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Gaius Julius Caesar

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Posts posted by Gaius Julius Caesar

  1. You know, on reflection, maybe I did get played. Everyone knows I was the serious politician in IAA, I was not interested so much in community as I was in the alliance. So Chimaera deserts in the midst of hopeless war to leave me in command, hoping and expecting I would fail? Then, post disbandment, scoup up the IAA community and rewrite history with me as the villain? You know, I always thought I was IAA's Palpatine trying to use war for reform, but maybe after all Chimaera was Palpatine and I was the Jedi, and the player got played. :v

    If that is truly the case, then my respect just shot way up for chim.

    You weren't rewritten as the villain. The only reason we no longer respect you is for what you are doing now - not recognizing the IAA for what it is: the best damn community on CN. Disbandment could have never destroyed that.

  2. Most would agree that we're a daring bunch.

    Ugh. Sycophants. I hate it when members of an alliance mindlessly hail their supposed great leader.........

    It is anything BUT mindless. I'm not an idiot, and I don't follow idiots. I've been in the IAA for years, and over that time, I have become very close friends with Chimaera. He's the best damn leader I've EVER seen on CN, and there is nobody else I would rather have to lead our alliance.

    But that's beside the point. The IAA is a strong alliance because of its community. No ONE person has the right to reform the alliance: we decided to reform as a community. That Junka believes he is still Emperor of an alliance that he isn't even a part of is just ludicrous.

  3. Well, it's pretty clear we're just set on our mutual differences with this one.

    I will say one thing more - how many will follow you if you try to reform your legitimate IAA?

    Definitely not I. My leader is Chimaera, and my alliance the IAA. That's all there is to it. o/ Chimaera!

  4. You know. I may just forgive all of YouMaka's reparations after this, because he played Rebecca so hard I'm feeling remarkably forgiving tonight. :P

    Here is our loving and forgiving Emperor, and here you are snivelling to Planet Bob of our cowardice. Pathetic. Utterly pathetic.

    Long live Chimaera!

  5. I would like nothing more than to personally destroy your nation. You commit premeditated treason against my alliance and me personally. I granted you full clemency other than an expulsion from IAA (and let's face it, you weren't going to stay there longer than two weeks anyway), and you repay this favor, the biggest one I could have given you after your betrayal, with a rogue attack intent on destroying the one nation whose ruler has treated you better than any other?

    Perhaps not the best scheme ever in terms of both foreign support or military logistics - or did you forget there are Imperials at your level who are nuclear?

    This just about sums up my feelings. It's a shame, I actually thought YouMaka was a decent guy - guess not.

  6. http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n197/Da...6/Impflag-2.jpg

    Greetings, all nations seeking an alliance to join! You have just found the perfect alliance for you! In the Imperial Assault Alliance, everyone is treated the same, and we are like a family. When you join, you automatically become a senator and are allowed to vote on all matters. Your opinion is valued and everyone will accept it. Also, the IAA has a great community to offer. Everyone knows everyone, so you feel at home the minute you join. So please, come check us out at our forums today!

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