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Josh the Great

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Posts posted by Josh the Great

  1. I think this is something that I would enjoy very much in my history class, but the overall presentation confuses me a bit. Personally I think this would be a better thing for perhaps a college setting. While I would personally love this, most of my classmates would not like this.

  2. **** Official Decree from the Desk of the Empress *****

    It has been a long time since Dell Land has entered into war, but it pains me to say that 3 days ago, I ordered the mobilization of our Military Forces. The *DS* and *DAF* are now mobilized and massed and are currently being transported to the Lubeckian Antarctican Peninsula and will be engaging forces from the nation of Top Gear. We will not sit idly by, why our allies fight. 40,000 men are en route, while another 20,000 men are moving to the Falklands and Tierra del Fuego, to help Lubeckian forces dig in for the upcoming battles. Another 30,000 men are manning the coastal forts of Mainland Dell Land.

  3. AUT, you know damn well that Mel was the perfect choice, but he didn't like your friends in TPF so he had to go. Mel was one of the few people left in Soldier, who knew What Soldier used to stand for, and knew the majority of the people, but you couldn't let him revert to Soldier's old path, so you threw him away, and put magic in charge.

    And your surprised by his actions? You had him picked to lead, until you learned that he stood for the same things that you used to stand for. And you had already named him Chairman, which means, you were indeed Nothing more than a regular member, but you used the blind devotion of the Soldier members to support magic taking over.

    TGR made a wise decision here, and I really am sad to see Soldier disband, but If you want to find the reason for it's down fall, look no further than yourself AUT.

  4. After the conversation I had with AUT on IRC, I actually think that Soldier is better of disbanded, then having him come back and try to lead them again. AUT changed how Soldier worked, changed the identity of Soldier, instead of sticking up for his ideals when threatened. That is why you lost all of those active members AUT, You changed Soldier for the worse.

    magicninja, from what I've seen you did a good job at attempting to salvage soldier and clean up AUT's mess, but you got hit hard, and I'm quite sorry to see you fail.

    Soldier, you were a good alliance, and wherever you guys go, you will be greeted with open arms, as any alliance would be happy to take members of your quality and caliber.

  5. So, AUT disbands Soldier from TSI?

    Why is the Government not announcing this?

    I expected this to be honest. Every time things got tough for Soldier, you instantly started whining about disbanding the alliance, but I guess no one tried to talk to you out of this time.

    This is a sad day for Soldier's members, for the alliance I helped to build from the ground up, I know that there are some good people getting dislocated by this.... Many who I thought would never let Soldier disband, but I guess I was wrong.

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