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Posts posted by ZachsterPoke

  1. Bob answered it perfectly, and here's some DT gov corroboration.

    The oA wouldn't normally stop us, but seeing as we were literally caught dead in the center of the treaty cascade, we were very much stuck between a rock and a hard place. Many of us wanted to roll with PC, but the fact is, that could have brought us to the brink of war with other allies. In other words, it's a gigantic cluster$%&@.

    Alright. Just wanted some clarification on that. Thanks.

  2. How did I know this would happen.

    In summary (for our less capable friends):

    DT is NOT supporting any aggresive action.

    DT WILL attack ANYONE who attacks ANY of our allies.

    DT will NOT attack until said defensive measure is requirred.

    DT is NOT declaring on Polar or any alliance currently in the conflict unless they attack ANY of our allies.

    DT is NOT currently in the conflict, this measure comes into effect starting now.

    DT is NOT on any "side" in this conflict, in fact we're on both.

    DT WILL gladly go to ZI for our allies. Shame on you who wouldn't

    DT will NOT violate any treaty agreement.

    Thank you.

    If you could do me a favor, as I am unable to find the link on the Wiki, please provide the link to your treaty with PC, or the cancellation of said treaty. I'd like to read up on the conditions of it.

    Because, as far as I know, when an MADP ally declares war, you declare war with them. Unless it's an MDoAP.

    EDIT: Formatting.

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