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Posts posted by mteague93

  1. Cattle, Spices


    not for me but another member of my alliance

    Sugar, water:


    that one is me...

  2. rapflag.png


    Poisoned Rapture Treaty

    ARTICLE I: Friendship & Non-Aggression

    Poison Clan recognizes Rapture as a sovereign alliance and will respect the sovereignty of Rapture. Both alliances recognize the need to keep open communication to maintain a strong and stable relationship, and agree to handle all issues through private channels and stay respectful of one another in public and in private. It is agreed that neither alliance will take military action or engage in espionage against the other, or assist an alliance hostile to the other, whether it be financial or military aid. Rapture will not support enemies of Poison Clan through any other means not mentioned here.

    ARTICLE II: Diplomatic and Economic Assistance

    The signatories recognize that economic support, whether through trade or aid, is mutually beneficial for both parties. If either signatory engages in political or military conflicts, it is the duty of the other signatory to offer diplomatic support and will retain unity in all public discourse.

    ARTICLE III: Defense and Aggression

    Poison Clan gives its word to defend Rapture through any means necessary, whether militarily, politically, or economically in times of distress. Rapture is encouraged, but not required to come to the defense of Poison Clan at any time while this pact is in order. Both signatories have the option to go on an offensive campaign together if asked to do so, but consent from the government of both alliances is needed.

    ARTICLE IV: Guidance

    At any time, either through growth and the addition of more/smaller nations, or through a request by Rapture, or through Poison Clan deeming it necessary, Poison Clan may take on a more active guidance role.

    ARTICLE V: Termination

    Either signatory may terminate this pact following a period of no less than 48 hours following notification to the other party. Following this period, Article I will remain active for an additional five days. Violations of the aforementioned agreement are grounds for immediate dissolution of this agreement without prior notice.

    ARTICLE VI: Upgrade

    This treaty may be upgraded if both Poison Clan and Rapture deem that they wish to continue to further their relationship, but the letter of this treaty is no longer beneficial to either signatory.

    Signed for Rapture:



    Signed for Poison Clan:

    Twisted, Master Killer

    Don Fernando, The Komodo Dragon

    Derwood1, The Dealthstalker Scorpion

    CitizenKane, The Computer

    Mishi, The Gila Monster

    Mushi, The Jellyfish

    Banslam, The Platypus

  3. Rapture, I hope you don't listen to all they naysayers, you're flag is good. I don't believe your charter said anything about team color? Would you mind telling me it?

    Also, I've only been in Rapture for a quick time, I'll be honest. It scared the crap out of me.(OOC: Played it, quit, scared the crap out of me) :P

    I hope you guys succeed

    Warm Wishes,


    we are a black team alliance and thanks for the support.

  4. 1. rapture has already been done

    2. didnt you have an alliance based on rapture already that failed?

    3. if it is a bioshock themed alliance you owe it to all of fans out there to have a WAY better flag!

    1. yes but this is a completely different alliance.

    2. yes, but in the old City of Rapture the government stopped working.

    3. true, but i wanted a simple flag.

  5. Wow, we picked a good time to DoE, huh?


    The flag of Rapture


    War flag of Rapture


    IRC: #cor on Coldfront

    Forums: http://rapturealliance.co.cc

    Announcement from the dystopia.

    Founding Government:

    Professor: mteague93

    Minister of Apollo Square: Under military control

    Minister of Central Control: Under Olympus Heights Control

    Minister of Framer's Market: Under the Professor's control

    Minister of Olympus Heights: presidentmicheal

    Our Charter:


    Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

    No, says the man in Washington; it belongs to the poor.

    No, says the man in the Vatican; it belongs to God.

    No, says the man in Moscow; it belongs to everyone.

    We rejected those answers. Instead, we chose something

    different. We chose the impossible. We chose... Rapture.

    Article One: Rapture's Goal

    1.The members of Rapture will have a peaceful environment to discuss both real life events and Cyber Nations events.

    2. The members of Rapture have the right to discuss things with out being discriminated against by race, gender, nationality, or creed.

    3.Every member has the right hold alliance government office, and maintain the office however they please.

    4.The members of Rapture have the right to defend there sovereignty by leaving the alliance.

    Article Two: El Ammo Bandito

    El Ammo Bandito, or the government of Rapture, will handle all day to day operations of the alliance. The Professor, the leader of Rapture, will appoint members to Ministries, also known as Ryan's Industries, to help develop the alliance and handle day to day functions of the alliance. The Ministries must include, but are not limited too:

    1. Minister of Olympus Heights

    2.Minister of Farmer's Market

    3.Minister of Apollo Square

    4. Minister of Central Control

    Article Two: Section One: The Powers invested in the Professor and Ryan's Industries

    A. El Ammo Bandito has the power to declare war, after a 3/4 vote on the issue.

    C. El Ammo Bandito can regulate aid within Rapture

    Article Two: Section Two: Replacement of El Ammo Bandito

    The Professor may be removed by a 3/4's vote of the membership. The alliance would then vote in a new Professor which will take power immediately.

    Article Two: Section Three: Regulations on El Ammo Bandito

    A. The El Ammo Bandito can exert power in any aspect of Rapture.

    B. The Professor will serve for an endless term or unless removed or resigns.

    C. The Ministers will serve for a six month period or unless removed or resign.

    D. El Ammo Bandito will handle all internal and external affairs for Rapture.

    Article Three: Olympus Heights

    A. Olympus Heights shall handle all external affairs for Rapture.

    B. Olympus Heights will represent Rapture in regards to other alliances.

    C. All diplomatic masks will be under the control of Olympus Heights as well as Embassies.

    D. The Minister of Olympus Heights may hire staff as they see fit.

    Article Four: Farmer's Market

    A. Farmer's Market will handle Rapture's economy.

    B. All trade circles will be authorized by Farmer's Market.

    C. Tech deals will be organized by Farmer's Market.

    D. The Minister of Farmer's Market may hire staff as they see fit.

    Article Five: Minister of Apollo Square

    A. All internal affairs shall be in the control of Apollo Square.

    B. Apollo Square has the right to regulate aid within Rapture.

    C. Apollo Square handles all recruitment for Rapture.

    D. The Minister of Apollo Square may hire staff as they see fit.

    Article Six: Central Control

    Article Six: Section One: The Power of Central Control

    A. Central Control has the right to tell a member country how and when to attack a country that the alliance is at war with.

    B. Any nuclear armed countries are under the realm of Central Control.

    C. Central Control has the right to declare war on ghosts or rogue nations using the alliance affiliation of “Rapture.”

    D. Central Control has the right to determine what an Act of War is.

    E. Central Control will consist of one Minister of Central Control, who will serve six months as Minister of Central Control.

    Article Seven: Ryan Amusements

    A. Ryan Amusements will be the education center of Rapture.

    B. Ryan Amusements will be maintained by the Ministry of Apollo Square.

    Article Seven: Section One: Ryan Amusements System

    All new recruits will enter a simple but challenging Academy. The Academy will consist of three stages, the first being an overall knowledge of CN and Rapture. The second stage will be a stage in which recruits enter a citizen or job placement role in Rapture.

    A. The recruits must wear the Alliance Affiliation "Rapture Amusements" during the quizzes.

    B. The recruits will only become members after they pass the second placement quiz.

    C. The Ministry of Apollo Square has the right to restrict the Ryan Amusements functions as seen fit.

    Article Eight: Amendments & Charter Replacement

    Article Eight: Section One: Amending the Charter

    A. Any member has the right to propose an amendment to the Charter. The Professor would then decide whether or not the amendments are valid.

    B. Any member in government has the right to propose a replacement of the Charter to a better Charter when deemed necessary after the first 4 months after this Charter has been implemented.

    Article Nine: Disbandment

    A. If Rapture government decides on disbanding, it has to be approved by a unanimous vote by the Government before a 75% result in a membership vote. 70% of the membership must at least vote in this poll.

    Article Ten: Mergers

    A. Any proposed mergers that would include the Rapture would have to be voted unanimously by the government of Rapture and given time to vote on by the membership.

    Signed by:




    Thank-you for your time reading this Deceleration of Existence.

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