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Posts posted by TheDarkFox102

  1. I had been under 'none' for less than 12 hours, and in my nation bio, it actually still stated i was part of TPF (i had forgotten to update my bio last night).

    Even so, back when i was part of FAN, we have the tech-target at least 12 hours notice of a coming attack, and on top of that, we didnt attack nations there were ACTIVE. Which i CLEARLY was.

    Suffice to say, i am not impressed with today's rules of engagement.

  2. In light of being attacked for absolutely no reason last night, the following nations: ColdNights of UPN

    UnderstoodCorrectnes of NATO (who just gave me an offer to join them, go figure)

    and mioterro of Dunder Mifflin

    have all participated in, from what i can tell, a coordinated and utterly unprovoked attack on my nation, La Nouvelle France. I spent yesterday shopping for a new alliance, and i was presumably singled out as a tech target.

    However, i do not stand for such unprofessionalism, especially when there are inactive nations to attack.

    I request that the leadership of these alliances, especially NATO, who i hold in such high regard, take action upon these nations. Prior to their dastardly attacks, i had not been given peace proposals, or communications of any kind. As i stated completely unprovoked.

    I hope the leadership of these alliances act under professional terms and seek justice for those who deserve it.

    -Jean Pierre

  3. Please consider NATO. We're a 250 man alliance with 15K average NS. We're allied to TPF through the Continuum and are MDPed to many of its allies, so we hang out at the same picnics.

    NATO is democratic and elects its Council every three months. The government of NATO is very approachable and it is possible for members to move up quickly if they're active.

    Please see our recruitment thread for more information: <a href="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=19191" target="_blank">http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=19191</a>

    I am familiar with NATO, and will consider the offer.

    If your not in the mood for a very small alliance or a very large alliance, you should consider The Centurion Brotherhood. We are an alliance with nearly 100 members and over 1,000,000 NS. We are always looking for new members. Although we are a larger alliance, we try to keep all of our members active. We have a senate that is elected every other month, and 3 Patriarch's that are elected for life. We are full of members that are fun to chat with and love to help others. We are quite active on IRC and on the forums. If you are interested, go to our Forums?.

    The name throws me off here. A 'brotherhood' is not something that is commonly titled in international politics. I don't think i'd want to align myself with that name.

    I'm not sure you are sexy enough for Norden Verein but you are welcome to apply. Being the oldest Germanic alliance in the game, we only accept the sexiest of applicants. You understand.

    My nation is French-based, german flavored alliances i left behind a long time ago. Also, pool's closed.

    Bonjour Jean Pierre,

    I wish to invite you to join M. Carter Brown.

    MCB is a 52 member, Orange alliance, allthough you can stay on your own colour if you prefer.

    We originate from the paintball forums of M. Carter Brown, where our name comes from, but we have also plenty non paintballers like me.

    I dont really know what you look for your alliance, so ill sum a few things up.:

    We have tech suppliers in our alliance and deals with other alliances, we can help you with getting in a trade circle if you want to change colour, we just had elections but there are other positions we can use you in, for example we are in desperate need of diplomats and IRC users.

    We have a new charter is being voted on now with more then 90% of the people voting for it, so that one should be in effect this week.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask them,

    ProdigyNL, Minister of Foreign Affairs of MCB

    <a href="http://z8.invisionfree.com/CN_MCB_Alliance/" target="_blank">http://z8.invisionfree.com/CN_MCB_Alliance/</a>

    I'm a pbreview guy myself, the mcarter boards are second-rate in my opinion. Thanks for the offer though.

    Well essentaily -AiD- is ace and needs more active people in it.


    Essentailly we used to be the 2nd oldest Brown alliance (after GATO), until we moved to the Orange sphere of win.

    We currently have 58 nations, an average NS of 15,183, and total NS of 880,643, making us a small alliance but quite strong for the amount of members.

    Due to the size of the alliance there is more of a chance of becoming a senoir member and expanding the horizons, but if this is not for you we are one of the most laid back and fun alliances there is in CN (this may be a lie, but no harm down hey), as the majority of the alliance enjoys sharing jokes pulling pranks and other such like trickery. If that is not enough we also have endless alliance wide infrastructure set up to keep us ahead of the game.

    Hope you enjoyed the reading, even if you dont join, (please join or i will get endless rick rolls)

    I don't get a big sense of maturity or professionalism from this alliance. Thank you for the offer anyway.

    We'll, being MADP'd to TPF you'd be staying on the same political end of things :P

    TORN is a small, tight-knit alliance, so if you have skills to make an impact somewhere, you can do it here. Link is in my sig.

    The word 'righteous' i don't want to affiliate with. Doesn't seem politically sound in my opinion. Thanks though.

    Any more takers? =]

  4. La Nouvelle France under the leadership of Jean Pierre.


    I started this nation about a year ago with FAN, then formed The Osirian Compact (now dissolved) and joined The Phoenix Federation. I've fought in two great wars, and several small alliance conflicts.

    TPF is a good alliance, and definitely worth staying on their side politically, but they're not geared towards my own ambitions.

    I would like to hear the cases of any alliances wanting to pick me up. I will consider joining small alliances just as much as joining larger ones, so don't feel shy to throw what you've got at me.

    Let's hear it....and....go!

  5. The Osirian Compact and The Samurai of the Sun are pleased to announce our official Non-Aggression Pact, in document.

    SotS and TOC agree that they do not want to hurt each other and want to announce it officially.

    Have agreed as follows:

    Article 1 - Agreement

    1.1 – Non-Aggression

    Both alliances signing this treaty must at all times be at peace with each other. There shall be no declarations of war or acts of espionage between either alliance, and neither alliance shall encourage hostilities towards the other in any form. No treaty or obligation outside of this document that might otherwise place the signatory alliances in conflict with each other shall nullify this state of non-aggression.

    1.2 – Aid

    During wartime and/or an economic depress, either alliance may request aid from the other. The other alliance is not committed or required to fulfill this request and in doing so will not create any hostilities between the alliances.

    1.3 – Hostilities

    Should any nation in either alliance perform any hostilities to any nation in the opposite alliance, they must offer immediate peace. The nation being attacked shall keep any retaliation to a minimum until the attacking nation has either offered peace or has shown they will not offer peace. The attacking nation will be required to pay reparations, the amount to be decided by the government of the alliance who was attacked.

    150% of damages done is the recommended amount, per this treaty.

    After the situation has been dealt with, the alliance that was attacked may review the treaty and make it null/void without 7 day grace period.

    Article 2 – Cancellation

    This NAP may be cancelled at any time by either alliance by notification in the other’s embassy. Should this treaty be revoked by either alliance, a seven (7) day grace period begins, in which neither alliance may declare war on the other, after which no such rules apply.

    Article 3 – Most Important Part

    3.1 – Swords

    The Samurai in SotS will let TOC play with their swords and will teach us their skillz.

    3.2 – Guns

    TOC will allow SotS to play with the guns TOC have stashed in the back room with the drugs.

    For the Osirian Compact:

    Jean Pierre (Chancellor)

    TallFreek (Vice Chancellor)

    The Osirian Hierarchs

    For the Samurai of the Sun:

    His Imperial Majesty Hobgoblin I,

    Emperor of the Samurai of the Sun

    Witnessed by Shogunate II

    Schurick (Foreign Affairs)

    Duke of Cool (Foreign Affairs)

    Fallinup (Home Affairs)

    Daiki (Home Affairs)

    Chalaskan (Defense and War)

    Iron Felix (Defense and War)

  6. I dont know why The Osirian Compact is being ridiculed.

    There are plenty of 4 to 10 man alliances in the world, that have been or are currently being crushed by raids for which this might be a saving grace. We ourselves have grown and combined forces by accepting small or dying alliances into our midst.

    So even though you are competition, Osirian Compact, we wish you well.

    This cat basically got it right. Why large alliances are even looking at a thread with the word 'merge' in it, i have no idea. Too busy pwning the cyberverse obviously [/sarcasm].

    Tallfreek and I get one or two offers a week about people wanting to merge thier war-torn alliances with us, hell, even right now we've got a couple in the mix.

    While you all were killing time spamming up this thread, we at TOC have at least started talking to a few people.

    This thread was an excellent tool to measure the maturity of some of these 'all powerful large alliances', and how the nations that make them up behave when another forum-goer accidentally posts a thread in the wrong forum.

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