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Posts posted by vgmmaster

  1. At least you have pigs, so it's not all bad. I've seen much worse (I know a guy who has uranium and lead). Myself, I've been playing for about a year and a half with rubber and lead, and while not that great in my own opinion, I've stuck with it and my nation is doing quite well.

  2. Are you truly this oblivious to why you were kicked out? It's simple really.

    The first thing you did was declare war on 3 people in alliances. Now, one person might dismiss this as a tech raid on an inactive, and if it was just one war and your first offense, it may be dismissed and you'd just get a warning.

    You also tried to compromise IRON security. I would say why, but you should know what I'm referring to, so I see no need to do so.

    Those two things alone with declaring war on people in alliances and acts of espionage are enough to get you kicked out from any alliance. Why would you think IRON is different in that aspect?

  3. talk, talk, talk...

    Smack Talk. It's expected. Whether in a sporting event or in a war. They can talk the talk, but we will walk the walk. And if you think we are full of fail, well, I have but only one thing to say. You've got another thing coming.

    And as somebody else mentioned, never underestimate your opponent. That goes for you GOONS and anybody else as well. ;)

  4. The mods polled it and it was like 400-8 in favor of this one. Dunno what ever came of that, though.

    Actually, the poll was not started by a mod. So, the poll is unofficial technically speaking.

    Also, these are the results of the poll so far:

    Keep these Forums?

    yes [ 807 ]

    no [ 73 ]

    Total Votes: 265

    The poll was hacked, but regardless, the majority did say yes.

  5. I don't post much in OWF, but it's partially for the reason of what you said. The hailing doesn't really bother me that much (although the people that do that could be a little more original), the "Private Channels FTW" thing I always found as dumb. And in most cases, private channels were most likely used as some point in time at least, so it's basically a useless post (and the poster in question may even be aware of that fact), but they're just posting for the sake of posting. Some people tend to do that.

  6. At the time of creating my nation, I couldn't think of anything good at all, so, I put it on hold for a little bit and I was actually talking to a friend of mine about baseball. At the time, I thought it was a great idea to call my nation El Duque, and looking back at the name, I think it sounds retarded. :P

    For those that know, El Duque is the nickname of a baseball player (Orlando Hernandez).

    If I was able to rename my nation, I'd pick Mistra. Unoriginal, possibly, but it just fits with my username quite well in my opinion.

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