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Posts posted by mreed1990

  1. Hey guys I got a great idea. How about joining one of the best alliances in Cyber Nations. PHONEIX RISING!!!!!! Here is the letter.

    Hi there, I'm here representing Phoenix Rising (PhR). PhR is one of the fastest growing alliances in CN because we don't look down upon new nations, many alliances don't answer questions, don't allow younger nations to have a voice, and some don't even let them in period.

    PhR on the other hand is designed to do two things:

    1) provide a safe, friendly environment where you can grow your nation

    2) have leadership that's friendly to new people, we understand that you don't have to be around CN for 2 years to be an intelligent talented person.

    If you're interested here are our forums, all you need to do is sign up, it takes five minutes, is completely free and doesn't ask anything personal.


    Best of luck,


    If you want to join fill out the stuff in the forums or you could even message me. I hope to see you on the forums.

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