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Posts posted by Iyeman

  1. [quote name='evilsquirrel' date='15 February 2010 - 02:45 PM' timestamp='1266263102' post='2183303']
    Listen here you retarded !@#$@#$ gerbil or whatever it is you are, either way you need to be kicked, run over, stomped or a nice combo of all three. Take your midget $@! and your pathetic excuse for a lightsaber out of here before I pimp smack you with it. The new name for GLoF should be dishonor. You pathetic alliance attacked on false evidence. SO CHARLES? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU YOU BLOODY RETARDED JACKASS GERBIL !@#$%*!

    A fine example of the quality recruits that were joining as I left...

    I dunno wtf all this talk about mech and I having grudges. I had every intent on staying with the 57th even after my close friend Mechanus left. We have played online games together for 4-5 years, so when I was given the choice(by Veneke in Query, logs are somewhere im sure if they are that important) to stay in the 57th or continue to be Mechs friend I of course decided to leave the 57th and join GLoF (the other differences veneke and I had (slight disagreement on some Tech Dept issues) also helped contribute to that decision). I hated to leave behind the alliance i spent over a year with building from the ground up.(Which included organizing the Tech Deals into a somewhat smooth process which helped quickly grow the smaller nations while at the same time quickly building up the tech levels of our higher nations, i put ALOT of time into this, so it is killing me to see it all go down the drain)

    I have always jokingly called Veneke a Douche that is true, but I did stop when I was asked by GLoF leadership to not disrespect an ally, and so i quit even if it was all in good fun (so i thought).

    Yes, when i was asked to leave (did i really have a choice to stay? lol), I attacked Veneke because I was told he was the one who provided proof i was a "SPY" and I called BS on this but being without an alliance and not wanting to find another one i just decided eh ill Die rather than accept the BS claims against me. So if anyone here was/is living by death before dishonor it was me, I was going to sacrifice 2 years of work to get a little payback, it is just entries in a database afterall.

    Basically what Im trying to get across is after Gyouza left the 57th, I basically just ignored the 57th, sure i may have been in there public irc idleing but mainly because i never took it out of my auto-connect script in mirc lol. I have no grudge against the 57th or any of its members(that includes you Veneke...(i may be kicked out again for this but....you Douche :D)), and only attacked saints and dirt after they hit me.

    Hopefully this can come to a peaceful solution soon...and no Veneke im not only saying that because im all out of nukes!(/mutters something about your awesome SDI and how mine never frakking works) LOL

    ok well i really hate typing walls of text and even worse is reading Venekes, so that is another + to having a solution to this crisis soon. and this finishes my first and last public comment on this issue.

    [b]Summary for those who skipped the wall of rambling text - I have no grudge against Veneke or any of the other members in the 57th, or heck anyone in CN period.[/b]

  2. Interesting Monday morning read this made.

    First, incase anyone in BC hasn't noticed whoever screen shot your forums had Eve minimized and was listening to winamp all on a laptop plugged into AC...dunno if that helps you find the Spai or not :P

    Secondly, The general members that dont agree with the new government have been leaving (I was formerly 57th), For example there were 48ish members when veneke took over Nov 3rd, during the time between him taking over and Mechanus leaving the number rose to 53-54ish and has since reduced to 42. Im not sure who all left but considering they have been recruiting anyone who can breath the last 2 months. 13 nations have been recruited since Veneke took office meaning only 29 of the 48 nations in the 57th when Veneke took over are left, if my calculations are correct thats a 40% loss in members due to the way the new government has been running the show.

    I personally decided to leave when IRC chat started looking like this pic http://i47.nonpermited image host.com/2mguzi0.jpg

    To the friends I still have in The 57th I wish you luck, but as everyone in CN knows now the 57th is not the same alliance it was 6 months ago, hopefully someone in a leadership position will realize this before its to late.

  3. <yawn>

    If you're going to post **** on the forums youwish, the least you could do is provide us with some entertainment in the form of reasons, possible a few supporting falsified screenshots, the usual.

    Nothing to see here folks, move along :)

    It really was quiet boring really.

    **Edit** Had to censor out NSO's curseing it would seem.

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