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Posts posted by Tristesse

  1. I spent several sleepless days and nights vying to do the best for my membership under my command. Entirely too much effort really, and hope was had that things would turn out well.

    Then I got to watch everything I worked for and stood for turn sour and face what was surely a firing squad with no hope of escape. I did what I could to help who I could for as long as I could until I myself lost hope. That's the only thing I regret about those days, is in the end having to give up and knowing that I was letting people like Schatt down.

    It was the end of an era. Maybe things are better that way, time will tell.

  2. It's such a shame that the name of Neutral Shoving is dragged through the mud by such an incompetent fool, and an even bigger shame that he's dragging naiive alliances along with it. Love or hate their various exploits, I'm sure everyone here would agree that the end came long ago for old GOONS. This mockery of the dead of those long ago wars is disgusting, and it makes me sick to see others being hoodwinked by this idiot.

    Galactic Imperium, you have no idea what you may brought upon yourself by allying with such scum.

  3. I was looting mere chump change from your nation today, just enough to buy some victory burgers really. Ever try to navigate an Apache through a drive-thru?

    In any case, the funds you had left and the manner you spent them before war was even declared still would've been insufficient to pay back your deals. Now there certainly is no hope. Good job continuing a tradition of thievery and dishonest practice; you are embracing the worst aspects of the Order of Neutral Shoving, the aspects the true old members regret. The reasons why the alliance failed in the first place. Only a fool could manage to make a bad name worse.

  4. I don't doubt that he won't be able to pay back the tech now but to my knowledge he has never tech scammed before, though I could be wrong.

    He'd spent entirely all the cash, before war was even declared on him. From what we can gather, it was mostly on infra, land, and military. Logistically, he didn't have any cash reserves left to begin with to pay back the tech for the aid he was given, unless he somehow managed to do it all with collected taxes.

    I honestly expected him to have some measure of funds on hand because of those deals, and was taken aback that it was all gone. He clearly intended to scam to begin with.

  5. Before offering aid to them please be aware that The Goon Order of Neutral Shoving is still actively at war with several alliances, including TOOL, NpO, ODN, and several others.

    I couldn't care less about your grudge against us, but just a kindly reminder that you'll be aiding known war criminals.

  6. I hope you know there's been 3 or 4 people in GOONShoving since at least May 1st.

    Actually, there's only 1 nation that has seniority beyond May 1st, and they're hiding out forever in peace mode. We have no qualms with them. Another nation is just a random rogue already involved in several wars, and the third is the shining example of intelligence that has been gracing the forums. WOG squad is fully equipped to handle the entire alliance.

  7. That would be fun to read.

    I didn't see anywhere where he would have to show his face. I know it stated putting his ruler name into the video, but not face unless I missed that? I agree with your sentiment though MO, that is a possibility. I would assume if he decided to go with the fun, he would cover his face. Please, cover the face.

    Indeed that is correct, there is no need for the person to post their face or real name if they choose not to, just as long as a paper with the ruler name is viable for identity verification.

  8. The way we see it, his alliance is already involved in several unresolved wars that were given no option for them to surrender from, involving several sanctioned alliances. This does not particularly threaten the already doomed nations of Neutral Shoving, it just determines our involvement while giving everyone else something to enjoy.

  9. Also to make another comparison you might understand, if someone had rolled a nation with the ruler of MidusOperandi, belonging to the alliance of The Bread Cross, and pretending to otherwise be you in every way shape and form I'd be willing you bet you would be offended. Rightly so, I would say! You would probably declare war of some sort, or make some kind of public posturing to ensure the cyberverse knows the difference between you and the impostor as well as declare war.

    GOONS leadership endorses and requires a full and transparent public record of all conflicts, so regardless if The Deadliest Catch was enacted or not a declaration of war would've been made public either way. This is our attempt to allow the other alliance to respond and potentially obtain a NAP that cannot be cancelled by us, thus insuring the safety of their alliance. (From us, anyway) This is far more generous than a past GOONS policy where war with no surrender would be the only option.

  10. So I'm a little unclear on the rules:

    If a third party completes an element of the challenge before what you're calling "GOoNS" (I guess that makes you guys GOoONaS), then that third party gets to decide what?

    You can choose to start the war, and a kind of bypass to the rest of the process. Useful in case anyone just wants the whole thing over and done with quickly.

  11. Also, to cite precedent for those who are worried about the legality of The Deadliest Catch, the cyberverse has born witness in the past to resolution of conflict broadcast on the public forum known as youtube. Many shoes were placed on heads, and one Klosterdev once sang "I'm a little teapot" sans clothes to obtain peace once. We were careful to choose objectives that would be appropriate for nations of all ages, and would be all in good fun. There is no ill intent here, and no ill will meant. The only intention is to carry the best spirit of what many of us fondly remember, and to resolve a rivalry once and for all.

  12. It has come to our attention that the old flag of the Goon Order of Neutral Shoving has been resurrected under a new leader. Being the current representatives of our esteemed Something Awful, we take great offense at the blatant disregard of everything that we stand for. As I am a believer in the finest of all GOONS military traditions, I and my squad the esteemed WOGS hereby challenge The Goon Order of Neutral Shoving to our first ever "Deadliest Catch."


    Since no leader has been expressly named in reguards to the "GOoNS" then any member flying the AA in game as of right now may fulfill any one of these challenges. They are as follows-

    BLACK TEAM: You must re-enact the sandwich board scene from Die Hard With A Vengence and post the video on youtube.

    NOT A JOKE THREAD: You must record yourself, while holding up a sign with your nation ruler name on it, telling 15 funny jokes in less than 2 minutes and post the video on youtube. We will be the judge on if your jokes were funny.

    AN END TO GRUDGES: You must post a youtube video of yourself (with a sign visable with your nation ruler name written on it) singing "We Are The World" dressed only in a loincloth.

    You may pick any one of these three options, and whatever you choose must be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will create a state of war between WOGS squad of the Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism, and the Goon Order of Neutral Shoving until the latter alliance no longer exists. Also in true SA mod challenge fashion, if any member of the cyberverse completes one of these objectives before someone from GOoNS does, they can choose to start the war as well. If GOoNS does succeed, we will recognise their right to exist and sign a NAP that cannot be cancelled from our side.

    The Deadliest Catch starts now!

    **Disclaimer: The Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism does not intend to interefere with any ongoing or unresolved states of war that the Goon Order of Neutral Shoving have not resolved.**

    Edit: minor typographical error.

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