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Posts posted by Blooddraken

  1. [quote name='feardaram' timestamp='1339697788' post='2983736']
    what is "accepted as an applicant"? he applied. he hasn't been accepted to anything.

    MK screwed up on this one. You can't spin your way out of it. It was on MK to make sure Dave's pity routine was legit. They didn't.

    Maybe CSN should have contacted MK before the nukes. I don't see why, but even if it's true that they should have, the first responsibility was MK's. The ball was in their court and they dropped it, and now are whining that CSN took the ball and did something they were perfectly justified in doing.

  2. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1339697651' post='2983731']
    He notified CSN government. If CSN government didn't believe him, onus is on them to get a hold of us, not attack the nation we are claiming protection of. Why does the responsibility need to fall on MK? It doesn't, you only say it needs to so you can try to score some imaginary points for people who already support your side. Just drop the pretense, no matter how this was handled, the result would have been the same: CSN ignoring MK's protection to go on ZIing a nation they felt had wronged him. You're grasping really hard to find something to be upset about in this situation.

    And the onus was on MK to contact CSN and check with them before accepting him as an Applicant.

    Did MK even check with CSN to see if Dave's pity routine was legit?

  3. [quote name='feardaram' timestamp='1339696130' post='2983676']
    csn had to know that nuking someone under the protection of MK could lead to this. they didn't care.

    Why was it CSN's responsibility to contact MK? They were already at war with Dave. Hell, one of yours was at war with Dave that very day.

    When you accepted him as an Applicant, it became your responsibility to end his wars peacefully. Not anyone else's.

    CSN had the right to ZI Dave as per their rules (and even Dave's agreement based on the other thread on the subject). MK did not have the right to declare war on CSN for what they had been doing before MK got involved.

  4. Ok then. Let me see if I can work this out now.

    Dave was caught spying. He was attacked for it.
    He then applied, or was offered an application, to MK.

    Now, It's been a few years, but I do remember when I first joined. Had numerous invites to various alliances. I checked many of them out. Even partially filled out a few applications before ultimately joining RIA. And in the vast majority of those applications, pretty close to being the first question asked, was "Are you currently at war with anyone?"

    Now, at the time, I was brand new. Obviously, I wasn't at war with anyone. But logic tells me that if I had answered yes, that question would have been followed up with a request for why I was at war, and even contacting my hypothetical enemy or their alliance to discuss whether the war was justified or not and the best way to handle it.

    MK obviously didn't do that.

    Thy're claiming that they would have sought a way to end the hostilities if CSN had simply contacted them, but their near immediate declaration of war proves the lie in that.

    Nor do I see why it is CSN's responsibility to contact MK concerning the punishment of someone who broke CSN's rules. It wasn't MK's business. If they had done the logical thing and contacted CSN before even considering Dave's application, then this whole mess would have been over before it started.

    That's just my take on it. Do with it as you will.

  5. [quote name='feardaram' timestamp='1339691899' post='2983555']
    those on the MK applicant AA are granted protection from the kingdom. it's been repeated numerous times. is it that complicated? i'm sure you'll find a way to ask the same set of questions all over again.

    we already covered this. He was at war even before he was an applicant. You violated their sovereignty by offering him protection from a justified ZI

  6. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1339690641' post='2983516']
    The Mushroom Kingdom application process is a lengthy one. Unlike your alliances, we don't just let anyone in, regardless of whether they have a pulse and/or the ability to use logic and reason. While he was not a member at the time, members on the AA are afforded the protection the members of the main AA are given. Yes, he had active wars when he came to the AA and yes CSN had sentenced him to ZI. But they disregarded an affiliation's sovereignty when they chose to ignore a peace request and nuke the applicant anyway. In no way did they attempt to contact us and tell us they were willing to violate that sovereignty, and had anyone in the fabled MK sphere of influence done what CSN had done, they'd be evil ones in the scenario.

    Your sovereignty? Don't make me laugh. What about their sovereignty in dealing with their rule-breakers?

    He broke their rules. They were punishing him for it. You stepped in and offered him protection, while the punishment was ongoing, and when CSN didn't back off, which they shouldn't have had to, you declared war on them for enforcing their own rules.

  7. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1339690641' post='2983516']
    The Mushroom Kingdom application process is a lengthy one. Unlike your alliances, we don't just let anyone in, regardless of whether they have a pulse and/or the ability to use logic and reason. While he was not a member at the time, members on the AA are afforded the protection the members of the main AA are given. Yes, he had active wars when he came to the AA and yes CSN had sentenced him to ZI. But they disregarded an affiliation's sovereignty when they chose to ignore a peace request and nuke the applicant anyway. In no way did they attempt to contact us and tell us they were willing to violate that sovereignty, and had anyone in the fabled MK sphere of influence done what CSN had done, they'd be evil ones in the scenario.

    But didn't you already admit he wasn't even on your AA at the time those wars were declared against him?

  8. So. Let me get this straight.

    Dave93 was giving away secrets. Doesn't matter if he was given said secrets or not. He was giving them away without permission. That's still spying. A 5 star general is given lots of military secrets. If he sold them to Iran, he'd sill be a traitor and guilty of spying.
    He was put on a ZI list for spying
    While in the process of being dealt with appropriately (and don't say none of you would do the same thing if someone was caught spying on you), he applied for protection.
    Instead of letting him get what he deserved, he's given protection.
    Now, you're using the after the fact protection as an excuse to attack an alliance for doing the right thing?

    Don't !@#$%^&* a !@#$%^&*ter. You wanted this war and you would have accepted any reason for it.

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