him follow himself around until they met the Empress, so he could make snide remarks behind his back about the way Arynar acted.

    Arynar himself sighed at that thought, even as he presented himself to the guards, even as he got clearance, even as he walked his way to the Throne room... though not all at once, and certainly intermittently.

    He stood outside of the throne room doors, straightening his new clothing, similar to that of the original ones, yet in red and black this time; the Colors of the Imperial Republic.

    He took out the Constitution that they had managed to draft up, and awaited Empress Haruhi's word to enter.

    [quote]Here follows the rules and dications of the Imperial Republic, also known as the IR’s constitution.

    The Imperial Republic
    Hereby announces,
    The Rules and Dictations
    Of the Imperial Republic.

    Contained within here is the entirety of the Imperial Republic’s Rules and Dictations, as laid down by the Republic, and enforced by the Imperium.
    All of the Rules and Dictations henceforth described are in entirety up to the sole interpretation of a High Imperialist or Senate Leader.

    Article I. – Rules.
    Rules are those which all must follow and adhere to; The Republic, the Imperium, the People, all must submit to the Rules laid down by the Republics will. The only group aloud to create or change Rules is the Senate, under the Republic.

    Article II. – Dictations.
    Upon the laying down of the Rules, Dictations may be given out by the Imperium. These dictations will serve to guide the people towards prosperous times, even if there must first be strife. Before a Dictation may be given out, proper Rules must be created, or if they are already created must be referenced for the Dictation to be valid.

    Article III. – Government Structure.
    The structure of the Government is as follows;
    Imperium Branch
    - Citizenry Commander(Rank’s 8-6)
    - (Ranking from Local, Provincial, National)
    - Imperial Commander(Rank’s 5-2)
    - (Ranking from Local, Provincial, National, International)
    - High Imperialist (Rank 1)
    Republic Branch
    - Citizenry Representative (Rank 3)
    - Imperial Representative (Rank 2)
    - High Senator (Rank 1)
    The People
    - Civilian (No Rank)
    - Citizen (Rank 2)
    - Imperial (Rank 1)

    Article IV. – Decision Making Process.
    Not all decisions are made upon a national level. As such, this government structure follows that of a Hierarchy, from lowest number to highest number in ranking. Rules and Dictations follow the same path, but all must follow the Rules and Dictations of those above them. If a Rule is made at the National Level, then it takes effect in all areas. If a Rule is made at the Local Level, then it applies only to the Locale.

    Article V. Citizenry and Imperialist Application Tests. (CAT and IAT)
    The CAT is as follows; a no-nonsense application test to see if the applicant has a basic ability to understand politics. These things can be learned in any classroom. If one excels in passing this test, one may continue on to take part in Citizenry Ranking Government and Peacekeeping.
    The IAT is as follows; a no-nonsense application test to see if the applicant has an advanced knowledge and perception of politics. These things can either be learned through experience, or through advanced courses in any school. Passing this test grants the applicant the ability to take part in Imperialist Ranking Government and Peacekeeping.
    Both tests follow a fluid code; there is no truly right or wrong answer, only a perception of one’s beliefs and the ability to understand and accept other beliefs is required. It can be taken in either written or speech forms. (And Physical for Military Applicants.)
    (For Physical Applications, one must exhibit calmness, strength, and agility fitting that of a proper soldier of the Rank they are applying for.)

    Article VI. – Peacekeeping Forces.
    The Imperial Republic, as a sovereign nation, may keep a peacekeeping force, also known as a Military, known henceforth as the Keepers. The Keepers shall be the arm of the Imperium, and shall be both the common helper and the judges of the Imperial Republic.
    Article IX. – Judiciary Keepers.
    The Keepers are also the judiciary Arm of the Imperial Republic. However, they must outsource any criminal investigation to 3rd parties for analysis of Data. If, in the event of a motion of No-Confidence in a Judiciary Keeper, these third parties also serve to act as secondary Judiciaries. In order for a motion of No-Confidence to pass, it must be reviewed by 3 local and 1 national Imperial Representatives from the Republic Branch.

    Article VII. – Voting.
    Voting in any aspect of government may only be held by a Citizen rank or Imperial rank, as dictated by the CAT or IAT. Anyone who has taken and passed the CAT or IAT is considered part of the government, whether they are involved in the Imperium or the Republic or not; they take up the whole of what is ‘The People.’

    Article VIII. – Amendment to the Constitution.
    The desirable way to change this Constitution is to change it through political means, via consultation with both the High Imperialist and High Senator. Barring this, a majority vote of 70/30% from both the Citizenry and Imperialist Branches of The People may allow for an Amendment.
    In addition, amendments to this Constitution may be solely made by the Empress of Japan.

    Article X. – Semi-sovereignty.
    The Imperial Republic is, itself, a sovereign country. However, this sovereignty may be revoked by the Empress of Japan at any time.[/quote]

    Upon summoning into the Throne Room, Arynar Ventys would waste no time in giving the Constitution to the Empress, with the words, "My lady, I do believe there is a constitution that is in need of approval." He hoped he wouldn't stutter as he said that.


  14. OOC: Forgive me practically abandoning the DoE, I had a small issue with EvR not responding, and couldn't think of another way to continue it. XP

    Arynar stood with Terra Syndar on a balcony overlooking the capital city, the largest port city within the region that had been given to them, which had been renamed to their whim; Imperium City. It was renamed to such after long deliberation, and it was simplistic, yet served to remind the populace that the Imperial Branch was the one that gave the commands, while the Republic Branch would be based further inland.

    "So, we've yet to actually set up rules. What shall be our first course of action?" Terra said, as he took a sip of the drink he had just gotten from the drink cabinet. Arynar responded slowly.

    "When we took up these gibberish names, we forsaked our old names to look forward to the future. That is what we shall do here. The first rule we make will only have the future in mind."

    "So what shall the rule be?" Terra wasn't one to lead a person on, and usually had all the answers he needed. He was playing a game here, and Arynar was glad to provide the entertainment.

    "It would only make sense that the first rule would be to draft a constitution, get it approved by Emperess Haruhi, and have the Imperial Branch enforce that constitution. There is much we must do, but this shall be the first step."

    "True enough. So, who's going to draft this little constitution of ours?" Terra sighed. "Surely it wouldn't be me, would it?"

    "Of course it's going to be you. You're the Republic Leader."

    "What a drag. Alright, alright, I'll get working on it. Don't expect it to be done fast, though."

    Terra moved into the main room from the balcony, and Arynar stayed out to contemplate all that had happened in the past few weeks. The declaration of existence, the exodus, the boat trip even were all so exciting, and just now was the weight of his decision starting to grip him. It was... unfathomable just how heavy that weight was originally, compared to how it was now. Yet he knew his choice was the right one, lest he forget his promise to Empress Haruhi.

    "Haruhi... Hopefully you'll forgive my insolence for not realizing just how large the weight is."

    "Oho, what's this? Calling the Empress by her first name under a full moon?"

    Arynar turned around faster than a curving bullet. "Wha- where you standing there the whole time?! I assure you, it was a slip of the tongue- nothing more, nothing less!"

    "I know, I know. I'd expect as much; after all..."

    "After all what?"

    "Well, surely there are others that were smitten by her presence alone?" Terra quickly jumped out of reach of Arynar, and was right to do so, as Arynar quickly lunged at him.

    "Bah, either way. A slip is a slip. I have nothing but the most utmost respect for Empress Haruhi."

    "Uhuh, sure. Well, I'm off to bed." Terra yawned and stretched his arms, his hands free of the drink they originally had. At least he had gone inside, as he seemed to originally had been wanting to do.

    "Yeah, Night." Arynar stood there to contemplate the slip of mind. Surely it was just a slip, after all. Nothing more. [i]Bah, such pondering would only make me more confused.[/i]

    OOC: An idea of things to come, or perhaps it really was just a slip?! It's just a slip... Trust me, I'm the OP.

    Next post will be the Constitution, and then Terra Syndar bringing it to Haruhi, and then ???, and then profit.

  15. Arynar was indeed surprised that she had come. More so that she had come with an entourage and her daughter than anything else. "Greetings to all of you, and welcome to the ceremony. I didn't exactly expect you to come, but I had my suspicions that you might if time allowed."

    He wouldn't have been surprised if the stares from those around were also including thoughts of why it was that the Empress was being so informal. Nevertheless, he pushed forward and dropped his own formality issues for the time being. "I have to say though, the amount of support you've given my group so far is rather amazing. I hadn't expected this much support in the least. I hope that you'll be able to enjoy yourself here, so open to the public. Being the Empress does indeed put you at a status well above that of anything most could imagine; and this is coming from the perspective of one of your former imperial subjects of course."

    Arynar beckoned over two other people from a small group. When they arrived, still keeping his informal attitude, he began to speak, "These are my two companions that helped me envision this dream. The man on the left is Ikkim Idares, the Representative to the General Citizenry. He will act as the go-between for the citizens wishes and that of the Imperial Command, which I preside over."

    Ikkim was dressed in a similar way to that of Arynar, though in much lighter colors than Arynar, who wore a contrast of black-and-gray colors.

    "On the right is Terra Syndar, the Senate Leader. He is essentially the rule-maker of the Imperial Command, whereas the Imperial Command is what gets the issues and edicts solved. Despite the name 'command,' we are not a military-based nation."

    Terra Syndar, on the other hand, wore clothes that were much more modern. He adorned a black suit and red tie.

  16. Shaking the hand and listening to the words of Thomas Mbembe, Arynar smiled broadly. "I thank you for the support you are giving our new nation, as I am sure many, many others shall in time. We have a lot of things that we need to get up and running in the land that has been given to us, but in time we will be able to call that land our home, hopefully permenantly."

    Arynar Ventys bowed politely to President Mbembe, "I thank you again for your support. There are many things in this world that I have yet to understand, and probably never will, but I hope to make the many nations of this world one of those things taht I understand. Hopefully you can help me in this endeavour- even though just by being here you already are."

  17. Arynar shook the mans hand in a firm and polite way. "Thank you for attending this ceremony, Evan Hiley. My name is Arynar Ventys, Imperial Commander and co-founder of the Imperial Republic, which was granted to us ever-so-kindly by the Empress Suzumiya. If there's anything you need, please just let me or one of the others know."

    He made no comments or gestures about the mans wheelchair or stutter, doing so would be against his nature. He wasn't one to point out the differences in others, considering that differences were just... well, different. They weren't good or bad.

    "I hope you find this event in good taste. It may not exactly be what many are used to, but we hope that it can be one to remember- a new nation has been born on this day. When all is said and done, the people that wish to participate in the Imperial Republic shall board their ships and set sail to our given lands." He sighed as he finished his mini-rant. "This is truly a momenteous month in my life- in many lives."

  18. OOC: Everything above the === line has been pre-roleplayed outside of the forums, so no godmodding.
    It's also being carried over from the original topic, at least in the beginning, from the topic named, "To Exist, You Must First Create Anew."


    Arynar was a little miffed by the sudden lack of formality between the two of them. He hadn't expected it at all. Feelings began to conflict within him, until he settled for feeling priveleged for being able to witness this part of the Empress of the Greater Japanese Empire, his ex-leader, yet still his leader. "Well... Right, I just have one request, however. It is that we set up the meeting at one of the Japanese Harbors, so that on the day of departure we will be able to have them witness just how many people are willing to support this new Imperial Republic."

    The Empress looked down upon Arynar and understood what the man was saying. While he was a former subject, he was indeed smart enough to venture on her own. Had he proven to be equivalent to an idiot or someone who shouted the possible 'let me leave or die!' he might have found himself a rotting corpse in a nearby garbage dump or a bloodstain on the Palace's carpet, or just a worthless soul rotting in prison. While she was merciful and was a very liberal-minded individual/ruler, she did have limits which included those who attempted to betray her or shouted death threats. "Arynar, I believe that is a pretty good idea as far as location goes. It's suitable for the purpose, and could indeed attract an audience. A suitable port could be found right here in Nishinomiya, which would allow them to also see the capital" She had been continuing her lack of formality thus far, as she viewed it still unneccessary.

    Arynar sighed. He had a slight expectation for his request to be rejected, but hearing that it was accepted was a relief. "Well, I shall be leaving soon to gather what support I can with the resources I have available-"

    "The resources you have available aren't your only assistance in this matter. While I will not give you direct monetary support, I am willing to provide aid in the form of both manpower and materials."

    He stopped mid-sentence while she spoke. After she had finished her comment, he laughed. "Well, I do believe that I'm underestimating you, Empress Suzumiya-sama. Your kindness knows no bounds. Know that if you have any reason to call upon me, I shall be at your side. While I cannot quite speak for my nation just yet, our loyalty to our homeland will know no bounds either." He actually said that last part as a formality, to make it less... well, uncomfortable for himself.

    Haruhi could almost read the emotion going through Arynar as he began to tense up at the last second. She wouldn't comment on it, and understood that talking to your former leader and an Imperial head was still uncomfortable from time to time with little to no formality.

    "Consider it done, then."

    With that, the meeting was adjourned.


    After all was said and done, the invitations had been sent out. The catering had been completed, the entertainment provided, the map of where it was they would be located was flying, and also hanging upon a wall was a large banner stating 'The Imperial Republic Peaceful Exodus Ceremony.' many-a-japanese people were coming to join arm-in-arm to build the new Imperial Republic to greatness, and it wasn't long before the first guests started arriving, and even then...

    Arynar was still nervous as could be. He wore the same clothes that he had worn to the meeting with the Empress, and was still fond of pressing the creases out of them. He knew that he was going to have to get used to Foreign Affairs, but he would hope that the dignitaries could understand his lack of official understanding and education in full politics.

    He awaited the first handshake, making sure to keep his palms as dry as possible.

  19. The Imperial Republic has been created, as per THIS topic: [url]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80394[/url]

    The plot of land that has been given to me is the Salmon/Pink (your choice) colored land HERE: [url]http://i48.tinypic.com/16icopg.png[/url]

    Place me on the map, please? Thank'ya kindly.

  20. Arynar Ventys pulled out a few pieces of paper, Handing them to the Empress. They contained the written permission for the signatures of the new government that was to be created- was created, as soon as he also placed his own signature down on the piece of paper.

    "Today is a momenteous day, Empress Suzumiya-sama. Peace between us, for all eternity. I'm assuming that this is the end of our negotiations, so... Shall we announce this edict to the world?"

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