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Persephone de Abydos

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Posts posted by Persephone de Abydos

  1. It is with great sadness that I announce the end of NUHyperForce as an alliance.

    We had a great ride. But with so many members either having been deleted due to inactivity or having moved on to other alliances, combined with the fact that absolutely no one is interested in helping me run things and the general lack of newbies, I feel that the best decision for everyone is to disband.

    I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the alliances we had treaties with: 1 Touch Football, Republic of Aquisgrana, and Global Nuclear Order. Especially 1TF -- I don't think we would have made it as long as we did without y'all!

    Thank you!!

    EDIT: Please pay particular attention to Burnsey's post below: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=92050&view=findpost&p=2448923

    Persephone de Abydos
    (Last remaining gov't figure on NUHF)

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