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Posts posted by MarkLevin7

  1. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1290808671' post='2524086']
    Oh god, I can only imagine how awful your warchest is right now... it's down to what, 30 mil? Less?

    Also, it's called an underdog victory. You'll learn to love'em fighting a stronger enemy.

    Holy crap, there go 26 of your planes. That'll be expensive. Wow do I steal land fast. And CM's do so much damage now!

    Nice try with the spies.


  2. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1290807782' post='2524076']
    I'm so excited now! Thanks for giving me a reason to stay awake.

    Oooh, that's a so-so warchest. And you only need 1 bomber to inflict maximum damage, although I doubt any of them will ever get through :)

    You really should have spies at your level.

    I used my bombers already.

    I just bought a hundred. Happy now?

  3. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1290807578' post='2524074']
    Well that's no good, I can't do update after the Sunday night one D: The leaders of my military have tactics classes that they can't miss in the morning, so they can't be up at 1 a.m. orchestrating the bloody destruction of your nation.

    Haha, okay. Well then forget my blitz-delay request. Blitz when you like. :)

  4. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1290807287' post='2524067']
    I'll be on at update tonight. If your NS has been increased to the point where I can attack you without destroying infrastructure, consider it on.

    If you attack me at any time before that, I'll consider it fair game ;)

    I can't be on at update tonight or tomorrow. :( Can we start today and make a deal to refrain from update blitzes for 48 hours?

  5. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1290806786' post='2524061']
    I don't have nukes ;)
    However, my cruise missiles will fly at dawn.*

    As to TPC defending you: in my vast experience here in CN, I've found that it's safer to assume someone's alliance WILL defend them if they are attacked, unless a gov member, as you have gone to pains to point out that you are NOT, says otherwise.

    *Well... like 4 hours before dawn actually, but that's not the point. Providing you bulk yourself up into my NS range. Buying 50 CM's and some planes should do it.

    :) Want to make a deal? 1v1?

  6. [quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290805299' post='2524036']
    However, if you continue talking like this to our Puba, I'll come to the conclusion that you didn't digest the incident.

    Which is not good :mellow: . Nope, [i]not[/i] good.

    Digestion is probably the wrong analogy here. I can digest something and gain nothing from it. The question is, did I gain any nutritional value?

  7. [quote name='The Mongol-Swedes' timestamp='1290804919' post='2524029']
    I take the survival of my alliance very seriously. You screwed up. You're backpedaling now. And you're marginalized. Of course your situation is minor. Because your alliance dethroned you instead of defending your stupidity. And looking at your previous list of alliances to wit, the joke's on you, pal.

    Hahaha, okay, you are truly hilarious in how little you understand!

    (1) I never posed a threat to the survival of your alliance.
    (2) I'm not really backpedaling. Backpedaling implies that I am reversing something. I am not reversing anything.
    (3) My alliance did not dethrone me. I resigned at LittleRena's request, yes, but that is not dethroning. In fact she was offering me different positions such as Finance. So really it was just a change of roles.
    (4) I have never been kicked out of an alliance. I continually leave them when they bore the heck out of me. :P

    You are so dumb...

  8. [quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290803661' post='2524008']
    One lunch money thief less in Digiterra gov. positions is indeed what I call a nice day :lol1: .

    Now you can continue doing what it is you think you are doing and I can continue having full trust in my allies' sincerity and seriousness.

    The way TPC has handled this minor issue has been nothing less than remarkable indeed :wub: .


    [quote name='The Mongol-Swedes' timestamp='1290804162' post='2524017']
    Keeping us alive as a trap doesn't strike me as something that sounds as though you like us. Does the cattle herder who keeps his herd alive to fatten them up for the slaughter like his herd in a way that he doesn't wish us harm?

    Take that 'dumbass' remark and consider somebody more appropriate. A look in the mirror may provide clarity. And the next time that you, MarkLevin7, make vague threats against my alliance or my allies, it won't matter where you go to hide.

    *FACEPALM* Okay, okay, okay, let me explain to you a concept I learned as just a wee boy, and I suggest you learn it too: J-O-K-I-N-G! This post was started as a joke. You are the one who took it way too seriously. Reread what Trikoupis said. Do you notice how he used the word "minor"? Even he did not completely freak out. I apologized and resigned, and now he's fine with it. So what's your problem? Just relax. Take a pill or something.

  9. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1290802763' post='2524000']
    There need only be one reason: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=292253
    Seeing as how I don't remember you at all, and the first FK was a protectorate of my (then) alliance Invicta, I'm guessing it was the second FK you joined. That alliance should have remained dead.

    Hahaha, lol.

  10. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1290801782' post='2523980']
    Tell me, if I were to say, sell 500 infra and come after you at update, would you consider it an over-reaction?

    Furthermore, would TPC defend you?

    That depends on how severely you attack. For example, if you nuked me, it would be an overreaction. But week-long tech raid would not be, haha!

    I already pointed out that TPC would not defend me. Good job keeping up with the conversation.

  11. [quote name='The Mongol-Swedes' timestamp='1290801077' post='2523968']
    It's a little odd that a member of The Peoples Community, an alliance that was fostered, in large part, by an alliance many consider to be 'leftist', "The Left", or "left-leaning" (all of which are gross oversimplifications), should be so ready and willing to call for the destruction of a vaguely defined "Communist" threat, and lump us in with them. Hell, you should've pushed harder to get yourself somebody else to protect your ass instead of publically stabbing us in the back for our trouble.

    You make me sick. TPC and the Pink Sphere deserve better leadership from their residing alliances. Ideologies aside, you are devoid of integrity and honor, and it gives me great shame to have your stench emanating from the proud Pink Sphere I've called home for years.

    I'm not even going to approach the enormous faults in your arguments against these leftist ideals. Such an honor is reserved for those who don't stab their allies in the back. Pink will be a better team without you as a part of the community at-large.

    You clearly misunderstand me entirely.

    (1) It was MarkLevin7 (me) that said all of those things--IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH TPC!!!
    (2) I did not lump you in with the "Communist" threat. It was someone else who brought you up--I suggest reading the conversation. Furthermore, what I propose did not involve destroying LSF. Remember, I wanted to keep you alive as a trap!
    (4) I made no real arguments against leftist ideals anywhere, so I am not sure what the heck you are talking about with that one.
    (5) I like LSF. You are over-reacting ridiculously, which is kind of funny, because the whole purpose of trolling is to get people to over-react. The fact that you're doing this proves that I won.

    Have a nice day.

  12. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1290800442' post='2523952']
    If you want it gone why not leave the confines of TPC and strike out on your own with such an endeavor in mind?

    I actually did when I created the Military Order of Capitalist Republics. It was growing nicely--much to my surprise--but then there was a period where pretty much all of the government, myself included, were very busy and so we decided to merge into Fallen Knights instead of just falling apart. I went back to TRaPS, though, which was part of the new TPC.

  13. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1290797996' post='2523917']
    I don't like conservatism but I don't want to destory it, where would the fun in political debate go? Especicilly if everyone had the same ideology.

    I want Communism gone--I don't want Communist theories gone. I need something to bash.

  14. [quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1290792630' post='2523864']
    I'm still alive and still have my lunch money, I'm starting to think that you can't deliver what you promised.

    That's because... You see, I did it quietly and effectively and then proceeded to brainwash you into believing that I never actually did. This way you will expect me to do it again when you have more lunch money and your next life.

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