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Baron Roderick

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Posts posted by Baron Roderick

  1. :rolleyes: Look into why so many people wanted to jump you in the first place, I assure you, it wasn't NPO's fault.

    I dont blame the NPO for our demise any more than I would blame my beloved Republican Party for rising energy cost. CN is a game of ever changing dynamics, and stagnation (peace) would lead to boredom and that would be the end-game. The NPO is the proverbial "straw that stirs the drink" and is not something to blame but merely something that has to be accepted as a momentary fact.

    Terry Howard made the game more interesting and that is more than can be said for some sanctioned-alliance foot soldier.

    CN is meant to be fun and it still is....


  2. CN always needs its perceived villains and if the NPO decided that Terry & his Illuminati where the new flavor of the weeks then so be it. This game is about war and byzantine politics and many a alliance far greater than Illuminati have fallen in less time.

    We had a nice run...........


  3. Per Grand Chancellor Howard all members are to seek terms at once. In theory that means that the Illuminati no longer exists as a CN alliance being that surrender terms include resignation from TNWO.

    I would humbly suggest that what remain of the Grand Council immediately message all our remaining members and have them comply at once.

    Many of us have played a part in TNWO's downfall whether it be by collusion or neglect. But to allow our general membership to be unnecessarily slaughtered is criminal.


  4. The Dominion of Bourbon hereby resigns from the Illuminati and capitulates to the attacking forces. We have been released from our loyalty vows by an official statement (Illuminati Forum) from Illuminati Grand Chancellor Terry Howard.

    All terms will be immediately meet.


  5. As for the many mid-smaller allinces the choice to attack the Unjust cause was easy to make. These allinces had suffered for months with extortion after extortion from the Unjust allinces. And these extortion's were not just the normal tribute a Major allince claimed but ruinous payments that would rip an alliance to shreds. After these payments were paid the "Unjust Path" offered to take over the offing allince FA & Treasury to make sure the system was working per there desires. ........................Do we want this in our world?

    We are free and while we will join with a proper Imperialistic structure we will give nothing to the anarchist & leftist that what to subvert our justice.

    Think for yourselves


  6. Of course we are ALL very progressive people that support the advancement of our members through the most convenient paths. Don't think that NAZI means winning because that is a fault & blessing for all the great social groups. Left or Right is a personal choice that everyone has to make in both Real & Cyper life and it is a defining point in self realization.

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