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electric frog

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Posts posted by electric frog

  1. $%&@ you marten, something happened, and crap needs to get investigated, If you havent noticed, theres alot of ceasefires atm. CN is a game, when things go outside the game, that is unacceptable to some people. They need time to figure out what happened so they can decide on a course of action. More than likely it will be surrender, but if you had any goddamn honor youd accept the freaking ceasfire and wait just a little bit until things are solved.

    that is complete and utter bullcrap! what about all those so called nazis that got ran out of the game last year/earlier this year? they didnt even bring any of it here but they were all attacked and ran out of the game! for ooc reasons! this game has become way too PC and very much one sided and downright stupid in saying its ok to hate people we dont like and run them out of the game for nothing! and Every one applauded it. everyone applauded kaiser martens when he set up half of his alliance and turned on them! everyone applauded when the npo attacked SOD! yet most all of the so called nazi players never even brought any of their beliefs here at all all they did was post or visit some offf side forums that had nothing to do with the game.


  2. this is all BS here, I remember not long a load of players who were driven from the game for out of game/ off board activities that were never even brought into the game and the attackers were praised for it. there were many ooc attackes and attacks made ingame because of those peoples activities or beliefs that were not even brought into the game at all by most of them. Again this is a cop out and a joke. the PC madness needs to stop here. oh my feelings were hurt lets ruin the game for everyone now! oh you visited that site and never brought it to the game but i hate you and will drive you from the game. OOC attacks are common place and happen here every day. many here have been zi-ed for ooc reasons! its the way of the game. but the blind fools will continue to praise themselves and dilude themselves into believing they are not blind or stupid.!

    The sun on the meadow is summery warm

    The stag in the forest runs free

    But gathered together to greet the storm

    Tomorrow belongs to me

    Tomorrow belongs to me

    The branch on the linden is leafy and green

    The Rhine gives it's gold to the sea

    But somewhere a glory awaits unseen

    Tomorrow belongs to me

    Tomorrow belongs to me

    The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes

    The blossom embraces the bee

    But soon says the whisper, arise, arise

    Tomorrow belongs to me

    Tomorrow belongs to me

    Now Fatherland, Fatherland, show us the sign

    Your children have waited to see

    The morning will come when the world is mine

    Tomorrow belongs to me

    Tomorrow belongs to me


  3. Hurry up?

    But we're just getting started with the fun!

    this comming from someone that sold out his own alliance and virturally destroyed it by being a liar and a traitor to his own members. running off to the npo when times got tough, your alliance is a parody of its former self. were not afraid to regroup or rebuild from ashes then again you will probably fake another coup and run off to the LSF next time. :ph34r:

  4. UJP started nuking as soon as they realized they were getting crushed. Which was about 24 hours after they declared.

    so what nukes are a part of the game. deal with it. theres no rule that says you can have nukes and not use them! kind of stupid to have them and never use it! then again considering whom I speaking of........

    I kind of like that nuclear glow in our food keeps the bugs aweay and gives it that just warmed up feeling!

    let the nuclear fire rain down on planet bob till the holy admin resets!

    let loose the frogs of war

    till ragnarok ends! we welcome the rebirth and end to planet bob as we know it! we will die on our feet and not serve on our knees!

  5. Hou's aw wi ye?


    The Twa Corbies

    In ahint yon auld fail dyke,

    A wit thare ligs a new slain knicht;

    An naebody kens that he ligs thare,

    But his hawk, his hoond an leddy fair.

    His hoond is tae the huntin gane,

    His hawk tae fesh the wild-foul hame,

    His leddy's taen anither mate,

    Sae we mey mak oor denner sweet.

    Ye'll sit on his white hause-bane,

    An A'll pike oot his bonny blue een;

    Wi ae lock o his gowden hair

    we'll theek oor nest whan it growes bare.

    Mony ane for him maks mane,

    But nane sall ken whaur he is gane;

    Ower his white banes, whan thay are bare,

    The wind sall blaw for ivermair.

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