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Posts posted by tonygaspipe

  1. .Osiris. Is a small economic alliance. We are very new player friendly. We are always ready to guide and train new players. We are a pink alliance and for those of you who don't know, Pink is a very tight team. There are no enemies or traitors in the pink sphere. We are constantly working on trade circles and tech deals. If you are a new player, or just have cheap tech we can get you set up with a buyers immediately. This will help your nation grow. We are a protectorate of poison clan, and a member of PWNAGE. We are nearly untouchable to be such a small alliance. Also we are nuclear.

    So here are the reasons to join.

    3mil within 10 days of joining.

    Access to strong trade circles to optimize your nations income

    Guides to help your nation become great

    Governmental opportunities.

    Protection of Poison Clan and IS along with our other allies.

    PWNAGE membership

    Instant access to tech buyers and sellers

    Recruiting Contests happen often, you can win $$ and Tech.

    Aid chains and packages.

    Anything you need, ask, and we will help you!!!


    register, apply, be masked, and be awesome!!

  2. For whatever reason, whenever I go to send a message to another player in game, I click send, and it remains on the message screen and never loads or gives me conformation if the message is sent or not. Sometimes the messages are sent and sometimes they are not.

    Nation Name: Living Appliances

    Rule Name: TonyGaspipe

  3. I need to make a post about nation sitting, one of my alliance members is needing me to sit for him while he is away. Ive seen the board here before but cant seem to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction?

  4. Experienced in alliance gov't? Or would you like to give governing a try? The Osirian Compact is actively looking for players to fill its gov't positions. We are a small alliance looking to expand quickly, we aspire to be great. Let me give you some info. In late 2006 on the myspace CN group a lone player, frustrated with the large alliance scene, stumbled across a thread, a fellow known as The Dark Fox was looking to start an alliance. Sio as He (I) was known then, said "Im down" and The Osirian Compact was born, over the next year, The Osirian Compact had huge political influence in the CN world and had a massive bloc of treaties everywhere. We were an unstopable political and economic force. TOC was virtually untouchable. Any alliance who dared mess with us was within a week either Zied or in a permanent economic embargo. We were awesome. As later TOC was offered a deal by TPF to merge and be a part of mass greatness, not happy with The Dark Fox's choices and not a big fan of huge alliances, also experiencing some RL problems, Sio left the game. Now I am back as TonyGaspipe and The Osirian Compact is born again. We need you to restore it to its former glory. We are in need of the following. MoIA, MoFA, Head of Recruitment, Chairman of Economics, Lead Tech sellers, CEO of The Osirian Tech Center, Ambassadors, Treaties, and members!!! As we expand more positions will open up in TOC. so come one, come all, bring your friends!! We want you in TOC. Have your name in CN history as a part of the most epic reroll of all time. Go to our forum, check us out, register and look in our library, check out our archives, see how great we once were, and see how, with your help, great TOC will be again.


    register and post your application!!!


    -The Osirian Compact

  5. I have Fish and Lead I need to find a trade circle for Marble, Lumber, Aluminium, Iron, Oil, Gold, Coal, Wheat, and Water.

    Here are some stats.

    Scolars, construction, asphault, beer, auto mobiles, micro chips, steel, and radiation clean up

    income + $6, citizens +16.6%, happiness +11, infra cost -35.2%, tech cost -12.6%, land cost -14.5%, land bonus + 38%, Enviro +2, enviro penalty -50%

    Infra upkp -21.3%, solider upkp -0.5$, Tank upkp -17%, nuke upkp -20%, navy upkp -35.2%, aricraft upkp -25%

    Solider Effect +42.6%, Solider Cost -$6, CM cost -20%, nuke cost -20%, Tank cost -8%, Navy Cost 23.5%, Aircraft Cost -15.2%, Aircraft limit +10

    I am willing to cancel all current trades and change team colour!!! Anyone interested? GoGo

    Beer can be replaced with fine jewellery for:

    Well, not much of a difference.

    Will put up money for Harbour if Traders Join my alliance too.

  6. I have Fish and Lead I need to find a trade circle for Marble, Lumber, Aluminium, Iron, Oil, Gold, Coal, Wheat, and Water.

    Here are some stats.

    Scolars, construction, asphault, beer, auto mobiles, micro chips, steel, and radiation clean up

    income + $6, citizens +16.6%, happiness +11, infra cost -35.2%, tech cost -12.6%, land cost -14.5%, land bonus + 38%, Enviro +2, enviro penalty -50%

    Infra upkp -21.3%, solider upkp -0.5$, Tank upkp -17%, nuke upkp -20%, navy upkp -35.2%, aricraft upkp -25%

    Solider Effect +42.6%, Solider Cost -$6, CM cost -20%, nuke cost -20%, Tank cost -8%, Navy Cost 23.5%, Aircraft Cost -15.2%, Aircraft limit +10

    I am willing to cancel all current trades and change team colour!!! Anyone interested? GoGo

    Beer can be replaced with fine jewellery for:

    Well, not much of a difference.

  7. Thats right, The Osirian Compact has once risen from the ashes and spilled beer of Karma and is looking to Re-Roll. We are looking for willing and dedicated Gov't Officials, and Members. We are going to take this alliance back from the ground up. We have some of the original members on board Me (Formerly known as Sio Unholy) HeadHunter 221, Timmie the Great, and Javaswiller. We are hunting down any and everyone willing to be a part of an alliance where your voice is heard, where you have a say, where you arent restricted by the Bureaucracy of larger alliances. Was your old alliance smashed by Karma or is under outrageous terms? Are you wanting to GTFO of there? Do you want to have your name ingraved in CN history? Come to The Osirian Compact.

    www.toc.smfnew.com Take a look in our Library and check out all of the archived TOC stuff from the past, see how great we once were, and with your help, how great we will be again.

    (Please Ignore the top banner we are working on an awesome flag)

    -Tony Gaspipe

    -The Osirian Compact

    The Osirian Compace -Click-

  8. I am looking for experienced players and noobs to help me with this new alliance. We are currently active, but we are still in need of good, dedicated, and active members. We are actually a reroll of an old alliance who did great things. Is anyone interested in getting on board and helping restore The Osirian Compact to its former Glory? Im not going to post a link to our forum here just yet but if you are interested I will give you a link. Please, Experienced players, Noobs, people sick of being involved with bureaucratic large alliances post your willingness or message me in-game. Come be a part of an alliance that will be YOURS, be with an alliance where you have a say in what happens, help do something great and get your name permanently embedded in CN history.

    -Tony Gaspipe

    -The Osirian Compact

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