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Posts posted by Velken

  1. Huh, ok. I don't know why I'm telling you this, but the Red Dawn talks were started with the ultimate aim of an all-encompassing Red unity treaty. Your Solidarity brothers walked out of the talks (and for ridiculous reasons, I might add). Don't pretend like Red Dawn is some sort of conspiracy to steal the Red team from you guys, you were given ample time and encouragement, and then some, to join with us for an economic unity treaty. The fact that Red Dawn went ahead was testament more to the genuine friendships forged during the negotiation process than a particular desire to control the Red team at your expense.

    I don't believe you.

    Red Dawn was put together around the same time our alliance had just formed. We didn't know about it and most of them didn't knwo about us.

    I don't care what you believe.

  2. Id like to Apologize to the Mushroom Kingdom for my comments earlier in this thread. It was miscommunication and misunderstanding.

    As for the rest of this thread

    Personally I find the propaganda messages being PM'ed to red team nations in game as "funny". They are not coming directly from NPO as some believe but NPO members are sending them out when NPO is not a member of Red Dawn. Naturally i can see why some are concerned

    So the real question is who is trying to instigate a conflict here and why?

    Naturally many will point the finger at NPO but lets not jump to conculsions so quickly. CoJ has a seat on the Red Team senate if I'm not mistaken so does another alliance that is apart of Red Dawn. I'm not tyring to start trouble here and I'm not pointing the finger at NPO, CoJ or anyone else...All I'm trying to do here is shed some light on the subject at hand. Someone or some people are obviously wanting to stir up trouble when their doesn't need to be any. The members of Solidarity had every right to form this bloc just as the members of RD had their right to form theirs.

    As for the Soviet Union, well I personally wasn't involved in many of the talks regarding forming Solidarity. Mainly becuase while they were going on I was busy working on finilazing the Warsaw treaty. Had I been invovled and forseen this sort of reaction I would have probably voted to keep the USSR out of it. But what is done is done and we stand by our agreements with our friends and allies. We will not be threatened or intemidated by anyone. We are not ANTI-NPO and have made that clear to them....

  3. the commies have been in Orange since forever.

    there is a large strong leftist alliance in the game that united most of whatever was around in the area and whoever makes little spin-offs, re-foundations of ancient groups, etc is just screwing it up for everyone.

    there's LSF in Pink, and INT in orange.

    and all other groups are just annoying buggers who won't unite behind the common banner because they want to do their own little thing and feel oh-so-special, because that has worked out so well in the past.

    that is all.

    Funny how you have such a low opinion of us yet your alliance comes to us quite offten for tech deals. lol

  4. Just because we are a smaller/younger alliance doesn't mean that we are stupid and don't know what we are doing. The International does advise us on issues when they fill it's needed but when it comes to our enternal matters or matters relating to the Red team it doesn't really concern them. As for "Solidarity" we are giving it a shot, if it turns out to not be a good thing in the long run we will withdrawl from the bloc. I don't see the reason to turn this issue into a big melodrama, all that shows is the immaturity of alot of people here on Bob. The Soviet Union minds it's own business and doesn't interfere in other alliances affairs unless it involves one of our close allies. You don't know us and have no right to make a judgement call like that. This bloc is something we decided to try out....We are NOT Anti-NPO and we are not Anti-RD. We a close freinds and allies of SWF and we decided to go along with them in this bloc to see where things go. We don't know UED all that well but the SWF do and they so far seem to have good relations with them. As stated above if things do not go well we will leave the bloc.

    As far as threats go I haven't seen any "direct" threats towards the USSR but there have been many antagonistic remarks towards the bloc and more specificly KDII. However I don't see them as threats...INT is just showing concern because they are our protectors and they shouldn't be hated on for that.

  5. Right, but you were just complaining that Red Dawn didn't approach you for entrance. If you were really interested in red solidarity, you should have come to the existing unity treaty and worked with the existing Red alliances. By setting up a rival unity treaty, you are doing the exact opposite of unifying red. So what exactly is the point of this except to spite us?

    I wasn't complaing about anything just stating the truth. We didn't know about it mianly because we where new and not involved in many foreign affairs at the time. We where approached by the SWF to join Solidarity, they are one of our main allies so we didn't question much of their former talks with the RD bloc. We are not spiting you or anyone lol.

  6. Maybe it's because nobody knows who the hell you are. You should have come to Red Dawn, I guarantee you would have been warmly welcomed, no matter how small you are. You guys aren't going to do very well here if you expect all future treaty partners to come to you.

    All alliances we have treaties with we went to them ^_^

    We are not against signing treaties with NPO or anyone else for that matter. As for us being more on the open world scene, that day will come. We've focused most of our time building our alliance community and so on. We mind our own business most of them time when it comes to the affairs of others.

  7. First I want to say I feel this is a great day not only for the Soviet Union but for out comrades in SWF and UED.

    I'm also going to clear a few things up while I'm here, on the subject of Red Dawn. The Soviet Union was never approached about the RD bloc. We didn't even hear of it until after it had been formed. Awhile back I recall someone saying that we didn't join RD because of the NPO. Again we were never brought in on the discussions, as for NPO we've never had any problems with them.

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