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Posts posted by cnterror

  1. I can assure you this is no joke, this is a serious recruitment effort, and if you choose to join no you won;t necessarily have to drop your AA, you will continue to be a productive member of your alliance, who has secretly gone to the dark side...and you can stay with your current alliance unless otherwise directed.

    As far as what out missions entail, well that my friends is not something I will discuss.

  2. I am only here to get member to join, when my time comes I will go inactive and once deleted start up a new nation build up and take on a mission. As for the public forums, the instructions read you register an account not using any in-game details, you answer some basic skill based questions then are PMed on the forums for your in-game details by your CO. Anything about your in-game nations true purpose, ownership, ect is very private and secure.

    Can you spy on us?

    Well you can always try but at what cost...I would love to explain my whole evil plan but as far as how we catch spies is a trade secret.

    I assure you we make sure only honest members who truly want to continue their CN existence as a terrorist get though our process, and any second thoughts will be fatal.

    If you're game go ahead sign up we need to build our team, if you not well then just move on...nothing to see here.

  3. The Terrorism Nations of CN (TNCN)

    We are planet bob's elite, we are The Terrorism Nations of CN. We play the role of terrorists here on planet bob...we mean no harm to you but really we do to your nation and your alliance. We lie, cheat, steal, kill, and destroy.

    We are seeking anyone with any CN skillz to join our team, you will need the ability to rapidly grow a new nation as I can assure you you will need new nations every once in awhile. You will do as you are told, reaking havok in the cyberverse.

    Ready to join? Come to the dark side, we have cookies: http://cnterror.tk

    Consider us existent!

  4. The Terrorism Nations of CN (TNCN) is all about role playing on planet bob as terrorists. But just because we are role playing does not mean we don't do damage on planet bob. We lie, cheat, steal from nations and alliances.

    As a member of TNCN you will be assigned to be an active member of an alliance, gathering intel following orders and when its time, go rouge. Carry out your orders.

    Want to join? Head over to http://cnterror.tk to register for our forums and apply for membership.

    Not you thing? I dare you to stop us!

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