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Posts posted by tudorjason

  1. I am looking for new tech sellers to fill all six slots for long-term.


    Again, I need to see a history of responsible tech selling to avoid being cheated and would prefer quick turn arounds.  I get tech more quickly, and you get rich more quickly!


    Please message me in-game if you're interested.


    Thank you!

  2. I have one slot let that will be available in 3 days after gametime tonight.


    This is a great opportunity for a new nation to grow quickly.


    Please message me in-game if interested.

  3. I am buying tech again. I have two slots open, maybe three.

    Sellers seem to drop off the face of the earth every month or two. So if you send me a message in-game, I will keep you on a list to contact when a new slot is open.

  4. I am buying tech again. This time, I have five opens slots.

    As before, I need to see that you have a history of being in some kind of tech deal.

    If you are interested, please PM me in-game.

    Thank you.

  5. I am buying tech. I am looking for one long-term seller who submits aid on time and doesn't need to be asked. If you are interested, please send me a message in-game. After you send your inquiry, I will review your aid offer history and respond if I sense you are dependable and you show initiative.

  6. I still don't get it, even after jraenar's explanation. I copied and pasted the last URL that was given and replaced the coordinates with the current ones.

    Is it the 'value code' that I need to change to something? Should "whatever" be something else? And if so, what should it be? Why does the example need to include "whatever" anyway?

  7. [quote name='au202' date='16 April 2010 - 12:56 PM' timestamp='1271447748' post='2263089']
    Who are the hitmen ninjas?

    And where to find this "A-Team"?

    Are you guys even talking serious?


    I believe they are kidding around. The A-Team was a TV show a few decades ago that was about a team called the A-Team who fought for justice or something.

    The Hitmen Ninjas? I don't know if they have ever existed in any form.

    But why would you want to attack someone in your own alliance? Isn't there another way to solve whatever problem you may be facing?

  8. I voted for furs as the worst tradable resource. It isn't desired because it's only purpose is to provide a few more dollars of income and it allows a nation to have only one bonus resource from it, ie: Affluent Population. Because of that, I almost chose Affluent Population for the worst bonus resource, but instead it was Fine Jewelry. Although the resources that it takes to have Fine Jewelry provide a lot of extra income to a nation - including a small decrease in costs, income increase, and happiness increase - it demands four resources to get it. This means that there are fewer bonus resources that a nation can have from the remaining connected and tradable resources a nation is allotted to have. Because if you strive for Fine Jewelry, you might as well get Affluent Population, which leaves a nation with even less allotted room to have more resources.

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