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Posts posted by eaglecat

  1. My bad, I assumed, if an alliance on the side of the enemy DoW's your friends, your obligated to defend them. You made the mistake of DoWing someone with alot of friends, you payed the price. Well, the 5 of you that went to war that is.

    Barix9, you know as well as any, the historical record shows Avalon brought to the field of battle in Karma nearly 28 nations, of which approximately 15 (if memory serves) were nuclear capable. Fighting valiantly for many months, weeks after all other conflicts in Karma had ceased, during the war, the ratio of nation sized destroyed by Avalon to nation size Avalon lost was approximately 6:1 (if memory serves).

    Barix9, of ARES, when Avalon choose to activate her ODP and assist TPF against PC thereby entering the Karma conflict, and when subsequently PC had difficulties with Avalon and sought assistance, ARES was one of those recruited. Of the many alliances ultimately recruited to assist over the months, ARES proved by far the least effective.

    Thus, maybe your lies come from over-compensation given your insecurity in your abilities. So immature I must assume you do not speak for your alliance's government. Checking wiki.... Oh lovely TFA you are. So spinning lies is now official ARES policy is it?

    Barix9, please patiently wait for the decision of the Avalon Gov't with respect to this matter. Then, maybe, you'll have the chance to speak on the field of battle, and let your nation and/or alliance do the talking.

    - eaglecat

  2. Contact my teammate, Nerdonia, with aluminum and marble, and see if he is interested. This is Avalon's official ideal BR set. Ivan-the-Banal (Nerdonia) can get you a double on the construction resources thus making the circle over-all easier to complete. I'm NOT outright volunteering him cause I do not speak for him; I am simply suggesting you say hello and see if he's interested. I'll ask him if I see him in IM however, to get his attn if he logs into the game more irregularly. :) Here's his nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=256950. (By the way, I'm a trade circle founder myself and in a happy one. Saying don't recruit me personally, but also sayin I KNOW what you're going thru, it isn't easy, but the payoff is worth it. :) I have some pretty swell fellows whom I trade with now.)

    - eaglecat

  3. Purchased. Sent donation. Waiting for Foreign Aid from SpoiL. Receipt text from e-mail copied below.

    Description Unit price Qty Amount

    Cyber Nations Donation from eaglecat. Bonus to be applied to Exxon ruled by SpoiL.

    Item# 1048294741 , Payment From: eaglecat $20.00 USD 1 $20.00 USD

    Subtotal $20.00 USD

    Total $20.00 USD

    Payment $20.00 USD

  4. Trade circle (and the one I am in) one complete. I have received a few extra replies to my PMs, for those I will start tomorrow night (or Monday) a second set list below. If it works out, I would not mind at all helping to grease the wheels to get a second round running. :)

    Thank you all who responded and viewed my post, and answered my PMs with honor and grace. Good luck to all.

    - eaglecat

  5. This war has been fun, many have gone inactive. I have lost all but one trade partner from the beginning of the war due to either leaving me for a trade circle or more likely inactivity. Enough is enough. Here is my attempt at starting a trade circle on my own. Please update this post by filling your name in if you are interested. While purple is preferred for the final circle color, if enough are a different color, then by all means, majority rule, and we'll switch to that.

    Thank you much! Cannot wait to have this setup. :-D

    Eight Bonus Resources


    Radiation Cleanup



    Scholars (if enough tech for literacy rate)




    Needed Resourses

    Aluminum - eaglecat

    Lumber - Avena

    Wheat - Arkania

    Water - Elidan

    Coal - Empire Del Sol (tentative, a current new trade partner, pending PM confirmation)

    Gold - Empire Del Sol (tentative, a current new trade partner, pending PM confirmation)

    Lead - Poseidon

    Oil - Avena

    Iron - Poseidon

    Marble - Elidan

    Rubber - Arkania

    Uranium - eaglecat

    Bonus to You - Economy

    For Income:

    Income + $6.00

    Happiness + 11 pts

    Citizens +8%

    For Building:

    Infra Cost -35.2%

    Tech Cost -12.6%

    Land Cost -10%

    Land Bonus +38%

    Environment +2%

    Env Penalty -50%

    Bonus to You - Military

    Soldier Efficiency +42.6%

    Soldier Cost - $6.00

    CM Cost -20%

    Nukes Cost -20%

    Tanks Cost -8%

    Navy Cost -23.5%

    Aircraft Cost -15.2%

    Aircraft Limit +10 Units

    Bonus to You - Upkeep

    Infra Upkeep -21.3%

    Soldier Upkeep -$0.50

    Tank Upkeep -17%

    Nuke Upkeep -20%

    Navy Upkeep -35.2%

    Aircraft Upkeep -25%

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