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Posts posted by DeScepter

  1. Thank you Valhalla.

    I'd also like to thank everyone that has shown Cerberus support in the last 24 hours. I am happy that people seem to like our theme and name as much as we do. We have been planning to form this alliance for some time, and hope to maintain a small but active community with an atmosphere of fun.

    BTW, I designed our flag. I have heard some people complain that it is too simplistic. My goal was to keep it minimal, but easy to recognize. I've always preferred sleek and smooth design, so I like the flag. However, I would be happy to create an alternative one riddled with disco balls, rainbows and illegible text. Maybe lasers. Yeah...definitely some lasers.

  2. [center][IMG]http://i800.photobucket.com/albums/yy283/CerberusNetwork/Cerberus_Graphics/CerberusFlag.png[/IMG][/center]

    We are Cerberus. We are being protected by Valhalla. You can find us on IRC at #Cerberus, and our forums are located at http://s8.zetaboards.com/Cerberus/index/


    [quote][center][b][color=maroon]The Charter of Cerberus[/color][/b][/center]

    Cerberus is lead by The Illusive Man, three Commanders, and the Division Directors.

    [center][u]The Illusive Man:[/u][/center]
    The Illusive Man is the supreme leader of Cerberus and has final authority over all matters. He defers the day-to-day operations of Cerberus to the Commanders.

    The three Commanders oversee the day to day operations of Cerberus and handles all Foreign Affair matters. The Commanders are also responsible for all IRC channels both public and private operating under the Cerberus Network banner and will have absolute administrative control over the forums.

    Directors will be responsible for their individual divisions and the functioning of such. Each Director can be subject to review it if's deemed by the Commanders that their ministry has fallen into disrepair. Directors have full control of the daily operations of their respective divisions. However, the Commanders reserve the power to reverse any decision a Director makes if it is deemed detrimental.

    [center][u][b]General Membership:[/b][/u][/center]
    General Membership consists of Agents.

    Agents of the Cerberus Network: The bulk of Cerberus is formed by the Agents. The Agents may be comprised of the newest members of Cerberus and those who are not regularly or frequently active on the forums.[/big][/quote]


    [b]DeScepter, Cerberus Commander
    kylesan, Cerberus Commander
    Manfred, Cerberus Commander[/b]

  3. [quote name='Bilrow' date='04 February 2010 - 09:20 PM' timestamp='1265340051' post='2160156']
    Good luck in war.

    Should have started off the announcement like, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kHSOq7ODoY]"My name is ShanePrice, you know....what that means."[/url]


    You hold a special place in my heart Bilrow.

  4. People be hating on Admin? Why? Because he works his butt off for people he doesnt even know to provide a free service that we all utilize and spend countless hours on?

    Makes sense.

    I'm going to file a complaint against my favorite radio station for not playing enough music that I like and having too many commercials.

  5. This makes me sad to see come from one of the leaders in my alliance. I would think that we could show, if not respect, at least humility in a treaty cancellation thread. Coming from a founding alliance of the CoC, this is laughable at best and purely stoopid and antagonistic at worst. I really hope he meant to say best of luck to both parties involved, but was suffering from PwD syndrome. (Posting while Drunk). <_<

    You sexy man. BTW I am PwD, so my opinion means nothing.

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