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Posts posted by Platinum

  1. 22 hours ago, Rebel Virginia said:

    I know I used to give Legion a lot of grief about being lackeys, incompetent fighters, and cowards. While that may have been true over a decade ago the Legion of today is a very different animal. I can respect that.


    Pacifica on the other hand has not changed at all. They're the same schmucks as they have ever been. Thrash them, Legion.

    I can't believe you still exist.

  2. No, but I do remember the dissolution.


    Yet it was not NPO who declared war after its dissolution and everyone seemed to approve of Polar's declaration despite its initial (2006) historical brother-like stance with NPO. Thank you for bringing this up, this specifically helps point out how allies become former allies and eventually opponents with complete justification.
  3. Lol at the people who keep dropping my name to try and discredit the truth. NPO once had a higher calling, an inherent revolutionary drive to forge order from chaos. Creating more chaos from chaos to satisfy a grudge or avoid a harder ideological war does not result in order, what ever rationalizing is done by the OP. You have chosen to side with the lulzists in a conflict started by a satellite of DBDC without a casus belli.

    As the alliance which introduced concepts of civilization like the Casus Belli, maybe Pacifica should take a moment to think about the long term implications of this momentous declaration of war. Handing over the leadership of the revolution to Polar is a good start, since the valor of that ancient struggle is obviously just words to you now.

    Higher calling hm? Funny you mention that - as last war proved to be quite the antithesis to your higher calling as the founder of both our alliances never intended for them to go to war. Quite the opposite, to have a never-ending treaty. Guess what happened last war. Where was the real CB then? Although we do have a CB described quite accurately in brucemania's post, if we did not have one, should we justify to you, especially you, for not having one? Ironic, really.
  4. After the previous posts it is pretty obvious ditchboy doesn't know much about our stats or the rate of our wars, whether defending or when declaring. My previous nation got ZI'd several times during defensive and offensive wars  while in the NPO. Took a ton of nukes with pride, and never once tried to go into peace mode. I'm only one example out of many who have done the same if not more to protect our alliance and to further it's interests as well as it's friends'.

  5. This seems pretty much clear cut, the last war was "more than justified" with the exact same CB regarding political gain, sacrificing the time and effort of innocent Pacificans, yet when Pacifica makes one move that is under the same banner it is completely uncalled for? Although of course not the Hegemon with the intentions we had at some point, we're not about to back out and fade into the night and let ourselves be tumbled over the intricacies of the past. If Pacifica senses a force coming from remorse that will embody into a threat in the future, it is it's sovereign duty to act upon it. As our Emperor effectively worded it, we are all "swimming in the same mud"

  6. [quote name='Lord of Destruction' timestamp='1295933320' post='2598761']
    I definitely fought to ZI in Karma, don't know about you. Guess who didn't, who's a member of your alliance again? Teeters. Not a single pixel lost in Karma, and he joined MK to get out of reps. So why don't you denounce him instead of trying to say I'm not loyal, when I quite obviously was.

    You ''[u]quite[/u] obviously are'', member of MK . *Cough* ugh sorry. Bad throat ache.

  7. Wise words, Emperor! Let's take on these capricious members who repress the barriers of justice and maturity.

    o/, Onwards Pacifica!

    Disclaimer; Take a moment to consider who is the true 'evil' here: the unprovoking defender who has not harmed anyone in a year and a half, or the biased, resented and rancorous figures who wish to create a casus belli out of thin air.

    Good luck to all combatants.

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