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jesse james

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Posts posted by jesse james

  1. In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

    The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.



    Our allies and friends in The Order of the Paradox have been attacked by Non Grata. Pursuant to Article IV of the The Second Concordia Compact, The Disciples of Destruction declare war on Non Grata.

    Signed by the Disciples of Destruction this day November 5th, 2013,

    Jesse James

    The Blessed,
    Raymond Jaeger

  2. Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. It is my pleasure to announce this fine winter day that The Sweet Oblivion is celebrating its third year on this crazy planet we call Bob. It has been three years since a small group of friends formed a close knit alliance. It has been three years since we started our very close relationship with TOP. It has been three years since every one of us chose to put our friendship before our pixels.

    Since those early days we have strengthened our ties with other alliances like TFD. We have fought to both victory and defeat. We have survived a terrible trial by fire and have come out even stronger from the effort.

    Today TSO is three years old. There is not one in our alliance that we would not fall on our swords for. We will lay it all on the line for any other alliance with whom we feel close. We are few, we are proud, we are dedicated, and we are not going anywhere.

    To all the haters out there, I pity you. While there will always be those long standing feuds that will last a lifetime, I think that getting to know each other anew is something that we should all give a try.

    Speaking of moving forward and new beginnings, there is a second part of this announcement. Our alliance is built on a triumvirate system. Two of our beloved commanders, Skingrad and Anakey have chosen to step down from their positions. With that, Mr Gross and Power have been voted as their replacements. Both new commanders have been with TSO from the rocky beginning and yet will surely bring about a new phase in inter-alliance relationships and camaraderie.

    o/ The Sweet Oblivion

    MrGross, Commander
    Power, Commander
    Jesse James, Commander

  3. [quote name='raasaa' timestamp='1329565224' post='2923327']
    Glad to see peace, even though the reps are exorbitant. I understand TOP getting reps from NpO, but why the heck is TSO getting reps ??

    Over the years i have seen Valhalla and IRON evolve and i must say i am thoroughly impressed. My respect for IRON and Valhalla only keeps increasing with every passing day/ :wub:

    Wish i could say the same about TOP, but they seem to be getting worse with every passing day.

    Happy rebuilding NpO o/
    IRON o/
    Valhalla o/

    Sam's doing, oh now it is blame the dead guy eh. Convenient since he is no longer playing. TSO's reputation as a bunch of traitorous scum will remain, forever. If you feel TOP is justified in exacting their revenge on Polar after 2 years, then you should not be surprised if TSO suffers the same fate in the near or far future.

    Apologize :o, Allies :o /facepalm
    Ah, we have decided that everyone needs a reminder that we still exist and that they should still hate us. People need someone to hate. it drives activity in this game, and if TSO can provide that then we are doing this game a service and everyone should be giving us tech for keeping people like you active.

    Also how wrong you are about my dear friend sam. sam has never left... because he taught others, like me, how to piss others off, show no mercy, and to do what we considered to be right. sam lives on!

    o/ sam

    also because they are the best allies we could have
    o/ TOP

    Also to IRON and Valhalla o/
    it has been an honor to once again right with you. you guys are great alliances and great people

  4. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1329541526' post='2923127']
    Judging by the five previous pages in this thread alone, I'm amazed that any clause about putting the past behind you managed to make it into this agreement. Sounds to me like you guys should go back to bashing each other around again to get it out of your system.
    Oh Gopher, how right you could be.

  5. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1329540342' post='2923103']
    Another curbstomp against Polaris ends and we once again survived against all the disbandment wishes, I would like to say thanks to all our allies and those who supported us through this war, I also would like to say thank you to Valhalla and IRON who didn't asked for reparations, my respect for both of you grow up after this, regarding TOP and TSO unhappily I can't express my feelings for this terms right now, but soon I'll.

    Just a reminder that TSO is still kicking against all disbandment wishes. thanks for the recognition.

  6. [quote name='elborrador' timestamp='1329535610' post='2922976']
    How on earth do you cowards have the audacity to take reps from a war you started for no valid reason?

    Reminds me how pathetic an alliance top and tso are....

    Congrats on peace regardless Polaris!
    It was all Sam's doing. blame him

    [quote name='Ciroton' timestamp='1329538929' post='2923060']
    Hopefully we can all move on and put an ugly chapter in both alliances history behind us. PERMANENTLY. Seriously, I am sick of hearing about "Bi-Polar this" and "Bi-Polar that." Congratulations go out to IRON for putting up a good fight. I wish I could say the same for TOP, but whatever. *Shrugs*

    o/ Peace and rebuilding so we can do it all again. Hopefully with different dance partners.
    Things never die in this game... how long did we hear "TSO this" and "TSO that" after we left MCXA. the first step in moving on it to have the remarks stop being made.

  7. [center][img]http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r120/archangeliggy/TSO_War_Flag.png[/img][/center]

    Per article V of the concordia compact, TSO issues this declaration of scarring.

    In the name of the Oblivion Membership, Ololiqui and Sam, TSO declares war on the New Polar Order. May the war be long and painful.

  8. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1314242819' post='2787964']
    Nobody is stopping you to declare war, instead of complain go and declare war. Oh wait! Those who complain about the lack of wars are the same who spend months and months trying to isolate someone for only then, declaring a war who is already won even before it starts...
    If you say so, I guess I should say thanks for thinking TSO has such a big role in these things.

    Also sometimes people just bring it on themselves.

  9. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1314148704' post='2787313']
    TSO is just the remainder of the upper tier of a sanctioned alliance that abandoned said original alliance and now calls itself 'elite'. Given its huge levels of inactivity I wouldn't put it amongst the top alliances anyway.
    First off, get off our past. We left over 2.5 years ago, seeing that someone still cares about that is kinda sad.

    Second, you have no idea on our activity level. besides that the only way to know who is "war-ready" is to have wars. It is kinda sad we have to do threads like this instead of having wars to begin with. We all say this game is slow, well that is because no one has wars. If we had wars like we use to maybe more people would play. It would also be better with more wars because then newer nations wouldnt be so dramatically uneven.

  10. [quote name='Kortal' date='23 February 2010 - 11:57 AM' timestamp='1266955236' post='2199390']
    HOWEVER, that doesn't mean we'll turn down needed military assistance if it doesn't actually violate the letter of the treaty, as we're understandably less likely to make decisions based on the spirit of the treaty as of this moment :x

    I hope that clears our reasoning up for you, I'd love to chat with you further if you like though

    lol MK needed military assistance against TSO when i can count the number of current wars with them on one hand? lol thanks. i guess that is a compliment. Hmmm I am a little worried about MK after this DoW, are they losing it? none the less honoring a treaty must be done if the person really NEEDS it i guess. see you on the battle field

  11. [quote name='Wootmeister' date='22 February 2010 - 07:21 PM' timestamp='1266895273' post='2198404']
    I feel like I can say congratulations on surviving one year without having to get involved in a political debate, so congrats.

    Whether or not you have acted with honor in other events during your existence, you have all been honorable in the conflict, at least in regards to GATO. I hope you have found GATO to be just as honorable in return.

    I'll send you a nice shiny nuke tonight as a birthday present (but don't worry, if you don't like it you can return it :P)

    I will be waiting for it, as you are at war with me. I will even turn let my SDI guys off tonight. Oh wait they are all on vacation already.

  12. HAHAHAHAHAhAHAHA. oh anyways, thats what all of you get. I hope this thread goes to show everyone that no matter what, this game is suppose to be fun. and if you cant have fun with the people you are fighting along side with then you are in the wrong spot. I guess most of you have to be on the bigger side to have fun. but whatever. I can honestly say my nation doesnt mean a thing to me, its the fun I had building it that did, and the fun when i get to nuke the people who attack me. heres to another year.

  13. [quote name='Locke' date='13 February 2010 - 09:30 AM' timestamp='1266082222' post='2179383']
    You can check for fakes by seeing if it matches with this: http://www.cybernations.net/spies_information.asp
    no it wasnt a fake, so then there is a bug i guess

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