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Posts posted by WorldFed

  1. WFflag.jpg

    Declaration of Existance

    Recently less than 1 month ago, World Federation has opened it's doors to the public and now has over 70 members & counting. Even though we're still new, we don't like to be pushed around & will let it be known. We are generally friendly & easy to talk to. We hope to shine on the spotlight for a very long time to come ^_^


    Enrage- Council Member

    LordAngelWilliams- Council Member

    more govt openings are available in short future

    Forum Link: WF Forums

    IRC: #WorldFederation

  2. hello we, the WF recently started accepting members in our alliance a little bit over a month ago. we had about 12 members, now we have almost 50. we would like to recruit nations that are a little stronger and create and give government positions now that the aa is getting bigger.

    What is World Federation about?

    well we are mostly cool and easy people to talk to. we do not put members in hostile situations and do not treat them like garbage. we're all in a fun, relax, and free environment here in WF. we're not strict, but just avoid the basic mistakes such as raiding other alliances and simple things like that. we won't force you to create an oath or make you read a 15 page rule book or 20 page treaty, or any of that nonsense. we dont waste your time. but we try to make it seem ''professional'' as possible ^_^

    we defend eachother, always.

    feel free to ask anymore questions and thanks for your time.

    World Federation Site

  3. well enrage is my friend. i know him in rl. we go to school togther. he always liked the odn when he joined it because he thought it was peaceful he was there for a long time. but i kinda force him to quit since i told him to change his team color for trade. so he tried some other alliances after that but ended up quitting it because it didnt have the same experience. so a few days ago, i just told him to join world fed aa. i feel guilty now for telling him to recruit people for us. its not his fault, so i would like to apologize.

  4. enragestealingmembers.jpg

    Like this?

    even if he forgot to reply or ignored it, is it really right to attack him like that? i understand if he actually attacked an odn applicant member, then yes. but trying to recruit someone is totally non threatening. im sure if he was in a bigger alliance like sparta or npo, u guys would of left him alone. no im not trying to make a fight with u guys, im clearly outnumbered by hundreds of members, but im just saying, can u guys just give us peace, we're just a small team trying to grow in the community. we are still learning. thanks for reading

  5. why is rosyland of odn attacking one of our members? we're a small alliance and we did not expect a bigger and peaceful alliance like ODN to attack him for trying to recruit an applicant. i just told him to recruit anyone he sees, even if its ridiculous. we even tried recruiting the top 10 nations in CN as well. but seriously, is that a good reason for one of my members to get attacked like that. a message telling us to stop recruiting certain people would of been more nice instead of bullying us.

  6. Thank you for looking at this message of the ''World Federation''. We are also known as the ''free world''. Every one of our members have the same rights and freedoms as anyone else of the national strength and background. What makes the World Federation alliance stand out from the others are, we try to make the game a little easier and bring newer members to a positive rather than hostile environment. Together, we can build World Federation, possibly become a superpower one day, and influence many that that worship the values of the Free World.

    Beginner nations can qualify for financial aid.

    You can join now & register later, you won't be grilled.

    Our official alliance website is at www.WorldFed.webs.com but it's still under a bit of construction

    Link directly into our forums: www.MapleStasr.net

    Any questions? You can PM me. I will try to answer as quick as possible.

    -World Federation

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