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Posts posted by epilitimus

  1. Few of you ever knew me. This message is for those that did that I have lost track of over time.


    My time in CN is about to come to a close. I originally came here to test some theories. I have done that.


    I considered going rogue and leaving in a blaze of glory/infamy. But frankly around here that is not even noteworthy. So instead I will leave as I came.


    I make no claims to fame or fortune. CN will doubtless not even notice my absence, I could not care less.


    Over the years I have been fortunate to encounter some truly helpful, decent, and interesting players. To you I say thank you. You have my respect.


    I have also encountered some truly despicable, hideous, cowardly, and all around disgusting wastes of human ovum. To you I have nothing to say whatsoever, you are not worth the effort.


    To the rest...meh

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