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Posts posted by 1972ford

  1. I think personally GOP is just defending nuetrals in gerneral if i remeber correctly the MQ DoW stated they were going to move on to the next nuetral alliance when they were done with TDO so why not try to head it off while you have others already at war. Im actually surprised more nuetrals did not do exactly what GOP did MQ explicitly stated they were going to target nuetrals so why not hit them before they move onto you. GOP are just defending their way of playing the game.

  2. instead of complaining about whats going on do something about it. If you people feel that Kaskus and Mongols are in the right or just feel sorry for them take some heat off them and declare one of PBs alliances or target the kaskus mongols range to help them out.

    As a member of VE this war to me means not much but considering that I would like to see goons with larger warchest for the next war that means something for PB as a whole I can understand our bloc leaders for this decision. Maybe we are just tring to keep nations in selling range lol hell if I know.

    WTF should attack PB that would be awesome

  3. I think the problem lies in the fact that wars are won on the top and the top teir is pretty set in stone now we have top teir alliance that may perseive a threat from the nuetrals who controls most of the nations in their range by working togather to take out the nuetrals the active top teir alliances could then focus on their more viable threat their former allies against the nuetrals. this could do alot for the game given that neutrals fight back in some cases it would help close the tech gap and the percieved impossibility of ever recaing relavance. I see the top teir allainces instigating lots of short wars in the mid ranges of other alliances thus draining next teir's WC as they rebuild and fight more frequently. this could lead to more activity and a boost for the CN community as a whole

  4. I wont lie I need more tech so my nation can finally figure out the complexities of beer. I hear you need like 10k tech to be able to unlock the sercrets of beer and not the bonus resource of beer but real fluid beer that I need. need tech no money just tech.


  5. [quote name='General Scipio' date='25 June 2010 - 07:22 PM' timestamp='1277493748' post='2350237']
    But because I'm putting this much trust in your hands, the deal will be a 3/50 tech deal. Is the 1.5m really worth not having reliability? Post in this topic if you would like 50 tech today!

    I'll buy some from ya I am tired of being gipped lol

  6. Would you like to help us grow POT. We have a vision of being one of the largest and most active alliances in the game. We cannot do this without help that is why POT wants you!!! Join us on IRC #POT. We have reliable tech sellers and looking to balance POT with a good mix of small medium and large nations. You can PM me in game or chat with me or any of our gov on IRC to see what we are all about. Right now we are a sprouting alliance looking for members who would like to have a chance at getting gov positions as well as new nations that just want some growing and learning the ropes of the game. We are a fun bunch and cant wait to meet you guys. We always value the older nations that come and share thier knowledge of the game. We are a green alliance and work very dilligently to place all members into a viable and valuable trade ring.

    Sign up now at http://www.order-of-truth.com

  7. Thank you all for your support even though many are sad to see me leave VE lol. I'd like to thank VE for all the knowledge they have bestowed on me in my time there. Warr Acres was a nation of only a month when KARMA hit and I was prepared thanks to VE they have helped me grow and learn many aspects of CN that I would have never known otherwise. Even now with thier protectorate of POT they help not only myself but other who started and and joined us since. Thank you VE may we grow strong and proud just as you have.

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