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Captain Fatbeard

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Posts posted by Captain Fatbeard

  1. I have fought, anarchied, and defeated six Pacifican nations, but last night I anarchied a Pacifican who has just recieved 3 million dollars from LEN.

    My war (he is also attacking Polaris, so I am guessing he's a rogue state): http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...;search=zlender

    LEN aid to NPO: http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp...&Extended=1

    My nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=322992

    I am asking for 3 million dollars in aid to counter this from anyone who sympathizes with our cause, so that I can survive and continue to fight for Karma in ending Pacifica's hegemony over Cybernations. If I am still alive after the war I will look at this as a loan and pay you back in interest.

  2. Oh, Im sorry, I didn't realize I was dealing with a bandwaggoner, I thought you were a simple tech thief.

    Both. If having an enemy without genuine friends makes you a bandwaggoner then I'm proud to be one. I doubt you're as interested in independence and freedom from alliances as you say you are if you mindlessly label anyone who attacks alliances based on their own personal vendettas rather than a treaty obligation, a bandwaggoner and treat it as if it were an insult. I would fight Pacifica on my own, but Iprefer to wait for opportune times and doing it with a group to maximize the damage and lulz.

    Also, why can't I roleplay as a pirate without being condemned as a "tech theif" (ooc: i've never even tech raided before and am just roleplaying as a tech raider and supporting the right to tech raid at the same time)? I really doubt the sincerity in your concern for nations and their right be from an alliance and partake in their own independent activities.

  3. Its mind boggling to me the difficulty so many have understanding that not everyone wants to be in an alliance. If ever there was a time in this world for Walford its now.

    You can call it "The Not Alliance Alliance" for all I care, but it'll probably become a de facto alliance if you want to survive. I wish people who didn't want to be an alliance had the choice to not be in one too, but I also try to embrace reality.

  4. How very frakken rich, Vox Populi, the voice of the oppressed now oppressing LMFAO!

    I'm just in Vox, so that I can fight NPO without going through all the admission procedures and red tape one must go through in joining most other Karma alliances. My behavior doesn't really represent the typical personalities of Vox nations (ignoring the fact that they are "UnIqUE lolrEBELS"), but you can get butthurt for the sake of my lulz if you'd liek. GL HF.

    I feel extra smug today cuz I gave a nickel to charity.

  5. I'm red team, someone wanna raid me?

    Now that the alliance I am in is out of this most recent conflict and after reading this thread I think Ill start a campaign and see how many unaligned I can get to Red to defend that color sphere, the entire sphere. With all that is transpiring in the world I think now would be a perfect time to assault the tech raiders.

    I have been rather bored these last few years, this just might be the cause to interest me again.

    Or you could just start a red alliance and be among the millions of others that will start to pop up soon.

  6. The days of Pacifica's doctrines are over, my friend. I am sorry to say, but if you want to exist in this new world order you're going to have to adapt to the times and get a protectorate who actually has the ability to protect you or face raids from pirates like me. While change can be a difficult and uncomfortable thing to accept, it is inevetable and good. Monopolies are dangerous and hurt the entire community, even if it means protection at the cost of freedom. Look at this as a liberation as now you can grow and become independent for the first time, and being one of the first independent red alliances on the new frontier will probably bring you many advantages. Do you really want to commit a suicide bombing because your dictator has been overthrown and you are feeling some mild birth pangs from your adorable newborn liberation? Be patient and you will survive.

  7. Words.

    I have never found myself so unattracted to communism in my life. Forcing people out of the game was the outdated and barbaric act of Pacificans and if I see the lolcommies try and do this to Nordreich I will fight them just as viciously and vigioursly as I fought NPO and I will be just as proud wearing the NoR banner as I was under the Pro Populi banner and the loljustice will feel the same.

    0/ NoR

  8. It was hard for me to choose between no NPO and cake, but ultimately I chose no NPO and that I'll just steal YOUR cake with my Somalian pirate crew.

    edit - I'm normally against forcing people out of the cyberverse, but I make a special exception for Pacifica so there will be justice for all those that they unjustly forced out of the game.

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