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Al Gore

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Posts posted by Al Gore

  1. My nation was aparently deleted. not 100% sure why but my guess is its because my wife and I both play from home.


    Even though 1427 days ago when we joined we asked admin to approved this situation and he said as long as we never traded, aided, wared, etc. it was fine.


    I have played this game and donated money for years, I expect better treatment than this and certainly better treatment than I'm sure your gonna give me in response to this topic.


    I know deletions are permanent. This has turned from a great pass time into a giant waste of my life. TY

  2. I am new to the green team. My nation is larger so I am experienced in long term trade circles. it's a great combination of resources to give max growth.

    the resources are: alum, cattle, coal, fish, iron, lumber, marble, silver, uranium, water, wheat, gems.

    that combo is all about making money and saving on bills/purchases.

    which gives the bonus resources: Steel, Beer, Construction.

    which enhances the effects even more!

    If you do not have a harbor you will need one to open all 5 trading slots. I will send you the money to purchase it.. Reply here or send me a PM to join our circle. LONG TERM ONLY!


    I have:

    Wheat X New Hajiland

    Gems X New Hajiland

    I'm looking for:

    alum X PFerd


    coal X Deidara


    iron X Glucose6Phosphate

    lumber X Dazer25

    marble X Deidara

    silver X PFerd

    uranium X Glucose6Phosphate

    water X Dazer25

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