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Posts posted by polisofboy

  1. i decide to see what the world thinks of the pollmaking they see a lot these days and maybe if they don't care for them at all or love them like the crucified one

    the journalist/egomaniac who made the best poll will be given a handshake covered in myrtle leaves... the rest is for the dustbin of my life.

    now choose and here is the decide....

  2. yea, argue and not prove.

    1 need metaphysical twaddle to argue that morality is inherent, 1 need christian metaphysicals of spinoza/kant/plato. (latin, baroque german, attic dialect of ancient greeces..) 1 work sadly for the christian metaphysical vanity speculum.

    empiricism & rationalism united to ate the metaphysical quadrupe 2 centuries prior to this morning. ethics w/o or with metaphysical stilts be illogical and unproveable nonsense to my brothers. the only ethical premise in a physical world be hobe/darwin and netzsche who say 'fill ur own cup' and besteal my brothers.

  3. ah, no - i said OP is only saying the nihilistic christian western morals, which man has accomodate to his hypocrisy, as oppose to herr netzche... who i am friend of

    the author need to read senore maccaroni 'the prince' and 'genealogy of morals' by herr netzsche, need to read up big good...

    okayplus: OP cannot prove the axiological statement so the OP is a rhetor asking us to be leashed to his demagogic self-interests... i find OP immoral to me

    i say more true in 3 lines than the op says in 5 pages of lies

  4. everyone welcome bel-air to the new haven - a.n.a.l prisoner of war camping


    caption: camp warden Mrs. boy ask young bel air nation if they would like a cup of surrender, they said yes

    camp warden Mrs. boy wife of hetropolis' president said this today:

    "our population is growed to 1, come join us bel air"


    today in hetropolis we are pride, the bad enemy is surrendering under a.n.a.l pow until the end of the war.

    to u bads:

    all attacks on anal pow will be meet with hard fight by a.n.a.l, no nation once join aa can leave until end of war, all nations are protect by a.n.a.l too. in the camp we have lots of thing to do and people to meet. learn new things camping with boy.

    BOY reach to all bel air nation and say surrender or die...

    i will personal kill every nation in digiteria that even think of attack our prisoners - top man of boy

    activities in pow




    -making bel air leaders sad

    -being our prisoners

    this announcement is from boy's new public relation firm: boy public relation firm.

    bel air

    when you surrender on terms here all a.n.a.l pow is release free, to go to bel air or wherever they like.

    [we fight for the final victory]

    -boyhegemonia - top man of boy

    -all a.n.a.l members

  5. 1. You're a joke.

    2. You're even more of a joke now.

    You're the new "fad" and "play thing" with those alliances, just like an old toy, they'll get tired of you.

    1. i am serious warrior

    2. i am more serious warrior.

    yes i am the god of right now and yet i am mere mortal, if i am posting here then ipso facto i will be dead like you in 120 years, but a.n.a.l is immortal

  6. No, you don't decide anything as you're just someone who obviously isn't too good with English (or is just pretending not be) and is being backed by a bunch of alliances and people who're really just humoring you to get a few kicks and laughs.

    Also, religion really has no place here.

    let me teach you

    1. yes i decide

    2. i am the prophet

    my allies are loyal and true, do not insutl them

    discussion of who decide is irrelevant to this thread, if you are querulous or want to harangue boy make another i request this

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