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Posts posted by Torak

  1. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1281565273' post='2411626']
    Well, it was more like this, from my perspective:

    Heft: Hey, you're attacking this guy we just told you we were protecting. What?
    Hoo: Yes, we are.
    Heft: But we just told you we're protecting him?
    Hoo: We don't care.
    Heft: Well now if I defend the guy that would lead to war, even though we just told you we were protecting him, so I'll just send him some aid instead.
    Hoo: That would be an act of war.
    Heft: I'm sure you won't declare war over that because that would be incredibly retarded.

    Clearly I did, in fact, misjudge. I underestimated the apparent severity of the situation, I guess. And violated some policy or whatnot.

    You kind of skipped over the point where the member was fighting a war and you accepted him. But then again you are a Sith so that is to be expected.

  2. [quote name='Pedron Niall' date='25 February 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1267152546' post='2204278']
    All I seem to see the opposition doing in this thread is whining about a list of grievances which they continually keep adding to, which is quite ironic since they enjoying accusing the same of the NSO. I will provide 10 great examples:

    1) YOU GUYS WON'T ACCEPT THE LULZ TERM?!?!?! - No actually, we have a certain level of self-respect and integrity. Get used to it.

    2) Omg, you guys don't wanna surrender - No actually, we feel an honourable exit on equal terms would be respectable and fair since we only have been honouring our friendships and treaties.

    3) YOU TREATED US LIKE DIRT ON IRC - Please, every alliance has fools who misconduct themselves. The government has represented this case fairly enough.

    4) You were part of the Hegemony. hatehatehatehate - Only someone really desperate would need to resort to this story, bursting into tears. Of course, it's an outright lie and completely absurd. Personally, I fancy it [i]reductio ad hegemonium[/i].

    5) I don't like you or anything you stand for - And? If you don't like us, go on and kill us. Don't waste your time scoring brownie points here.

    6) There was the time you guys THREATENED US WITH DISBANDMENT - If only we took every time someone trash-talked and we didn't like and attacked... oh wait, that already happened. It was called Shark Week, if I recall, and GOONS had a good time with it. I am sure Fark remembers GOONS and their actions quite well. In any event, all alliances are obviously accountable for every word of each member. Maybe I ought to change AA right now and just start making threats.

    7) But you made mhawk pay $1!!! - Other alliances have other principles. We don't waste our time converting or expecting others to follow us. It's not our job to tell others what to do.

    8) If only you would come and make us a formal offer we would... - Correction, we already did. White peace with no re-entry and an admission of defeat. It's funny because I see no one bothering to accept or refuse it. This is the only detail that matters.

    9) You have made no attempts at negotiation - I don't understand how one can argue this when the whole issue at hand is precisely that negotiations have failed. Obviously this is either complete stupidity or they're just digging.

    10) Couldn't we just change the wording of admission of defeat? - No. The general membership refuses to surrender and asks for white peace. Changing the wording from anything but such an admission is surrender.

    Can we just have you write a full list already? It's kind of annoying hearing it broken-up and regurgitated in every second or third post.

    Can we just get on to the point at hand already? Everyone is arguing bullocks. The only thing that matters is whether Fark will accept Ivan's offer or not, so let's bring on the Fark government already so they can accept or reject it and end this monstrosity of a thread.

    I like you

    Have you considered joining the Sith?

  3. [quote name='Penkala' date='25 February 2010 - 07:52 PM' timestamp='1267145744' post='2204044']
    Then you shouldn't have signed a blood oath with those that invented harsh terms, the viceroy, EZI and forced disbandments and you shouldn't have tried to prevent the end to those practices when it came. But you did. And you, along with all those who, when the time was up, tried to preserve the status quo have no room to complain about [i]anything[/i] we've done.

    You know what? I'm going to take a 1-year window of what we've done with power and a 1-year window of what you've done with power and line them up side-by-side in a few days. Then you can try and come here and complain of how we're being heavy-handed.

    Edit: when it came time for the ultimate showdown to decide whether NPO and their methods of operation or Karma's methods of operation should rule for a couple years to come you stood with NPO and disbandments, viceroys and EZIs. You tried to continue those punishments well into the future. Your complaints about a beer review will be met with laughter and general disregard.

    Dude shut up

    Seriously you embarrassing yourself and your Alliance

  4. [quote name='Pedron Niall' date='24 February 2010 - 07:58 PM' timestamp='1267059693' post='2202311']
    As an outside observer, I find things laughable. Firstly, to those who dictate that NSO refuses to surrender because of IRON, you exist either in self-delusion, ignorance, or simply have been absent altogether. Secondly, to those who regard that NSO is being paltry in refusal to accept such a trivial surrender term, not only has the beer review item been revoked, but its triviality implied that it was stupid to press in any case. Finally, for those who argue that simply admitting surrender is no different than white-peacing, your conception of principle and integrity are faulty.

    You say that surrendering will appear no different to others than white peace. NSO does not care what the others think in this regard. They obviously care about their self-respect they will have for themselves due to such a surrender. White peace implies a good bout which ends on even terms; surrender implies capitulation and bending-over. Contrary to public opinion, they are mutually exclusive for one's integrity.

    You say that principle and idealism will mean nothing if one's alliance is wiped out. Opposingly, I argue that without a purpose of principle or mission, there is no validity for an alliance to exist. For an alliance like NSO, to sacrifice principle to public demand is suicide and to fight until the bitter end would be much more honourable if not quite as deadly.

    You try to say that it is NSO's conduct that has earned them this issue. Perhaps they did some foolish things on IRC but the criticism is not that their conduct, as a whole, is a failure for them only that you refuse to accept them because they do not nor have ever conformed to your standards. If you choose to put them down for said reason, I can only wonder how it does not consciously occur to you that you are destroying them because they wanted to choose their own, individual path and not be owned by everyone else.

    Foreign affairs should not but has been a whorehouse, even for many alliances in this war. The worst punishment would be to force NSO to bend over when the only crime they committed was to defend allies honourably. If you do so, you will only perpetuate more stupidity in the already tangled treaty web.

    To conclude, you guys should either go and give them the damn white peace already or just announce your intentions to beat them down for a longer period with no remorse. The one thing that's worse than being a prick is trying to pretend not to be one when you are.


    Truly nothing more needs to be said

    Also Polar I wish you the best of luck

  5. TOP's paranoia is evidently contagious, I guess NSO should have gotten their shots sooner. You were slapped on the $@!, given peace and sent home yet here you are peddling conspiracy theories to justify hitting FARK.

    Entering this conflict wont bring legitamacy to IRON/TOP/TORN's actions. There is no justification for for a pre-emptive attack due to paranoia but hey support away just means there are more dance cards to fill ;)


    Are you serious? I hope you have facts to back that up

    o/ NSO

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