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Mick OConnor

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Posts posted by Mick OConnor

  1. Believe me, I've been tryin to warn CCC about accepting this guy. He's better of ZI-ed/raided/rolled. Too bad they accepted him already...

    Edit: Attention from this guy that brings to CCC is just unwanted atm.

    Let The CN Members know, Mick O'Connor has written an apology letters to the dear brothers and sisters over at CCC. There was no excuse for the cooments that I made against Ruth. I awaut their forgiveness and approval. I will not offer excuses, even though I have gained recognition that they are valid. It is simply a matter of patience and humility, traits I felled to exercise. I hope to gain the love found among CCC.

    Mick O'Connor

    Nation Of Ire

  2. Mick, whilst goodness does recognize goodness; patience and understanding recognize patience and understanding. Our members and leadership have employment and education to attend to on Monday mornings. And though I am usually a night owl, I am fighting a bronchitis that makes walking the length of my apartment a chore and any prolonged spell of sleep a true blessing from God. You have already been told on the CCC boards that you may assume the alliance affiliation for your nation while matters are sorted out. It is up to you whether you choose to excercise requested patience or no. Processing applicants at war takes a little more time that processing in a newborn nation with no history - but I hope you will see that none of the conversation was meant to turn you away.

    L Ruth,

    I am sorry to hear that you have fallen sick. It can take much out of you and act rather awkward, I know. I have been sick with Pneumonia for some time now. However, with all due respect madam, I still get up and take care of matters at hand. I never leave someone without a warm reassurance of our next plans. If what you say is honestly true,and for the Glory Of The Lord, I pray it is, please answer me this.

    1.) Why, upon completion and submittance of my application, did I not hear anything back fro members who were in the room with me, one being my recruiter?

    2.) Why was I offered to be Masked upon completion of my application?

    3.) Why was I not offered the Military Guidance I was promised after completion of the procedure?

    Yes, I know, I cannot get to 3 without 2 met first. Either way, any correspondence from members presiding on the case would have been appropriate.

    4.) Why did members that were online ignoring my requests for assistance through direct emails and CN Messages?

    5.) Why did one of your members have to publicly humiliate me in the Application Forums?

    Thus, the reason I did what I did. Also, as you say, I am open season. I sent forth my apology to the CCC, however, I have not even heard one apology from you. At least you are well rested. I don't have time to mess around on here everyday. I run a business and tend to various other responsibilities as well. It would be nice if answers to questions could be answered accordingly. Again, I am sorry. Please forgive me Sister In The Lord.

    Our Nation Waits


  3. You've already applied to CCC. Why are you making this?

    YES I APPLIED - MY GOODNESS! Please don't nuke me now! You know, the CCC website should be allowed for member to come on in, receive their welcome, uh that so far from happened to me, and after that, notice somewhere very open to members where Recruiters or assistants were available online to help. I've heard much in the way of this from other Alliances. How come nobody responded to me. You know I am in the middle of a war. I had very legitimate questions in regards to my Nation and application. I posted everything right out in the open for all members to see my current status of war activity. Yes, it was asked of me by the way, right out in public post. I came to you guys with open arms, like a sheep to its shepherd, but the Shepherd took a leave of absence from the flock. Anyways, this whole thing has been rather lame. I was told I would receive support right away after I did what was asked. Then everyone bailed on me and left me waiting. man, I don't want to lose my Nation. I want to protect it. Are you here for me or not. If so, I will recompense to the Lord for my furious spirit and come back home to his people. I just want to know that you will be there for me like I would for you. That's it.


  4. Depends, really, it tends to vary a lot. For example, if you wanted to join my alliance, you would have to be a fluent Finnish speaker and many alliances like Grämlins and Umbrella have very exclusive and detailed application processes.

    I personally would recommend an alliance like Viridian Entente in the green team - fairly large and active, has some real talent within and their application process is fairly suitable for new players from what I've gathered.

    Edit: Added the quote. Really, it'd be easier to read your stuff if you'll try not to make many posts in a row but instead just edit more stuff to your previous posts if you got something to add.

    Any Finnish Foreign Speakers ready to take about 1 hour to teach me the entire language? Sounds fun though and thanks for the invite.

    Best To You,


  5. I am Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs for the CCC and as such membership applications and assorted other housekeeping matters are among my responsibilities.

    L Ruth,

    So you are the one handling matters? This is such a relief to know. You would not believe what I have been through, unless you treat all newcomers this way. First off, I am sorry if you are offended by Alliances sending me Aid and Nations honoring me. I think there is much to say about those who have spoken well of me and my Nation, ya know why? Because goodness recognizes goodness. So CCC, why have you not recognized me and my Nation. Our cross has been standing for some time now. Not one welcome or invitation since I began. I am not sure why my heart has been set upon you CCC. This makes no sense to me.

    I am still waiting to hear from you. I am exhausted of waiting. I have got great offers from several Alliances. I refused them so I could join the CCC and be among fellow Christians. Forgive me if I may come off a bit upset because it is now in the wee early hours of the morning and still, I have not heard a response to my requests. I have set my Nation's Tag to CCC. This is the ugly part here though, it's just a click away from being back to where it was before. I hear quite a bit of sarcasm in your voice when you talk to me. Members within the CCC forums have behaved this way as well. I don't need the CCC playing mind control with me. I'm here to drink a Heineken and have a little fun. I have to tell you, the puns over at CCC and the continuous ignores to my genuine posts to your Alliance has me questioning the Christianity among you. It came to the point where I had to hunt members of the Alliance down through CN. I have been in and out of the site repeatedly awaiting for my next step. I have followed the rules to the point where questions needed to be addressed. I have told CCC that if I do not receive any correspondence to my requests, I will just pack up my things and kindly take my leave, wishing everyone there among you, peace from God.


    Nation Of Ire - NOI

  6. The former members of the New Order of Independence say hey.

    Get off our acronym.

    Stupid nation.

    "Smack - Smack " with love and goodness - Acronyms are universal to various Nations and Alliances. If really that saddened over the issue, might you try lowering a middle case letter? You would look like this : NoI, you know, like the NPO Vs NpO. Anyways, best wishes to you. Cheers


    Nation Of Ire - NOI

  7. Mick,

    Many generous nations of CN have come to your aid and as of yet, you've not sought an alliance. Or if you have you have, you are not displaying Alliance Affiliation (AA) - which to raiders means it's open season.

    Money gets spent quickly in CN when one boosts ones nation strength by appx 1500 NS in one day. Where will you be when the money runs out and you are still stuck with the bills for maintainence of your Infra and military hardware? An alliance will offer more than simple protection. It will -if you allow it to - offer an education in the economics of CN and a guide toward sensibly building your military capabilities - as well as offering you opportunities via

    tech farming to actually earn extra funds.

    But first you have to take the initiative and apply to an alliance.

    Uralica, Gulag, and Mathais have been kind enough to recommend that as a Christian nation you seek out the CCC. And Mathais did you the service of seeking out and supplying you a link to our forums.

    But whether or not you do seek affiliation with CCC or another of the many honorable alliances here on Planet Bob is up to your free will.

    Applying to any alliance and following their application procedures to the letter is the first step towards showing an alliance that you are sentient, proactive, and will take an active part in responsibly growing your nation as well as assisting your fellow alliance mates in times of need.

    Can't really stress enough to you the importance of an alliance right now, because CN has long memory and should this happen again it will remember that you were given large sums of aid and much helpful free advice.

    You are CCC? Christian Coalition Of Countries, Yes?


  8. Depends, really, it tends to vary a lot. For example, if you wanted to join my alliance, you would have to be a fluent Finnish speaker and many alliances like Grämlins and Umbrella have very exclusive and detailed application processes.

    I personally would recommend an alliance like Viridian Entente in the green team - fairly large and active, has some real talent within and their application process is fairly suitable for new players from what I've gathered.

    Edit: Added the quote. Really, it'd be easier to read your stuff if you'll try not to make many posts in a row but instead just edit more stuff to your previous posts if you got something to add.

    Okay - I was lost in translation. Lord Rune was clear, how I missed that I don't know. There shouldn't be a problem now. The Green Teams look pretty solid. But dayum, so do many others. I guess I just want to get into one and stay there.

    Please people, no more wars. Let me set up my Nation for crying out loud. I have CN Attorneys who will not hesitate for one moment to put you in my barracks for a lifetime, where you will be forced to daily feed upon foods that are nutritious and read God's Word Daily. Love and generosity will be forced upon you. You will learn peace. Do you want that huh huh huh. I will smack you with 2000 CC's of Psalms and Proverbs. Wine to rejoice your heart and a foot massage by beautiful women among my Nation. Do you want that HUh HUh HUh - Get some!


    Nation Of Ire - NOI

  9. I am glad to see that you have some attacking casualties O Connor. Keep up the good work. Go for anarchy next time.

    Hopefully, kulomascovia's quote is on top

    I'm glad to see that I have impressed you. For a newbie, I guess there's some damn hope for me still. The war isn't over yet though. I'm waiting for a peace to be declared. May I keep you posted?


    Hopefully, this is on top

  10. Apology Accepted. No sweat- It's done with. Just wanted to thank you here as well, for your patience and support. Cheers !


    I've been chattin with him for about an hour and I do think he's a newcomer. I spoke with him earlier also and thought he was pulling my leg as we were going in circles with our Q&A session. That's why I said what I did earlier but I take it back...for what it's worth.
  11. Exactly - There's always a critic around tho. I seriously and so thankful for the defenders of justice among CN.


    When I first read the OP I braced myself for endless pages of everyone calling this guy a noob and making fun of him. I was pleasantly surprised to see so many people offer genuine help and financial aid. It's refreshing to know that people can still be nice to others on the OWF.

    Stay classy CN

  12. Nations have stepped up and honored other young Nations for centuries. There is nothing even remotely appalling about what these Nations did in my honor. I would do the same for them. My swords would drop before them upon their entrance into my Nation. You tell your recruiters what you will. As for the Aid that was sent to our Nation, it was nothing to these men. All in a days work. I understand that each one would like to consider them for an Alliance. But even this, they have not pushed. I am thankful for much.


    Nation Of Ire - NOI


    I'm terribly sorry, but that doesn't seem like 'n00b' behavior, and when taken together with this cash grab thread further reinforces the suspicions already voiced by others. I'm sure all those who gave aid are very happy that they've been had. I'll be sure to remember to ask any new recruits to try this method, it seems a surefire way to save the alliance coffers some hard earned cash.

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