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Posts posted by BarkerODN

  1. I'd like to offer you the chance to join the Roman Empire, a premier alliance in Cybernations Tournament Edition. Our Emperor of two rounds now is Tiberius12. The Empire offers all its nations protection from raids and attacks. We are dedicated to ensuring the safety of all members. However, that does not mean we don't fight offensive wars! We are going to be engaging in fairly frequent wars with other alliances, so be prepared for that. We are a tight community that has endured for three rounds now, and are proud of our history. We have an epic emperor (who actually invited me to join him on tech raiding...who can say that about their emperor?), and we have many veteran members who are more than willing to help the younger nations with any questions they have about the game.

    To join us, register on our forums at:


    Switch your alliance affiliation to Roman Empire, and join the black team (recommended but not required)

    Join today, and be a part of something great!


  2. The Roman Empire is for you

    1) We defend our members. You will not have to fear any attacks or raids against you with our reputation of defense

    2) You will get to attack. A LOT. In fact, our emperor just invited me to join him in tech raiding...how cool is that?

    3) You will be a member of one of the consistently strong alliances in TE every round andddd

    4) You will be a member of the black team more than likely, which means easy trades and trade circles.

    Yup. The Roman Empire is for you!


    And yes I did do 4. What of it?

  3. Why all the ODN hate?

    I invite you guys to come take a look at our forums and look at the debate we had about which side to honor in this war. We had valuable allies on both sides, and no matter which side we picked, someone would be angry. As stated earlier, we diecided to honor our allies that honor us in turn. R&R, INT ( :wub: you commies!) and Vanguard. Those debates have over 500 posts between them by the way. We are a democracy, and we all have a say in what we do. We were pretty even on support on both sides until it came out that NPO declared war during peace talks. That was completely unacceptable to us and we had enough of NPO's dictator rule. Also, our "blood Buddies" IRON talked to our nemesis, the GOONS, when they returned. Some Blood Brothers, indeed! We decided as an alliance to support the Karma side, long before the sides were taken, and certainly long before anyone know the strengths of the sides.

    It may seem like we were bandwagoners, but I would like to remind you that we mostly have MDP's, not MDoAP's, and we waited until one of our allies were attacked that we declared war. We did what was best for our alliance, but more importantly, we did what we felt was right, and we have no regrets about that. Instead of singling us out, why not question all of the alliances who wanted to bail on NPO at the first sign of trouble? Or the alliances who attacked NPO just because they could? We are fighting this war for what we believe in, and to defend our allies on the Karma side. And we are not sorry for our actions in this war. We are sorry if you all feel like we are bandwagoners and just jump on the winning side, because you are sorely mistaken.

    And to those questioning our attacking smaller alliances-I will tell you again we were defending our allies. We attacked FEAR because they attacked R&R, then we were counterattacked by UCN and Wolfpack, and we hit NATO because they attacked The International. So if defending your allies is seen as bandwagoning then we are guilty as charged.

    That is all. Have a nice day.

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