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Posts posted by Amelsh

  1. Just to clarify, my understanding of the incident was that it was not just trying to gain entrance to the channels.

    ...attempt to gain chanserv owner access of several secret channels....

    It sounds to me like a person could get up to some actual mischief with that.

    But perhaps I am mistaken.

  2. While it saddens me that so many have left for IAA, I understand the sentiment. I hope that we all can move on and establish good relations from this point forward. Since I think most of you former TGR'rs ought to still be friendly. :P

    Edit: :o

    I almost forgot:

    o/ IAA

    Good luck, guys! :D

  3. You realize from what Cheyenne had been telling me about being neutral there shouldn't have been any talk about entering the war anywhere right? Discussing dropping the treaty in one thread while discussing going to war in another almost gives credence to what I was saying about the decision already being made.

    I'm afraid you're going to need to explain that logic to me. I cannot think of any reason one would have to drop a treaty with an alliance just because one is entering a war on the "opposite side" unless one intends to attack said alliance. Which was definitely not the case. The possibility of activating our treaty with NSO had no bearing on the discussion about dropping the treaty with Soldier, and it did not come up during that discussion.

    And if it only almost gives credence, I think it does not help your point. :P

    Can't bs a bs'r.

    I don't like bs, and I do not use it when I present an argument. ;)

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