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Charles of Teschen

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Posts posted by Charles of Teschen

  1. It's also unlikely that any of you guys know more about the events leading up to this announcement than I do.

    I think I might - bear with me:

    In mid-December I forwarded a proposal to Victoria for the possible merger of TGE and its last remaining colonies (The now defunct TRE & TAHE) in order to create some kind of decent alliance out of the whole lot. I spoke to Chris and he informed me that he didn't give a damn about a merger because:

    23/12/2009 01:44:33 Christopher: I see TGE as a lost cause now and Im waiting for other to see it as well to hopefully help me start my own alliance

    So I duly waited for a response from Victoria instead. However, as things transpired, between the 23rd of December and early January, Chris has a change of heart. On the 8th of January, he and two others posted in the PHoL demanding Victoria's resignation. Chris posted first and asked her to go.

    Two days later, Chris attacks Victoria on IRC and tells her that she either abdicates or he and the two other officials will resign also adding, cryptically, that allies will walk away as well if she doesn't. He gives her until noon of the following day to make up her mind. This is later extended, grudgingly, to 24 hours. She takes the honourable decision and abdicates, opening this thread and giving Chris what he wants in order to make the best peace. And that, as far as I know, is a very basic synopsis. My problem:

    a) I would like some part of TGE to survive but it wont if it's basically being propped up by certain alliances for reasons best known to themselves.

    b) The non-stop backroom lunacy needs to come to a halt and the general membership start making some decisions for themselves for a change. Are they happy being used as pawns in some shambolic end-game?

    c) I think Victoria was treated dreadfully in this whole affair. Fred used to get bored with the place every couple of weeks and dissapear and Chris didn't ask him to abdicate. When he pushed the colonies down our throats, Chris didn't ask him to abdicate. I think Chris is a decent enough bloke but I'm sorry, this is not the right way to change the place. It doesn't matter how many you recruit unless you have a independant and well-intentioned government in place. Otherwise, this is either just a terminal case of deja-vu or simply a terminal case.

    I'm not attacking TGE. I have many happy memories of the place. I'm attacking those alliances who are using them and those people who wronged a very decent and hardworking individual.

  2. As an old TGE member, I congratulate Chris (As should everyone out of respect *Looks at Ferd*).

    Respect? I think you miss the point. After Chris and others spent two straight days bullying and threatening Victoria, she finally agreed to go in order to keep whats left of TGE intact. She even went so far as posting this thread to give the coup some measure of credibility. And to add insult to injury, Chris decided to post the following:

    Sorry for being late. But yes with the sad and shocking abdication of our dear and beloved Empress...

    Thats my problem. Not with how TGE is run or isn't run or who runs the madhouse now. If you wish to offer respect, dont give it to a craven sham "Emperor" but to the person who selflessly agreed to go in order for the place to be perserved. Thats the only respect I think is due in the whole sorry affair.

  3. Also I never threatened to leave TGE cause I didn't get what I want

    You left last May to set up your own alliance when your entire officer korp revolted against you though you came back a day later. You told me on MSN that TGE was finished and you were setting up your own alliance this month. I'll post the logs if you deny this. TGE has been going to the dogs for months now. Maybe it needs a new hand at the tiller? Fair enough but dont feign innocence. It was a coup, you and the other TGE'rs who posted in this thread scapegoated Victoria for all its recent ills and ganged up on her to post this utter farce of an announcement. Thats the reality to the whole sordid affair.

    I dont know whats wrong with admitting it. Some coups work, some dont. Yours did and you should take a little pride in that.

  4. In genuine defense of Victoria, she inherited an alliance beset with internal strife not of her own making. Within a week, there were two splits and most of what was left of the active people departed. She got foisted with the role and did her level best in what was an impossible situation.

    This whole announcement stinks - I feel very sorry for the former Empress and hope those who had a hand in her forced departure sleep well tonight. Congratulations my brave gentlemen on a job well done!

  5. Excuse my English translation skills but this is close enough to the mark, I think?


    Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze God save , God protect

    Unsern Kaiser, unser Land! Our Emperor and our country

    Mächtig durch des Glaubens Stütze protected by faith

    Führ´ Er uns mit weiser Hand! He leads us with his wise hand

    Laßt uns Seiner Väter Krone leaves us his fatherly crown

    Schirmen wider jeden Feind: protects us from every enemy

    Innig bleibt mit Habsburgs Throne Habsburg's throne remains beloved

    Österreichs Geschick vereint. and united with Austria's destiny

    In Verbannung, fern den Landen in exile in distant lands

    Weilst Du, Hoffnung Österreichs. you remain, hope of Austria

    Otto, treu in festen Banden Otto you stand in faithful company (?)

    Steh´n zu Dir wir felsengleich. we stand with you firmly

    Dir, mein Kaiser, sei beschieden May you you my emperor

    Alter Ruhm und neues Glück! Old splendour and new good fortune

    Bring den Völkern endlich Frieden, Bring your peoples endless peace

    Kehr zur Heimat bald zurück! and return soon to your homeland

  6. Offering two $20 donations with the following proviso:

    Two nations, hopefully from the same alliance or friends, agree to pay me $3 million each every ten days for the next 60 days.

    6x$6million is 36 million

    I give the donation to one nation at the beginning (November) and a second donation (December) to the other after three weeks of successful transactions. The first six million comes through straight after my donation is passed.

    If all goes well, and things work smoothly, the next offer in January will be for only 24 million.

    Contact me either by private PM here or in-game:

    My Nation

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