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Kurt Christ

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Posts posted by Kurt Christ

  1. In Vespuccia, the parades today are like no other in the nation's history. On today falls International Labor Day, and workers' demonstrations fill the streets with marching, singing, and comemoration of Vespuccia's liberation from their imperialist, overseas tyrants. This day also marks the third anniversary of the founding of the Libertarian Socialist Federation, a pround international alliance to which Vespuccia, and its predecessor the Free South, claim membership. Perhaps most amazingly, today also marks the return of Vespoccia's militia forces from the war front with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, just in time to celebrate the momentous which day they had feared they must miss due to their duties on frontlines. This evening will feature speeches by militiamen, unionists, international revolutionary comrades, and will culminate in a rare puplic speech by renowned revolutionary and anarchist writer, Kurt Christ. All people of Vespuccia, international allies, and NATO dignitaries who want a bit of the peace pipe are invited to take part in the festivities. For those of the inclination, alcohol and cannabis shall be plentiful.



  2. In that case they're a bunch of pushovers. If they weren't in danger of anihilation- why surrender? Karma Alliances don't do it- why should Hegemony Alliances do it? This war smells fishy, Alliances with thousands of nukes and hundreds of nations not yet in anarchy surrendering. That's total !@#$%^&*. They could have taken down someone with them- I'm sure the huge and "respectable" NATO was capable of at least taking out a single Alliance.

    Nato- Huge, yes. Respectable, not anymore.

    So an alliance that surrenders after putting up a fight in a war they didn't start, against enemies that they didn't want to fight, against overwhelming numerical and military superiority, is a pushover? What die hard, gung-ho, never-surrender alliance are you representing, again?

  3. Excuse me for assuming people would know whom I'm talking about considering the massive war being waged against Pacifica by Karma.

    You mean excuse you for thorwing insults at a party, without saying who that party is, in the middle of a discussion about another party, leading to the impression that you intended it as a shot at the party being discussed, then acting self-righteous about it when your poor choice of words is pointed out to you?

    Yeah, I guess I can excuse you for that, at least this once.

  4. Functionally what Amp said. I think all socioeconomic theories are valid in the context of anarchism so long as they remain voluntary at their very premise, but I'm more of a preferential mutualist in terms of what I think will work best.

    Ah, I actually consider myself a mutualist, although the economic side of anarchism has never been quite as interesting to me as other factors.

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