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Posts posted by Tupac

  1. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1301821583' post='2683367']
    Zhaan, stop it. No, I am serious, enough of your !@#$%^&*.

    You created UNSC only to suddenly bail on everyone halfway through, citing OOC reasons (which I frankly don't believe). Why should anyone expect you to do better this time?

    You did the exact same thing in BCOM. You left when we were peaking, again citing OOC reasons, only to come back a few weeks later under Skywalker, and then you left [i]again[/i] when you realised BCOM was crumbling- off to form UNSC.

    Your behaviour is unbecoming of a GUNner. I fully expect you to hand the reigns to someone better fit to lead GUN.

    I am not impressed with this at all.
    Im glad someone smells the bs in the air. I hardly speak on these forums but I will post to say I curse your sad attempt at reforming GUN.
    Mason (Zhaan) you worked so hard against the old GUN in its dying days when we wouldn't accept your forced ascension to power. You call yourself a founder but you were inactive for 90% of its existence. I would hardly call Zhaan a gunner. More like an alliance hopper.

    [quote name='MFC' timestamp='1301884602' post='2683750']
    Hope someone uses shout to mglockwo as a CB for war, he was not a fan of many
    Funny, because he is on your team now. Shout out to Mglockwo for not eating his meat sammich without a fight.

    I totally agree with Zenergy, shouldn't be longer then a month. Let the alliance be dead, the real GUNners called it quits last year. It doesn't need any more dragging through the mud.

  2. I am so saddened to see the only alliance which I could call home resolve to disbanding. To all those past and present who made it work, there is truly so many of you... I really really have the most love for you and while I wasnt the best I knew you had my back and vice versa. Cheers to some of the best mates I will ever have the pleasure of meeting. I can't put into words the sentiments I have for this alliance. We had a great run and were even almost sanctioned. I got my GUN in my shoe, and I dont bust back because I shoot first... o/ GUN til the end of Xeibio

    [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281065764' post='2402348']
    This is excellent news, what a nice way to end the day.
    Pull your friggen skirt right up and dont be surprised by the sand falling on and around your feet.

    [quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1281067931' post='2402399']
    Sad to see GUN disband. You guys put up a strong fight during the past war and you earned our respect. Best of luck to Zen, CC, Tupac, and the rest.

    Best of luck.

    o/ GUN.
    KingEd, hope to either cross paths with you again, be it on the battlefield or a more friendly exchange. TPE was good folk for sure, thanks guys.

    [quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1281068243' post='2402403']
    It is always difficult for me to find the correct words in situations like this. Losing one's alliance is seldom a good thing. The sense of loss can approach the mourning phase of a loved one. Being separated from friends, companions and acquaintances only compounds the loss. I extend my sincere condolences to the member nations of GUN. I wish you well and hope you find homes, new friends and a renewed sense of purpose.

    Thank you for the very kind words. Truly explains a lot of emotions. Cheers and salute.

    [quote name='GearHead' timestamp='1281096268' post='2402625']
    I'm very sad to see you guys go. Out of NATO's allies, you were some of my favorite. :awesome:

    Catch you on the flip side, friends. And for those of you headed to TFD, welcome to our humble abode. :)
    You guys were my favorite allies by far. Cheers and salute im disappointed I didn't get to serve by your side. Don't be surprised if I join your ranks.

    D34th, kochers; thank you.

    [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1281118398' post='2402872']
    I havent heard from you guys since the time polar attacked you :P

    OcUK actually. Yea that was a curbstomp I will never ever, ever forget, the most merciless and cruel attackers ive ever encountered. I hope you remember me because I remember you. Forgive but never forget. It also led us to one of our roughest times in GUN history from which we came back stronger.

    Cheers to all the mates o/ GUN forever.

    Last keg of GUN beer that I got is coming out of storage...

    to the nights we will never remember, with the friends we will never forget.

  3. [quote name='simon2269' date='23 February 2010 - 08:17 AM' timestamp='1266931267' post='2198940']
    I am not a frequent poster on these forums as I have found it is better to be quiet and look a fool than open my mouth and prove it. Something many GGA'ers of old should have remembered. Today i have made an exception, i have today resigned from the GGA, they have been my only alliance and i do not know now where to go or even to continue at all, thankfully i am away tomorrow for a couple of days (touring my nation) so will have time to ponder on my options.

    I have posted to state my reason behind my decision. I do not know whether or not the current newly installed government of GGA will be any better than any of their predecessors, as only time will tell how successful they will be or even if they will last. I sincerely hope that they do improve the GGA, however each of you define that, for me it will be to maintain a community of people who enjoy doing what they do. My reason for leaving is simple, this very same proposal (with minor changes in personal and positions) with this very same name was put to the general membership of the GGA, it was debated at length and a vote took place, that vote was lost by DM and RM. A coup has now been put it place and these very same rejected ideas how been forced upon the membership. It is not the change that i object to, although i voted against it in the format it was, it is the manner of change that i do not agree with and by remaining a member of the GGA i tacitly approve of the methods and mechanism employed when i aboslutely do not. Had the membership voted and apporved the change and those changes were made i would have stayed and doen what i could to help them succeed.

    I wish you good luck in the future GGA and hope this new leadership brings stability back to my former home.

    Cheers to you even though i dont know you, a very respectable and needed post given that this is the truth. And I wouldnt expect anything but the truth from a general member. Good luck in your endeavors.

  4. o/GUN This charter is what we needed and were heading in a new direction. I couldn't be more proud of my leaders in recent times.

    o/ NATO
    You guys are so awesome that i'd interrupt a celebrity at an award ceremony to let everyone know.

    Im glad that we have come this far, I guess as far as 2 alliances can get without being creepy ;)

  5. [quote name='Kman28' date='10 February 2010 - 10:38 PM' timestamp='1265859503' post='2173826']
    See at first you kinda seemed like you we're a bit abrasive . Your actually pretty cool after i got past all that.Its all a game (political/nation sim), there will be war . In the end is this game that fun without a good war once in a while? I'm just being honest here man. lol

    Lol I'm not entirely sure if this was directed at me but indeed, first impressions are quite a odd thing, especially over the internet, with a ton of prejudice to obscure ones observations. I'm here with a light-heart and good spirit. Also ready to kick some @$* while im at it, or go down in a blaze.

  6. [quote name='Kman28' date='10 February 2010 - 10:19 PM' timestamp='1265858387' post='2173789']
    Quick question. Is the whole nuke thing your threat. If it is i encourage you to go and check you alliance page. Once you have done that i would like you to go and check ours. See ya at update :). Good luck to you all.

    Also a little about TPE . We are a tight nit group of guys who play many games together . Have been for years. We have not in any other game ever backed down. The guys i have here now have been tested time and time again and not faultered. Testing our resolve is a waste of your time my friend.

    Nonono, im simply stating that I have yet to have my fair share of the fun and I don't appreciate watching my alliance burn when I am barely singed. Can you fufufufill my fafafafantasy? I will wait and see at update :D.

    Also, the fact that you are a tightly knit group is not a surprise to me at all. Many facts about your alliance prove this and your military organization is obvious, thanks. But this isn't the first time we have been on the receiving end.

  7. [quote name='KingEd' date='10 February 2010 - 02:15 AM' timestamp='1265786150' post='2172255']
    To the lovers and great warchest keepers of GUN, I welcome you to surrender. We wont waste our nukes on a nation with 10,000 Infra and $54,353.06 saved as a war-chest. I know full well that you didn't expect to get jumped on, sorry, get a reality check. No action goes without consequence---the TPE knows this full well. We are committed to this War and we will see it trough. Don't bother us with your useless flames & trolling remarks of "band wagon", put bluntly, we don't give a damn.

    Forward Prolifica!

    On a side note---We wont be as kind as WAPA, we will use the full might of our Nuclear Arsenal to an extremely sensible extent. I see it now...Bill Locked...Surrender...laughter...Enjoy the war GUN, I know I will.

    Btw, my war-chest for the one that failed: $25,430,230.55
    Cute, joke or not that hurts. I believe GUN will come out of this saying something ridiculously infamous like:
    Some War-chests, Some Surrender.
    However, I'm glad you underestimate us, I mean you guys look fierce and all but that doesn't say much for cohones, I'm still looking forward to an opportunity to meet you on the battle-field.

    [quote name='Auctor' date='10 February 2010 - 12:47 PM' timestamp='1265824056' post='2172821']
    This line of argument is like trying to argue away a pregnancy on grounds that the lady and the feller never dated.
    More like they have no idea who eachother are but by the grace of God they now have a baby. But hey, the Church has fooled us for over 2000 years.

    [quote name='SaintScott' date='10 February 2010 - 05:20 PM' timestamp='1265840436' post='2173268']
    Not speakin for WAPA here but zenergy. Really wish you could slant your shoulders in one direction to remove the chip thats on it. :lol1:

    I see no chip thar? We are still in good spirits, including Zen.

    To my enemies I say bring it on, because you still haven't. (at least not my way. Oh and a public service announcement from the office of Xeibio himself.

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