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Posts posted by Mash

  1. 3 parts HCl, 1 part HNO3

    Go ahead, take a big whiff...

    Correct me if I'm wrong--HCL fumes will mix with the moisture in your respiratory system and create acid which will burn, alot! Also, the Nitrogen will sit in the bottom of your lungs and reduce the oxygen capacity by volume and cannot ever be exhaled!

    Yes, very painful, although I've never experienced it. Accidentally breathing HCL or HNO3 is bad enough - the week-long sore throat is the worst.

  2. TTKers above 10k NS without circles (no rush, just use them if you can):


    aluminum rubber

    Empress Isabella

    coal uranium


    marble water

    Mongose VIII Hermany

    fish wine


    lead rubber

    Gran the Terrible

    furs gems

    Pirate Jim

    lead pigs


    cattle lumber

    Mikey the Great

    coal wine


    gems wine

    Mark Hanson

    aluminum wine


    gems spices


    cattle wheat


    pigs spices

    tiger c

    lumber wine


    coal silver

    Emperor HARM

    cattle lead

    Boxcar Ego

    rubber water


    uranium wine

    Alexander D Great

    lumber silver


    coal gold


    cattle coal (he has resources of different colors atm)


    fish wheat


    coal fish


    iron lumber

    Fatima Assani

    oil water

    Jenz IV Founder

    cattle pigs


    oil pigs

  3. Also, we've got a partial Set III already, just needing a Marble Rubber to complete it:

    Aluminum - Prince Vlad

    Coal - Big Johnson

    Gems - Wolfbite

    Gold - Prince Vlad

    Iron - beardofzeuser

    Lead - Bertrum

    Lumber - Big Johnson

    Marble -

    Oil - Bertrum

    Rubber -

    Silver - Wolfbite

    Wildcard - Uranium - beardofzeuser

    Set filled; can you remove it from your list? Thanks Lanna!

  4. Just entered the following into the database (the set roman numerals are what the peeps wanted - I entered as many as I could or found another if possible.)

    Edit: If they're not Maroon atm they said they'd switch when the get in a circle. Also, we're pretty flexible, so if you can complete a circle with anyone listed, PM me or them and we just might give in to the secksiness of the project...

    Teredona gems silver - VII

    BogdanSin lead silver - VII

    kaiserk furs lumber - V or VII

    Kal Anton marble sugar - I

    Mandystalin uranium wheat - I

    General Chris Ryan fish rubber - II

    George S Patton Coal Rubber - II, III, or IV

    Alkire oil wheat - II, IV

    Mr Boss coal gems - V or VI

    Mashmew fish sugar - I with fish and uranium

    sammyace1 furs sugar - VI or VII

    Brettwds oil silver - III

    Lord Sabre coal marble - III, IV

    Also, we've got a partial Set III already, just needing a Marble Rubber to complete it:

    Aluminum - Prince Vlad

    Coal - Big Johnson

    Gems - Wolfbite

    Gold - Prince Vlad

    Iron - beardofzeuser

    Lead - Bertrum

    Lumber - Big Johnson

    Marble -

    Oil - Bertrum

    Rubber -

    Silver - Wolfbite

    Wildcard - Uranium - beardofzeuser

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