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tyler kaiser

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Posts posted by tyler kaiser

  1. So i've been in my first alliance for around 2 months now and i have accomplished a great deal while I've been there but recently i have grown dull to it all. My alliance leader gave me the ok to go but told me it would be hard to get my government position back. Now i'm torn between leaving and joining a bigger alliance or staying and keeping my high government spot. I need some real advice about this from people who have had the same issues.

  2. You're assuming my location and age.

    Dude. Just watch midget porn and relax, we're all friends here.

    i nominate Ejayrazz, his natural way of chillaxin makes him one of the funniest people in CN. i dont hang around the forums enough to get all the good stuff but Ejay always seems to stick out.

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