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Posts posted by HappySack

  1. I recently switched teams from white to blue a few days ago when I got kicked out of a trade circle for no reason. Anyway after that I made new trade agreements and noticed that most of my partners were on the blue team. At first I guess the site didn't recognise that I'm with the same team as three others so I gave it a day... but It's been a few days now and nothing, did I do something wrong? and no I'm not colour blind.

  2. At the moment I'm full and the comment above is supposed to say I will have 2 slots open but I can't edit it. Anyway it's first come first serve, send the money and I'll send the tech in 10 days guaranteed.

    EDIT: one spot is taken, only one left now.

  3. Well I'll try to keep this brief, I've tried to stay as an independant nation a.k.a. a non-alliance affiliated but I've been targeted by three war mongering nations that are after my tech. I've tried getting tech deals to get the money to keep a stong defense but that didn't work and I've tried to bluff them by saying I've joined a strong alliance and any further attacks will be punished and of course we know how that turned out. Anyway the topic title explains my situation and what I mean by "open to joining an alliance" is that if an alliance can get some revenge on my behalf I'll join them. It's first come first serve, just post in this topic and we'll see if you can actually do something.

    EDIT: I'm joining Carpe Diem, hopefully they'll do something to help me out soon...

  4. Umm hello, unlike many of the others posting in this topic (no offense) I just need a small cash offer to help keep my military strong and to pay for infrustructure because I'm currently in war against three other nations who want to tech raid me. It isn't important who they are and only one of them is a significant threat to me. $500,000 is all I'm asking for since they keep sending swarms of bombers and fighters against me with the occasional cruise missile or ground force. I don't bother to maintain an airforce because of the aforementioned "threat to me" who wipes out my fighters. If you read this whole thing then thank you for taking the time to do so.

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