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Tyson Gayle

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Posts posted by Tyson Gayle

  1. I agree that the forums is lacking originality these days, but that's common with any game that has been out for some time.

    This game needs someone to change it radically by means of starting wars or shredding the MDP web in half, and also we lack a lot of drama these days since we dominate the game so much without a clear-cut rival, thus makes the game boring and unchallengeable.

    These reasons stated are why we are slowly losing players in Cyber Nations.

  2. What idiot dosn't know that you can go back in and buy more tanks? It's broken, it needs to be fixed.

    Unfortunately, there are many idiots in Cybernations <_<

    I'm not entirely too sure whether we should make this change, but like Brotherington said its a effective way of beating other nation rulers that aren't smart and i have been led to believe that the smartest person should always win in a war.

  3. Then we would prepare for \m/'s attack. But disbanding the GPA can only be done by the GPA members - FARK and FAN have proven that being attacked and beaten (or even crushed) isn't necessarily the end of an alliance.

    On top of which \m/ by itself wouldn't necessarily be capable of beating the GPA - it is less than half our size on any numeric measure you care to name (of course together with its allies, it could clearly beat us like a drum).

    Put another way, given a choice between being attacked and seeing our nations destroyed or attacking and betraying the very essence of our alliance, there is no question that we would accept destruction over betrayal of our ideals.

    Excellent answer. You all convinced me that GPA is neutral after all :blush:

  4. This seems like a false premise, there are no situations where it is necessary to make this choice. Give me an example.

    Ok let's say for example \m/ says that the GPA has to declare war on Sparta otherwise \m/ would attack GPA until they disbanded.

  5. To entertain you i will post a bit of my history

    About a year ago i declared war on GATOs cm and got my ass handed to me by CNARF

    About nine months ago i kicked drugsups dogs nation and then they got deleted for multiing . Still got loss ticked about that lol.

    About 4 months ago my gf got ganked i got mad and declared war on the initiative it didnt end well but that issue is resolved thats avout it .

    I was financier for the ena for a time before joining \m/ (best alliance ever) now im unaglined hiding from loss cause i pd goons off and they wont protect me no more :(

    Change your alliance to i love \m/ then if you can't be bothered to send me a message

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