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Kaiser Soze

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Posts posted by Kaiser Soze

  1. Sancouranian Ministry of Communications Volume number; 002 Issue Number; 02 Date 05/08/10


    Minister for the Environment Mattia Firzelli, has led criticism of tv's renound survival expert, Teddy Gills "needless destruction of life", after Mr Gills killed and ate an Olm during one of his recent shows.

    The olm, a foot-long salamander nicknamed “the human fish” because of its fleshy skin and tubular shape, is certainly a strange-looking animal. But beneath the surface, they’re even weirder: Olms can live for 100 years, far longer than any other amphibian.

    However, this was one amphibian that was not going to last that long, as during a demonstration of how to survive in the cave systems of the Northern Slovenian county of Sancourana, Mr Gills found one and ate it.
    Desrcibing it as a rare delicacy, Mr Grills seemed unaware of the truth of his statement.

    It also left a foul taste in the mouth of Mattia Firzelli, the minister of environment stating "This is an outrage. I cannot believe that Mr Gills went behind our backs, in destroying such a beautiful and rare creature. Mr Gills was not in an emergency situation and therefore did not need to kill it."

    Mr Firzelli went on to advice visitors to the cave systems to bring a packed lunch.

  2. Relaxing on the flight back from a conference on Social Security, Gregor Bantani, the Sancouranian Minister of Economics was well pleased with himself for his efforts in guiding the Sancouranian nation towards its first wonder purchase later this month.
    But down on the ground in the Sancouranian capital, word had leaked out about serious spending irregularities in Mr Bantani’s office. Mr Bantani had been found to have failed to follow procedure, and thus overspent the budget cap given to his department.
    First Minister Joshua Leonne summoned Mr Bantani to discuss the revelations. The meeting lasted four hours, and in the end, Mr Leonne accepted that it was one mistake by a very good minister. Mr Leonne stated that bringing any action against Mr Bantani was unnecessary and would hinder the financial plan for the upcoming month.

  3. The Sancouranian Times

    Sancouranian Ministry of Communications Volume number; 001 Issue Number; 01 Date 19/12/2009

    Flooding Insurance Law Passed

    The Government today passed into law that Insurance claims made by households damaged by naturally occurring flooding must be covered by the developers of the household in question.

    “In an effort to curb Government spending and to promote better development planning by all councils” was how Minister for Interior Affairs, Marko Zlitvocic reasoned the new law.

    The new law was sought after flooding in the Venizian basin left hundreds of citizens homeless during the Easter festivities of the year passed, creating a large compensation expenditure for the Government.

    Permanent Status For National Parks

    Speaking on an interview last night, Minister for Environment Zacharai Endout, announced that current boundaries of National Parks and Wilderness Preservation Areas, are to be set in stone and immune from all forms of development.

    In an act to protect the pristine environment of Sancourana's North West territories from development and ensure the low carbon emmision rate into the future was the main priorities.

    "Whereas other countries practise use of preplanned camp sites and other forms of housing and the upkeep of roads through National Parks, we on the other hand see that nature should rule over our beautiful wilderness." Minister Endout told Friday Night with Olivia Bernal host Olivia Bernal.

    The Minister went on to confirm that the boundaries were still open for recreationalists.

    No Conference for Change Here

    Minister for Environment confirmed reports that he had written to the UN, rejecting their proposal of hosting the 2010 Climate Change Conference in Ljubljana, and that unless there was a widespread change of attitude of protestors that it would never be allowed to take place within Sancourana. The Minister criticed the procedures of such conferences and for the "magnetism for violence that it produces".

    The Minister urged that a collective treaty would find a common comfort zone, and that by following their individual attitude for change was a more fruitful path to follow; “If these nations who choose to neglect the finding of the scientific world, that Earth is a dying resource enter a collective treaty, they are merely a name on a piece of paper. They can pretend. However if nations set targets individually such nations are exposed for neglecting their duty……..Our nation have shown how committed we are and have no need to be reminded. These conferences are best held in currently non-complying countries.

  4. Speaking on an interview last night, Minister for Environment Zacharai Endout, announced that current boundaries of National Parks and Wilderness Preservation Areas, are to be set in stone and immune from all forms of development.

    In an act to protect the pristine environment of Sancourana's North West territories from development and ensure the low carbon emmision rate into the future was the main priorities.

    "Whereas other countries practise use of preplanned camp sites and other forms of housing and the upkeep of roads through National Parks, we on the other hand see that nature should rule over our beautiful wilderness." Minister Endout told Friday Night with Olivia Bernal host Olivia Bernal.

    The Minister went on to confirm that the boundaries were still open for recreationalists.

    In the same interview, the Minister confirmed reports that he had written to the UN, rejecting their proposal of hosting the 2010 Climate Change Conference in Ljubljana, and that unless there was a widespread change of attitude of protestors that it would never be allowed to take place within Sancourana. The Minister criticed the procedures of such conferences and for the "magnetism for violence that it produces".

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