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Posts posted by Gorvid

  1. What a wonderful situation to behold.

    On the one side we have a small alliance of determined, like-minded individuals who are making every effort to fight a worthwhile cause...

    On the other side we have a bleating maelstrom of lilly-white, cave dwelling, hominids who clearly use online gaming as a long-term substitute for non-deviant sexual activity in between binge-eating and then crying whilst kneeling by the toilet.

    It's brilliant that GOONS are utterly shameless enough to instantly abuse the senate system for their own gain and to let a well ridden beef nag lead the propaganda in this forum. I don't think it would be possible to desperately shout any louder to try and convince everyone that you don't hate this situation and know outright that you absolutely deserve it for being disgusting little slugs.

    This is great... and what's better is every hilarious excuse that GOONS make just makes them look stupider.

    We're reaching new levels!

  2. Hello everybody,

    I am representing the CTF Brotherhood, we are new to this game and all our members are first timers.

    We have come over [just a few of us at the moment] from our main website:


    Thank you to all those who have messaged, offered help, offered pacts and generally been welcoming.

    Our intention is to try and get to grips with this game and community, and hopefully not annoy too many people, too much.


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