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Posts posted by Nexvius

  1. Ascentius


    Ascentius Forums

    IRC Coldfront Channel: #Ascentius

    Team Color: Aqua

    Protector: Ragnarok

    Ascentius Government

    Premier: Nexvius

    Chief of Staff: KingIsaac

    Regent of Economics and Commerce:TBD

    Regent of Diplomacy:TBD

    Regent of Defense:TBD

    Regent of Membership and Recruiting:TBD

    Constitution of Ascentius


    We, the undersigned, wish it to be known that the purposes of the rules, policies, and laws within this document, the Constitution of Ascentius, is now hereby created.It is the intention of Ascentius,to have fun,to ensure the well being of our members, to pursue and express our members freedoms, strong,economic growth, close diplomatic relations within the cybernations community,and maintain our complete sovereignty as an alliance.


    The purpose of the alliance is mutual cooperation,friendship,general welfare of our members, mutual defense and organized trade and diplomacy with other alliances, within the CyberNations community.

    Article 1: Ascentius Government Structure


    The Premier is the highest authority in Ascentius.The Premier has the final say in all external and internal matters for the alliance.The Premier is a permanent position,until either he/she resigns from the position.If the Premier resigns,then the Premier must appoint the Chief of Staff as the next Premier.If the Chief of Staff doesn’t want to take the appointment of Premier, then the Premier must call a special election for his replacement.

    Chief of Staff:

    The Chief of Staff is the second in command.The COS is in charge of the daily operations of the alliance,alongside the Premier.The COS is in charge of ensuring all areas of the government are running smoothly,and efficiently.The COS is also the public relations spokesperson for the alliance.The COS is the president of the Parliament.

    Regent of Economics and Commerce:

    The ROEC is responsible for maintaining the economic growth of Ascentius. This REOC will be responsible for ensuring that Ascentius members use all economic growth programs that are available to help in their nations growth.These programs range from mentoring,tech buying/selling,resource trading,etc.

    Regent of Diplomacy:

    The Regent of Diplomacy is in charge with maintaining foreign relations for the Ascentius Alliance. The ROD is in charge of establishing diplomatic relations with other allianes, bringing new treaties, and maintaining embassies and consulates for all diplomats.

    Regent of Defense:

    The Regent of Defense is charged with the the responsibilty of organizing,and maintaining the defense of the Ascentius Alliance.

    Regent of Membership and Recruiting:

    The Regent of Membership and Recruiting is charged with recruiting new nations to the Ascentius Alliance.. They will, in cooperation with the Regent of Economics and Commerce, manage aid programs and tech programs.The Regent of Membership and Recruiting may at their discretion, deny any membership they see fit,if he or she sees cause to do so.

    Article 1.2: Regent Deputies:

    All Regents may appoint up to 3 deputy regents to assist them with handling their duties and responsibilities.

    Article 2: Admission

    Anyone may apply for membership in Ascentius. In order to be granted membership in Ascentius,the prospective applicant must NOT be:

    1.Must not be in any war of any kind

    2.Must not be in any other alliance at time of application

    3.Must not be an enemy of any alliance in the Cybernations community

    Once you are granted membership,the applicant must at all times:

    1.The member must be on aqua at all times.

    2.The member must abide by the Constitution,and other laws and policies set forth by the Ascentius Government.

    3.All members must use their CN Ruler name on the Ascentius forums,CN Forums,and IRC.

    Article 2.1 Expulsion:

    A member may be expelled for violating any policy or Constitutional law,if it is deemed that the violation is detrimental to our alliance,or another member.

    Article 3: Parliament

    The Parliament of Ascentius is the legislative arm of the government.All members of Ascentius are part of the Ascentius Parliament.

    All legislative issues,treaties,and other issues are handled here.

    Article 4: The Code of Aqua

    The following policies are in place to ensure the integrity,and security of all members of Ascentius.This policy must be adhered to by all members at all times,while in Ascentius:

    1.No member will engage in any offensive war without the expressed permission of the Premier,and/or the Regent of Defense.

    2.Ascentius strictly forbids anyone to tech raid.Violators will be dealt with!

    3.Members are prohibited from disclosing any public or private information in regards to the alliance,or its members.Violators will be punished,which can include expulsion.

    4.Members are prohibited from any illegal activities,harassment,profanity,or any other behavior that would make members uncomfortable while in Ascentius.

    5.Ascentius members must show the the upmost respect for its government,visitors,diplomats,and each other at all times.

    6.All members must come to the aid of any nation that needs assistance,if it is requested.

    Article 4.1 Ascentius Rights

    1.All members have the right to freedom of speech

    2.All members have the right to access our IRC Channel

    3.The right to share their opinion on all alliance issues.

    4.All members have the absolute right to respect from their government and the members.

    5.All members have the right to due process,in regards to any violations of laws,policies,and the constitution. The member has an absolute entitlement to be heard fairly,and without prejudice on the issue they are accussed of.

    6.All members of Ascentius are guaranteed a fair,democratic process when it comes to elections,and other matters that affect them while in the alliance.

    Article 5: Election Process

    Parliamentary election in Ascentius will take place every 4 months to elect all positions,that are not held permanent within the alliance.

    The Election Process is as follows:

    1.Nominations are to be held for 2 days,

    2.Campaigning is to be held for 2 days after the close of the nomination period,

    3.Then, after the nomination and campaigning period is closed,the voting process will commence for a period not to exceed 2 days,or 48 hours.

    The Chief of Staff will post the results of the election,and certify the vote.Once this process is complete,the newly elected officials will assume their duties 24 hours later.

    Article 6: Amendments

    Any member of Ascentius may propose amendments to the constitution to be discussed by the Parliament.

    For an amendment to pass and become law, it must reach a 2/3 majority vote among the Parliament.

    Article 7: Disbandonment/Mergers

    In order to disband or merge, a 2/3 majority of the membership must approve it.

    Article 8: War Policy

    An attack on any nation of Ascentius, will be considered an attack on the entire alliance as a whole.

    Ascentius will defend our member nations with every resource available to us.

    Ascentius will honor all treaties that we are involved with. In the case of an attack on a treatied allie,we will give all the diplomatic support,and resources, that is needed,if requested.

    When it comes to nuclear weapons,Ascentius believes in the use of nuclear weapons for defensive purposes and does not believe in a nuclear first-strike policy, with the following exceptions:

    A. A nation goes rogue and attacks one of our members.

    B. A nation refuses to pay reparations, as decided by the Regent of Defense or Premier, after raiding one of our nations.

    C. Or from a direct order from the Premier.

    This document,Constitution of Ascentius,is hereby now in effect.



    King,Isaac,Chief of Staff



    Ascentius Forums

    IRC Coldfront Channel: #Ascentius

    Team Color: Aqua

    Protector: Ragnarok

    Greetings fellow citizens of Planet Bob.

    We would like to invite you to join our alliance,Ascentius. We invite anyone to join, whether you are new to CN,or been around awhile. We are a new alliance that is proud to call Aqua,home. Our motto is All for One,and One for All. Our motto means that as an alliance,we are into this,together.We are a democratic alliance, so your opinion always matters. Ascentius is still a small,growing alliance.But,we are dedicated to success,prosperity,and the general well being of all the members,that call Ascentius home.You will find that Ascentius is a fun,close knit community,and strives to ensure the success of its members,at all times.

    Ascentius offers its Members:

    Strong Leadership

    Active Community and IRC Channel

    Economic Growth and Mentoring Programs

    Democratic Voice in all Alliance Matters

    Complete Alliance Protection

    Peaceful Alliance

    We are an alliance that cares about our members.We will be there when you need us!

    If Ascentius sounds like the place for you,we welcome you to join us.You can join, by registering,then,posting your application for membership on our forums!

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