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Posts posted by Hickersonia

  1. ive always wondered this, how do we know that CN is going to have an update? And what is it? anybody know?

    When people say "update time" they're generally talking about the time at which the server rolls over to the next day. This is at 1 AM Eastern time, midnight Central, and is the time at which you are again permitted to collect taxes and pay bills for the day.

  2. Hello there!

    This is just a friendly little bump for my favorite CN alliance, Aurora Borealis. Of course, it DOES make sense that Aurora Borealis is my favorite, since I'm a member, right? And Aurora Borealis members are my favorite CN players.

    Want to be my favorite, too? Join Aurora Today!

    This message was paid for by the Hickersonia Organization for World

    Domination. This message does not necessarily declare the views held by the

    citizens or official government of Hickersonia. If you didn't bring me a beer, I'm

    going to beat you up and steal your lunch money. All rights reserved.

  3. I think I'd be very pleased with twice-daily updates on TE. It wouldn't likely change how I play since I only have so much time in a given day (and I play to watch stats and enjoy friendships, not to fight fight fight like so many do), but it would be interesting to watch!

    I really don't see how players at midday update would be any more advantaged or disadvantaged than those who play at midnight update. It would be those that can manage BOTH updates consistently that would have a major advantage. I think it would be worth playing that way just for one round to see how it works. LOL Maybe each round the rules could be slightly different, adding yet another bit of uncertainty to how it will all play out.

    I, for one, wouldn't be able to be on at EITHER update, but it would give me an excuse to log in again in my evenings.

  4. No USN and MA, he then went with a few friends and formed Aurora Borealis.

    Free has it right in this case. Most people remember me in all sorts of alliances in which I was never a member... I can't quite figure out why this is so. LOL

    For quite some time I have restrained myself from posting here. I'm not entirely sure why, though.

  5. Not to bad, took the corporate plunge and am now part of the establishment I hated for years, it could be worse though, I'm not washing dishes at some greasy spoon diner :P

    Edited for a typo

    Ahh yes... no diner spoons with grease.

    I'm glad to see you continue to land on your feet.

  6. We, the members of Aurora Borealis, realize that the termination of longstanding bonds is both frustrating and arduous. We are not beyond recognizing this fact, and in truth, we embrace it as the reality human friendships. We seek reconciliation and a new beginning. Our formation is based on our mutual respect and the advancement of the Will of our members. We seek solace and balance in these trying times. So forth, let it be known that we Aurorans do ordain this charter in the name of Aurora Borealis.

    Constitution of the Spirits


    We, the brave souls of Aurora Borealis, do here ordain this charter in the name of freedoms and friendship We hold so dear. This document shall empower we brave Aurorans to protect the inherent rights of the Will of the alliance. These rights are the freedom of thought, the right of Brotherhood, and the right of Truth. The Will shall be carried out, ad infinitum.


    Willing Aurorans empowered by the Will shall be granted authority over their kinsmen. They shall swear to actualize the Will of the membership and disregard personal interest.

    Alliance Executive Authority

    The Grand Spirits shall carry out and defend the charter by any means granted to them by the Will. So let is be known while the Spirits' power is not bounded by this document, the Spirits are bounded by the Will of the membership so long as they holds their positions. Each Spirit may act independently as felt needed for the good of Will of Aurora Borealis, but in the event of any conflict between Spirits, two-thirds agreement amongst the Spirits is required. Two Spirits may remove the third, in the case the latter fails to defend and carry out the Will.

    The Triumvirate shall be composed of The Spirit of Earth, The Spirit of Sky, and The Spirit of Water.

    The Council

    The Council of the Wind shall be the chief determinants of policy and structure in the ministries over which they shall be given dominion. Until such time the Will sways in its choice of choosing leaders, the Council shall be appointed or removed by the Great Spirits. They may choose a deputy at their own discretion. Their responsibilities have been outlined below.

    West Wind- Finance

    Shall manage Auroan banking in times of peace and war

    North Wind- War

    Shall manage military structure and organization in times of peace and war. May authorize small strike attacks and may grant others in North Wind this privilege.

    South Wind-Internal Affairs

    Shall manage forums, recruitment, and communications.

    East Wind- Foreign Affairs

    Shall manage incoming and outgoing diplomat, as well as foreign and domestic embassies. May sign treaties at the discretion of the Spirits of the Earth and Will. May vote on treaties with The Spirits of Earth and Will.


    Ratification of this document may occur once the government officers outlined under the section titled "Alliance Executive Authority" have been decided. At that time, upon signature of all founding members and the executive government officers, this document of charter is to be effective as the highest law of all Aurora Borealis nation-states.


    We, the undersigned, agree to abide by this document, and to ensure the welfare of all nation-states that later choose to join Aurora Borealis:

    Hickersonia of Hickersonia

    The Evilest Eye of Neftyaniki

    Er the Mighty of Zeldane

    Welshgazza1992 of The Welsh Empire

    The fox of Leningrad

    Dan123123 of lgtromm

    Thank you for your attention. :)

  7. Thank you for the blank world map.

    /me saves file to hard disk

    What are the rules in your universe. Perhaps you could tell us more about your game before making us decide whether we want to join it or not? Or, if this is "just for your friends," maybe you could just simply refrain from posting it publicly for us all to view?


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