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Posts posted by Njall

  1. [quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1340258346' post='2991532']
    Njall, you're going to embarrass us. This is clearly the best blitz we could muster. We just wanted to live up to our name and reputation guys!

    Fair enough. My apologies, oh mighty Vizier

  2. [quote name='Holy Empire of Halin' timestamp='1340257594' post='2991502']
    That was a ghost declaration, when I saw Sparta dow and only ghux, I asked DA if this was a ghost declaration. It appears its not welp

    I realize it was a ghost declaration. Nevertheless, Steve should know better than to think that we don't have a plan to accompany our actions. When he makes a post like that anyways, I respond with one of similar substance.

    [quote name='Gingervites' timestamp='1340257706' post='2991508']
    their blitz looks more like it was designed to be like that, this does not seem like a planned ghost blitz

    I don't personally see [i]much[/i] of a difference, but each to his/her own, I suppose.

  3. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1340256939' post='2991483']
    [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=189022"]The nerve of this guy![/url] How dare he defy the Order of the Great Sparta!

    edit: LOL, 2 man blitz for an alliance of 250+ nations. That has to be some kind of record for worst blitz ever. Huge fail.

    I love how you already forgot TLR's performance just two days ago

  4. [quote name='Sir Sci' timestamp='1339974131' post='2986695']
    The thing I find odd isn't that you're leaving Sparta before an impending war, or anything like that. What I find oddly funny is that your nation's name is Hellas, and now your alliance's name is Hellas. You named your alliance after your nation?

    Hellas is the Greek word for Greece, I believe. Given that Alex is a proud Greek, and that his alliance is being meant to celebrate Greek culture, it seems fitting that both the nation and the alliance carry that name. I agree that it may seem odd to a casual onlooker, but it is fitting nevertheless.

  5. [quote name='Ninja Colt' timestamp='1327695862' post='2908389']
    [quote name='Ninja Colt' timestamp='1327091676' post='2903757']
    so when is the flag going to be updated onto the stats screen


    still waiting on this

    While this is being brought up, the TLR flag needs to be removed and replaced with the R&R flag on the stats screen as well

  6. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1323215056' post='2866298']
    When I think of words that describe Sparta, "honor" is probably last on the list.

    You're an alliance full of backstabbing, treasonous cowards. That's just about as far from honor as you can possibly get.

    Even when declaring war, your whole alliance hides in peace mode.

    First of all, 60% of an alliance is not a "whole alliance". Check your facts before making such accusations.

    Secondly, your post indicates that you have never heard the classic quote; "The best offense is a good defense". Unlike some alliances out there, Sparta is not one to blindly rush into a conflict without any regard for possible turns that the war may take. While you, sir, may prefer to enter a conflict using only your fists and none of your brainpower, Sparta prefers to approach things in a bit of a different manner.

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